This is a command line PHP Script that takes a folder of images (all ImageMagick supported file formats) and combines them into a single file (or multiples files if you wish ;). It also creates a CSS file for you - ready to go.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me. // Benny
php kombine.php php kombine.php --sizes=16,32,64 --class-name=thumb php kombine.php -s16,32,64 -cthumb » This will create *16px*, *32px* and *64px* version of the images combined into a *single image* with *thumb* as class name in the css. php kombine.php --sizes=30x20,60x40 --dimensions=8 --format=jpg --class-name=thumb php kombine.php -s30x20,60x40 -d8 -fjpg -cthumb » This will create *30x20px* and *60x40px* versions of the images combined into a *single image* with *8 columns*, *JPG* format and *thumb* as class name in the css. php kombine.php --sizes=30x20 --names=custom --dimensions=8x2 --format=png --class-name=thumb \ --images-dir=styles/thumbs --styles-dir=styles php kombine.php -s30x20 -ncustom -d8x2 -fpng -cthumb --images-dir=styles/thumbs --styles-dir=styles » This will create *30x20px* version of the images combined splitted into *multiple images* with *8 columns* and *2 rows*, *PNG* format, *thumb* as class name and *custom* image version class name in the css. The final images will be located in the *styles/thumbs* folder and the css in the *styles* folder.
option type format defaults notes ------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------------------- -s | --sizes int .. or ..x.. 16,32,64 [width] x [height] -n | --names int 16,32,64 custom size names -d | --dimensions int .. or ..x.. ?x1* [columns] x [rows] -c | --class-name string thumb -f | --format string jpg|png|gif jpg --images-dir string images/ --styles-dir string styles/ --input-dir string images/ --output-dir string build/.. ** *) ? = total provided images **) a timestamp dir is always automatically added
Before using the generated images in production I suggest an optimization tool like optipng or jpegoptim.