A library built in Python to construct, backtest, analyze, and evaluate portfolios and their benchmarks, with comprehensive documentation and manual calculations to illustrate all underlying methodologies and statistics.
This program is free software and is distrubuted under the GNU General Public License version 3 ("GNU GPL v3")
© Benjamin M. Gross 2013
NOTE: Because so much of the underlying technology I'm continuing to build has become the building blocks for my financial technology startup, I've forked this repo (as of 5.2015) and made new changes private. I might continue to push some of the bigger changes to this repo to keep it open source, but we'll see.
: The building blocks of everything quantpandas
: extensively used (numpy
obviously, butpandas
depends on those)tables
: for HDFStore price extractionurllib2
: for Yahoo! API calls to append priceDataFrame
s with Dividends
For a full list of dependencies, see the requirements.txt
file in
the root folder.
To install the visualize_wealth
modules onto your computer, go into
your desired folder of choice (say Downloads
), and:
Clone the repository
$ cd ~/Downloads $ git clone https://github.com/benjaminmgross/wealth-viz
into thewealth-viz
directory$ cd wealth-viz
Install the package
$ python setup.py install
Check your install. From anywhere on your machine, be able to open
and import the library, for example:$ cd ~/ $ ipython IPython 1.1.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. ? -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features. %quickref -> Quick reference. help -> Python's own help system. object? -> Details about 'object', use 'object??' for extra details. In [1]: import visualize_wealth
"Ligget Se!"
file has fairly good examples, but I've gone to great lengths to autogenerate documentation for the code using Sphinx. Therefore, aside from the docstrings, when you git clone
the repository, use these instructions to generate the auto-documentation:
1. `cd /path-to-wealth-viz/`
2. `sphinx-build -b html ./docs/source/ ./docs/build/`
Now that the autogenerated documentation is complete, you can cd
$ cd visualize_wealth/docs/build/
and find full .html
browseable code documentation (that's pretty beautiful... if I do say so my damn self) with live links, function explanations (that also have live links to their respective definition on the web), etc.
Also I've created an Excel spreadsheet that illustrates almost all of the analyze.py
portfolio statistic calculations. That spreadsheet can be found in:
visualize_wealth > tests > test_analyze.xlsx
In fact, the unit testing for the analyze.py
portfolio statistics tests the python calculations against this same excel spreadsheet, so you can really get into the guts of how these things are calculated.
##Portfolio Construction Examples
Portfolios can (generally) be constructed in one of three ways:
- The Blotter Method
- Weight Allocation Method
- Initial Allocation with specific Rebalancing Period Method
The blotter method: In finance, a spreadsheet of "buys/sells", "Prices", "Dates" etc. is called a "trade blotter." This also would be the easiest way for an investor to actually analyze the past performance of her portfolio, because trade confirmations provide this exact data.
This method is most effectively achieved by providing an Excel / .csv
file with the following format:
Date | Buy / Sell | Price | Ticker |
9/4/2001 | 50 | 123.45 | EFA |
5/5/2003 | 65 | 107.71 | EEM |
6/6/2003 | -15 | 118.85 | EEM |
where "Buys" can be distinguished from "Sells" because buys are positive (+) and sells are negative (-).
For example, let's say I wanted to generate a random portfolio containing the following tickers and respective asset classes, using the generate_random_portfolio_blotter
Ticker | Description | Asset Class | Price Start |
IWB | iShares Russell 1000 | US Equity | 5/19/2000 |
IWR | iShares Russell Midcap | US Equity | 8/27/2001 |
IWM | iShares Russell 2000 | US Equity | 5/26/2000 |
EFA | iShares EAFE | Foreign Dev Equity | 8/27/2001 |
EEM | iShares EAFE EM | Foreign EM Equity | 4/15/2003 |
TIP | iShares TIPS | Fixed Income | 12/5/2003 |
TLT | iShares LT Treasuries | Fixed Income | 7/31/2002 |
IEF | iShares MT Treasuries | Fixed Income | 7/31/2002 |
SHY | iShares ST Treasuries | Fixed Income | 7/31/2002 |
LQD | iShares Inv Grade | Fixed Income | 7/31/2002 |
IYR | iShares Real Estate | Alternative | 6/19/2000 |
GLD | iShares Gold Index | Alternative | 11/18/2004 |
GSG | iShares Commodities | Alternative | 7/21/2006 |
I could construct a portfolio of random trades (i.e. the "blotter method"), say 20 trades for each asset, by executing the following:
#import the modules
In [5]: import vizualize_wealth.construct_portfolio as vwcp
In [6]: ticks = ['IWB','IWR','IWM','EFA','EEM','TIP','TLT','IEF',
In [7]: num_trades = 20
#construct the random trade blotter
In [8]: blotter = vwcp.generate_random_portfolio_blotter(ticks, num_trades)
#construct the portfolio panel
In [9]: port_panel = vwcp.panel_from_blotter(blotter)
Now I have a pandas.Panel
. Before we constuct the cumulative portfolio values, let's examine the dimensions of the panel (which are generally the same for all construction methods, although the columns of the minor_axis
are different because the methods call for different optimized calculations) with the following dimensions:
#tickers are `panel.items`
In [10]: port_panel.items
Out[10]: Index([u'EEM', u'EFA', u'GLD', u'GSG', u'IEF', u'IWB', u'IWM', u'IWR',
u'IYR', u'LQD', u'SHY', u'TIP', u'TLT'], dtype=object)
#dates are along the `panel.major_axis`
In [12]: port_panel.major_axis
<class 'pandas.tseries.index.DatetimeIndex'>
[2000-07-06 00:00:00, ..., 2013-10-30 00:00:00]
Length: 3351, Freq: None, Timezone: None
#price data, cumulative investment, dividends, and split ratios are `panel.minor_axis`
In [13]: port_panel.minor_axis
Out[13]: Index([u'Open', u'High', u'Low', u'Close', u'Volume', u'Adj Close',
u'Dividends',u'Splits', u'contr_withdrawal', u'cum_investment',
u'cum_shares'], dtype=object)
There is a lot of information to be gleaned from this data object, but the most common goal would be to convert this pandas.Panel
to a Portfolio pandas.DataFrame
with columns ['Open', 'Close']
, so it can be compared against other assets or combination of assets. In this case, use pfp_from_blotter
(which stands for "portfolio_from_panel" + portfolio construction method [i.e. blotter, weights, or initial allocaiton] which in this case was "the blotter method").
#construct_the portfolio series
In [14]: port_df = vwcp.pfp_from_blotter(panel, 1000.)
In [117]: port_df.head()
Close Open
2000-07-06 1000.000000 988.744754
2000-07-07 1006.295307 1000.190767
2000-07-10 1012.876765 1005.723006
2000-07-11 1011.636780 1011.064479
2000-07-12 1031.953453 1016.978253
###2. The Weight Allocation Method
A commonplace way to test portoflio management strategies using a
group of underlying assets is to construct aggregate portofolio
performance, given a specified weighting allocation to specific assets
on specified dates. Specifically, those (often times) percentage
allocations represent a recommended allocation at some point in time,
based on some "view" derived from either the output of a model or some qualitative
analysis. Therefore, having an engine that is capable of taking in a weighting file (say, a .csv
) with the following format:
Date | Ticker 1 | Ticker 2 | Ticker 3 | Ticker 4 |
1/1/2002 | 5% | 20% | 30% | 45% |
6/3/2003 | 40% | 10% | 40% | 10% |
7/8/2003 | 25% | 25% | 25% | 25% |
and turning the above allocation file into a cumulative portfolio value that can then be analyzed and compared (both in isolation and relative to specified benchmarks) is highly valuable in the process of portfolio strategy creation.
A quick example of a weighting allocation file can be found in the
Excel File visualize_wealth/tests/panel from weight file test.xlsx
where the tab rebal_weights
represents one of these specific
weighting files.
To construct a portfolio of using the Weighting Allocation Method, a process such as the following would be carried out.
#import the library
import visualize_wealth.construct_portfolio as vwcp
If we didn't have the prices already, there's a function for that
#fetch the prices and put them into a pandas.Panel
price_panel = vwcp.fetch_data_for_weight_allocation_method(weight_df)
#construct the panel that will go into the portfolio constructor
port_panel = vwcp.panel_from_weight_file(weight_df, price_panel,
start_value = 1000.)
Construct the pandas.DataFrame
for the portfolio, starting at
of 1000 with columns ['Open', Close']
portfolio = vwcp.pfp_from_weight_file(port_panel)
Now a portfolio with index
of daily values and columns
['Open', 'Close']
has been created upon which analytics and
performance analysis can be done.
The standard method of portoflio construction that pervades in many circles to this day is static allocation with a given interval of rebalancing. For instance, if I wanted to implement Oppenheimers' The New 60/40 static portfolio, rebalancing on a yearly interval, my weighting scheme would be as follows:
Ticker | Name | Asset Class | Allocation |
IWB | iShares Russell 1000 | US Equity | 15% |
IWR | iShares Russell Midcap | US Equity | 7.5% |
IWM | iShares Russell 2000 | US Equity | 7.5% |
SCZ | iShares EAFE Small Cap | Foreign Dev Equity | 7.5% |
EFA | iShares EAFE | Foreign Dev Equity | 12.5% |
EEM | iShares EAFE EM | Foreign EM Equity | 10% |
TIP | iShares TIPS | Fixed Income | 5% |
TLT | iShares LT Treasuries | Fixed Income | 2.5% |
IEF | iShares MT Treasuries | Fixed Income | 2.5% |
SHY | iShares ST Treasuries | Fixed Income | 5% |
HYG | iShares High Yield | Fixed Income | 2.5% |
LQD | iShares Inv Grade | Fixed Income | 2.5% |
PCY | PowerShares EM Sovereign | Fixed Income | 2% |
BWX | SPDR intl Treasuries | Fixed Income | 2% |
MBB | iShares MBS | Fixed Income | 1% |
PFF | iShares Preferred Equity | Alternative | 2.5% |
IYR | iShares Real Estate | Alternative | 5% |
GLD | iShares Gold Index | Alternative | 2.5% |
GSG | iShares Commodities | Alternative | 5% |
To implement such a weighting scheme, we can use the same worksheet
visualize_wealth/tests/panel from weight file test.xlsx
, and the
tab. static_allocation
. Note there is only a single row of
weights, as this will be the "static allocation" to be rebalanced to
at some given interval.
#import the construct_portfolio library
import visualize_wealth.construct_portfolio as vwcp
Let's use the static_allocation
provided in the panel from weight file.xlsx
f = pandas.ExcelFile('tests/panel from weight file test.xlsx')
static_alloc = f.parse('static_allocation', index_col = 0,
header_col = 0)
Again, assume we don't have the prices and need to donwload them, use
the fetch_data_for_initial_allocation_method
price-panel = vwcp.fetch_data_for_initial_allocation_method(static_alloc)
Construct the panel
for the portoflio while determining the desired
rebalance frequency
panel = vwcp.panel_from_initial_weights(weight_series = static_alloc,
static_alloc, price_panel = price_panel, rebal_frequency = 'quarterly')
Construct the final portfolio with columns ['Open', 'Close']
portfolio = vwcp.pfp_from_weight_file(panel)
Take a look at the portfolio series:
In [10:] portfolio.head()
Close Open
2007-12-12 1000.000000 1007.885932
2007-12-13 991.329125 990.717915
2007-12-14 978.157960 983.057829
2007-12-17 961.705069 969.797167
2007-12-18 969.794966 972.365687