This is a list of website domain names which meet the following criteria:
- Registration: The domain must be registered by "The City of Columbus", meaning:
- the government of the City of Columbus,
- or a department or subdivision or agency thereof,
- or the City Council or office thereof,
- or a contractor or subcontractor on behalf of "The City of Columbus"
- excluding independent agencies that overlap with the boundaries of the City of Columbus but whose existence is not engendered in Columbus' municipal code, such as:
- organizations established or chartered under state law, such as the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission, Metro Parks, the Central Ohio Transit Agency,and Columbus City Schools
- organizations funded by, but not chartered by, the City of Columbus
- Purpose: The domain must be for a service, program, or entity that is relevant to Columbus, but not if Columbus is only one of the municipalities relevant to that program.
- Domain: The domain name must be an effective second-level domain, meaning that it consists of a domain name plus an effective top-level domain, such as
. This excludes:- Columbus-specific subdomains of third-party domains, such as and
- Subdomains of Columbus-registered domains, such as
Because I saw a bunch of random URLs used in Columbus' official communiques, and got curious.