A PHP class that makes generating calendars as easy as possible.
You can use the addEvent() or addEvents() methods to mark events on the generated calendar.
This is fully compatible with PHP 5 through to PHP 8.1+
You can now install this class via composer.
$ composer require benhall14/php-calendar
Remember to add the composer autoloader before using the class and use the correct namespace.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use benhall14\phpCalendar\Calendar as Calendar;
Please make sure you have added the required classes.
You can apply styles in one of three ways:
- Using $calendar->stylesheet() after you have initialised a calendar;
$calendar = new Calendar;
- Using the calendar.css (or calendar.min.css) from the css directory;
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/calendar.min.css">
- Create your own stylesheet and add it to the head of your HTML document.
In its simplest form, use the following to create a calendar for current month. This will use all defaults (English, Week starting on Sunday, including stylesheet, printing to the page).
(new Calendar)->display();
Or, you can break it down with full customisability:
# create the calendar object
$calendar = new Calendar;
# change the weekly start date to "Monday"
# or revert to the default "Sunday"
# (optional) - if you want to use full day names instead of initials (ie, Sunday instead of S), apply the following:
# to revert to initials, use:
# use the French locale, with days and month names being translated to French.
# This uses the Carbon locales - https://carbon.nesbot.com/docs/#api-localization
# add your own table class(es)
$calendar->addTableClasses('class-1 class-2 class-3');
# or using an array of classes.
$calendar->addTableClasses(['class-1', 'class-2', 'class-3']);
# (optional) - if you want to hide certain weekdays from the calendar, for example a calendar without weekends, you can use the following methods:
$calendar->hideSaturdays(); # This will hide Saturdays
$calendar->hideSundays(); # This will hide Sundays
$calendar->hideMondays(); # This will hide Mondays
$calendar->hideTuesdays(); # This will hide Tuesdays
$calendar->hideWednesdays(); # This will hide Wednesdays
$calendar->hideThursdays(); # This will hide Thursdays
$calendar->hideFridays(); # This will hide Fridays
# (optional) - Translated Calendars - currently, there is only Spanish, but see "Translations" below for adding your own strings.
# if needed, add event
'2022-01-14', # start date in either Y-m-d or Y-m-d H:i if you want to add a time.
'2022-01-14', # end date in either Y-m-d or Y-m-d H:i if you want to add a time.
'My Birthday', # event name text
true, # should the date be masked - boolean default true
['myclass', 'abc'], # (optional) additional classes in either string or array format to be included on the event days
['event-class', 'abc'] # (optional) additional classes in either string or array format to be included on the event summary box
# or for multiple events
$events = array();
$events[] = array(
'start' => '2022-01-14',
'end' => '2022-01-14',
'summary' => 'My Birthday',
'mask' => true,
'classes' => ['myclass', 'abc'],
'event_box_classes' => ['event-box-1']
$events[] = array(
'start' => '2022-12-25',
'end' => '2022-12-25',
'summary' => 'Christmas',
'mask' => true
# finally, to draw a calendar
echo $calendar->draw(date('Y-m-d')); # draw this months calendar
# this can be repeated as many times as needed with different dates passed, such as:
echo $calendar->draw(date('Y-01-01')); # draw a calendar for January this year
echo $calendar->draw(date('Y-02-01')); # draw a calendar for February this year
echo $calendar->draw(date('Y-03-01')); # draw a calendar for March this year
echo $calendar->draw(date('Y-04-01')); # draw a calendar for April this year
echo $calendar->draw(date('Y-05-01')); # draw a calendar for May this year
echo $calendar->draw(date('Y-06-01')); # draw a calendar for June this year
# to use the pre-made color schemes, call the ->stylesheet() method and then pass the color choice to the draw method, such as:
echo $calendar->draw(date('Y-m-d')); # print a (default) turquoise calendar
echo $calendar->draw(date('Y-m-d'), 'purple'); # print a purple calendar
echo $calendar->draw(date('Y-m-d'), 'pink'); # print a pink calendar
echo $calendar->draw(date('Y-m-d'), 'orange'); # print a orange calendar
echo $calendar->draw(date('Y-m-d'), 'yellow'); # print a yellow calendar
echo $calendar->draw(date('Y-m-d'), 'green'); # print a green calendar
echo $calendar->draw(date('Y-m-d'), 'grey'); # print a grey calendar
echo $calendar->draw(date('Y-m-d'), 'blue'); # print a blue calendar
# you can also call ->display(), which handles the echo'ing and adding the stylesheet.
echo $calendar->display(array(date('Y-m-d'))); # draw this months calendar
Instead of a 'month view' calendar, you can now render as a 'week view'. To do this, simply use ->useWeekView(). Remember, when adding events to a week-view calendar, you need to include the time too (see events above).
$events = array();
$events[] = array(
'start' => '2022-01-14 14:40',
'end' => '2022-01-14 15:10',
'summary' => 'My Birthday',
'mask' => true,
'classes' => ['myclass', 'abc']
$events[] = array(
'start' => '2022-11-04 14:00',
'end' => '2022-11-04 18:30',
'summary' => 'Event 1',
'mask' => true
$events[] = array(
'start' => '2022-11-04 14:00',
'end' => '2022-11-04 18:30',
'summary' => 'Event 2',
'mask' => true
$calendar = new Calendar;
$calendar->addEvents($events)->setTimeFormat('00:00', '00:00', 10)->useWeekView()->display(date('Y-m-d'), 'green');
You can change the start/end times of the day, along with the time interval by using the ->setTimeFormat method:
$calendar->setTimeFormat('00:00', '00:00', 10)->useWeekView()->display(date('Y-m-d'), 'green');
# This will print a week view calendar with 10 minute slots from midnight to midnight - ie. 00:00, 00:10, 00:20 and so on.
You can now change the weekly start date from a Sunday to a Monday. To activate this, simple use the useMondayStartingDate() method before you 'draw'.
$calendar = new Calendar;
$calendar->display(date('Y-m-d'), 'green');
We now use automatically from the date and the setLocale() method. If you use ->setLocale('fr_FR'), then the days and month names will be French. For more information on the Carbon localization, see https://carbon.nesbot.com/docs/#api-localization
Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Benjamin Hall, ben@conobe.co.uk https://conobe.co.uk
Licensed under the MIT license
If you find this project helpful or useful in any way, please consider getting me a cup of coffee - It's really appreciated :)