This repository contains all files related to Persistence of Vision (POV) staff project. A detailed write-up of this project is available on Instructables at; you can also find there photos of the staff in action.
A guide for using the assembled staff and uploading images to it is available in this directory; see file and USER_GUIDE.pdf for PDF version.
This repository is organized as follows:
: this directory contains the source code for the staff softwarebinaries
: pre-complied binarieshardware
: design files for the custom PCBs used in the project, as well as STEP files for the 3d printed components.images
: sample image(s) andimagelist.txt
This project was created by Alexander Kirillov; it is based on earlier work of Phillip Burgess and Erin St Blaine from Adafruit. The project is available under MIT license; see LICENSE file for details.