This is a project(website) that enables users to reserve travelling Tickets for agencies
#Pages 1.) Home Page -------> Kelson/Terence 2.) # Page-------> Babi 3.) Login Page--------->Alice 4.) SelectionOption Page-------> Benndip 5.) Select Region and Town Page-------->Serge 6.) Select Agency Page------>Peter/Alice 7.) Select Journey Page----->Herbet/Terence 8.) Ticket Page----------->Becky/Queen 9.) Settings Page---------->Queen(This is where a user can change his/her profile,language,....etc) 10.) Payment Page-------------->Babi/Benndip 11.) Location Page(show user Location, show the Location of the Agency that He/She is going to)------->Every body
#Before working git pull upstream master --rebase
After making a change git add ., git commit, gut push origin master, if you want me to add your change to the project, make a pull request,
Never do git push upstream master❌❌
#So we can begin working on our different pages
Please use the same folder structure as you saw on the folder you cloned. what I mean is.....Lets say you're doing # Page, go inside pages folder create a # folder create three for css,one file html,one for js with the same names #.html,#.css,#.js begining in Capitals if you use any images, plase put it inside images folder in the res folder then reference the image from there .