(Adapted from monocle site)
Modifying immutable nested object in JavaScript is verbose which makes code difficult to understand and reason about.
Let's have a look at some examples:
interface Street {
num: number
name: string
interface Address {
city: string
street: Street
interface Company {
name: string
address: Address
interface Employee {
name: string
company: Company
Let’s say we have an employee and we need to upper case the first character of his company street name. Here is how we could write it in vanilla JavaScript
const employee: Employee = {
name: 'john',
company: {
name: 'awesome inc',
address: {
city: 'london',
street: {
num: 23,
name: 'high street'
const capitalize = (s: string): string => s.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + s.substring(1)
const employee2 = {
company: {
address: {
street: {
name: capitalize(employee.company.address.street.name)
As we can see copy is not convenient to update nested objects because we need to repeat ourselves. Let's see what could
we do with monocle-ts
import { Lens, Optional } from 'monocle-ts'
const company = Lens.fromProp<Employee>()('company')
const address = Lens.fromProp<Company>()('address')
const street = Lens.fromProp<Address>()('street')
const name = Lens.fromProp<Street>()('name')
takes two Lenses
, one from A
to B
and another one from B
to C
and creates a third Lens
from A
. Therefore, after composing company
, address
, street
and name
, we obtain a Lens
from Employee
(the street name). Now we can use this Lens
issued from the composition to modify the street name using the
function capitalize
Here modify
lift a function string => string
to a function Employee => Employee
. It works but it would be clearer
if we could zoom into the first character of a string
with a Lens
. However, we cannot write such a Lens
require the field they are directed at to be mandatory. In our case the first character of a string
optional as a string
can be empty. So we need another abstraction that would be a sort of partial Lens, in
it is called an Optional
import { some, none } from 'fp-ts/lib/Option'
const firstLetter = new Optional<string, string>(s => (s.length > 0 ? some(s[0]) : none), a => s => a + s.substring(1))
.modify(s => s.toUpperCase())(employee)
Similarly to compose
for lenses, compose
for optionals takes two Optionals
, one from A
to B
and another from
to C
and creates a third Optional
from A
to C
. All Lenses
can be seen as Optionals
where the optional
element to zoom into is always present, hence composing an Optional
and a Lens
always produces an Optional
The stable version is tested against TypeScript 3.1.6, but should run with TypeScript 2.8.0+ too
class Iso<S, A> {
constructor(readonly get: (s: S) => A, readonly reverseGet: (a: A) => S)
;(s: S) => A
Alias of get
;(s: S) => A
Alias of get
;(a: A) => S
Alias of reverseGet
;(a: A) => S
Alias of reverseGet
(): Iso<A, S>
reverse the Iso
: the source becomes the target and the target becomes the source
(f: (a: A) => A): (s: S) => S
(): Lens<S, A>
view an Iso as a Lens
(): Prism<S, A>
view an Iso as a Prism
(): Optional<S, A>
view an Iso as a Optional
(): Traversal<S, A>
view an Iso as a Traversal
(): Fold<S, A>
view an Iso as a Fold
(): Getter<S, A>
view an Iso as a Getter
(): Setter<S, A>
view an Iso as a Setter
<B>(ab: Iso<A, B>): Iso<S, B>
compose an Iso with an Iso
<B>(ab: Lens<A, B>): Lens<S, B>
compose an Iso with a Lens
<B>(ab: Prism<A, B>): Prism<S, B>
compose an Iso with a Prism
<B>(ab: Optional<A, B>): Optional<S, B>
compose an Iso with an Optional
<B>(ab: Traversal<A, B>): Traversal<S, B>
compose an Iso with a Traversal
<B>(ab: Fold<A, B>): Fold<S, B>
compose an Iso with a Fold
<B>(ab: Getter<A, B>): Getter<S, B>
compose an Iso with a Getter
<B>(ab: Setter<A, B>): Setter<S, B>
compose an Iso with a Setter
class Lens<S, A> {
constructor(readonly get: (s: S) => A, readonly set: (a: A) => (s: S) => S)
<S>(): <K1 extends keyof S>(path: [K1]) => Lens<S, S[K1]> // other 4 overloadings
// or (deprecated)
<S, K1 extends keyof S>(path: [K1]): Lens<S, S[K1]> // other 4 overloadings
type Person = {
name: string
age: number
address: {
city: string
const city = Lens.fromPath<Person>()(['address', 'city'])
const person: Person = { name: 'Giulio', age: 43, address: { city: 'Milan' } }
console.log(city.get(person)) // Milan
console.log(city.set('London')(person)) // { name: 'Giulio', age: 43, address: { city: 'London' } }
<S>(): <P extends keyof S>(prop: P) => Lens<S, S[P]>
// or (deprecated)
<S, P extends keyof T>(prop: P): Lens<S, S[P]>
generate a lens from a type and a prop
type Person = {
name: string
age: number
const age = Lens.fromProp<Person>()('age')
// or (deprecated)
// const age = Lens.fromProp<Person, 'age'>('age')
const person: Person = { name: 'Giulio', age: 43 }
console.log(age.get(person)) // 43
console.log(age.set(44)(person)) // { name: 'Giulio', age: 44 }
<S>(): <P extends keyof S>(props: Array<P>) => Lens<S, { [K in P]: S[K] }>
generate a lens from a type and an array of props
interface Person {
name: string
age: number
rememberMe: boolean
const lens = Lens.fromProps<Person>()(['name', 'age'])
const person: Person = { name: 'Giulio', age: 44, rememberMe: true }
console.log(lens.get(person)) // { name: 'Giulio', age: 44 }
console.log(lens.set({ name: 'Guido', age: 47 })(person)) // { name: 'Guido', age: 47, rememberMe: true }
<S>(): <A extends S[K], K extends keyof S>(k: K, defaultValue: A) => Lens<S, A>
// or (deprecated)
<S, A extends S[K], K extends keyof S>(k: K, defaultValue: A): Lens<S, A>
generate a lens from a type and a prop whose type is nullable
interface Outer {
inner?: Inner
interface Inner {
value: number
foo: string
const inner = Lens.fromNullableProp<Outer>()('inner', { value: 0, foo: 'foo' })
const value = Lens.fromProp<Inner>()('value')
const lens = inner.compose(value)
console.log(lens.set(1)({})) // { inner: { value: 1, foo: 'foo' } }
console.log(lens.get({})) // 0
console.log(lens.set(1)({ inner: { value: 1, foo: 'bar' } })) // { inner: { value: 1, foo: 'bar' } }
console.log(lens.get({ inner: { value: 1, foo: 'bar' } })) // 1
(f: (a: A) => A): (s: S) => S
(): Optional<S, A>
view a Lens as a Optional
(): Traversal<S, A>
view a Lens as a Traversal
(): Setter<S, A>
view a Lens as a Setter
(): Getter<S, A>
view a Lens as a Getter
(): Fold<S, A>
view a Lens as a Fold
<B>(ab: Lens<A, B>): Lens<S, B>
compose a Lens with a Lens
<B>(ab: Getter<A, B>): Getter<S, B>
compose a Lens with a Getter
<B>(ab: Fold<A, B>): Fold<S, B>
compose a Lens with a Fold
<B>(ab: Optional<A, B>): Optional<S, B>
compose a Lens with an Optional
<B>(ab: Traversal<A, B>): Traversal<S, B>
compose a Lens with an Traversal
<B>(ab: Setter<A, B>): Setter<S, B>
compose a Lens with an Setter
<B>(ab: Iso<A, B>): Lens<S, B>
compose a Lens with an Iso
<B>(ab: Prism<A, B>): Optional<S, B>
compose a Lens with a Prism
class Prism<S, A> {
constructor(readonly getOption: (s: S) => Option<A>, readonly reverseGet: (a: A) => S)
<A>(predicate: Predicate<A>): Prism<A, A>
<A>(): Prism<Option<A>, A>
(f: (a: A) => A): (s: S) => S
(f: (a: A) => A): (s: S) => Option<S>
(a: A): (s: S) => S
set the target of a Prism with a value
(): Optional<S, A>
view a Prism as a Optional
(): Traversal<S, A>
view a Prism as a Traversal
(): Setter<S, A>
view a Prism as a Setter
(): Fold<S, A>
view a Prism as a Fold
<B>(ab: Prism<A, B>): Prism<S, B>
compose a Prism with a Prism
<B>(ab: Optional<A, B>): Optional<S, B>
compose a Prism with a Optional
<B>(ab: Traversal<A, B>): Traversal<S, B>
compose a Prism with a Traversal
<B>(ab: Fold<A, B>): Fold<S, B>
compose a Prism with a Fold
<B>(ab: Setter<A, B>): Setter<S, B>
compose a Prism with a Setter
<B>(ab: Iso<A, B>): Prism<S, B>
compose a Prism with a Iso
<B>(ab: Lens<A, B>): Optional<S, B>
compose a Prism with a Lens
<B>(ab: Getter<A, B>): Fold<S, B>
compose a Prism with a Getter
class Optional<S, A> {
constructor(readonly getOption: (s: S) => Option<A>, readonly set: (a: A) => (s: S) => S) {}
<S>() <K extends keyof S>(k: K): Optional<S, NonNullable<S[K]>>
// or (deprecated)
<S, A extends S[K], K extends keyof S>(k: K): Optional<S, A>
interface Phone {
number: string
interface Employment {
phone?: Phone
interface Info {
employment?: Employment
interface Response {
info?: Info
const info = Optional.fromNullableProp<Response>()('info')
const employment = Optional.fromNullableProp<Info>()('employment')
const phone = Optional.fromNullableProp<Employment>()('phone')
const number = Lens.fromProp<Phone>()('number')
const numberFromResponse = info
const response1: Response = {
info: {
employment: {
phone: {
number: '555-1234'
const response2: Response = {
info: {
employment: {}
numberFromResponse.getOption(response1) // some('555-1234')
numberFromResponse.getOption(response2) // none
<S>(): <P extends OptionPropertyNames<S>>(prop: P) => Optional<S, OptionPropertyType<S, P>>
<S>(prop: OptionPropertyNames<S>) => Optional<S, OptionPropertyType<S, typeof prop>>
interface Phone {
number: string
interface Employment {
phone: Option<Phone>
interface Info {
employment: Option<Employment>
interface Response {
info: Option<Info>
const info = Optional.fromOptionProp<Response>('info')
const employment = Optional.fromOptionProp<Info>('employment')
const phone = Optional.fromOptionProp<Employment>('phone')
const number = Lens.fromProp<Phone>()('number')
const numberFromResponse = info
(f: (a: A) => A): (s: S) => S
(f: (a: A) => A): (s: S) => Option<S>
(): Traversal<S, A>
view a Optional as a Traversal
(): Fold<S, A>
view an Optional as a Fold
(): Setter<S, A>
view an Optional as a Setter
<B>(ab: Optional<A, B>): Optional<S, B>
compose a Optional with a Optional
<B>(ab: Traversal<A, B>): Traversal<S, B>
compose an Optional with a Traversal
<B>(ab: Fold<A, B>): Fold<S, B>
compose an Optional with a Fold
<B>(ab: Setter<A, B>): Setter<S, B>
compose an Optional with a Setter
<B>(ab: Lens<A, B>): Optional<S, B>
compose an Optional with a Lens
<B>(ab: Prism<A, B>): Optional<S, B>
compose an Optional with a Prism
<B>(ab: Iso<A, B>): Optional<S, B>
compose an Optional with a Iso
<B>(ab: Getter<A, B>): Fold<S, B>
compose an Optional with a Getter
class Traversal<S, A> {
constructor(readonly modifyF: <F>(F: Applicative<F>) => (f: (a: A) => HKT<F, A>) => (s: S) => HKT<F, S>)
an optic that focuses on multiple elements in a data structure. See fromTraversable
(f: (a: A) => A): (s: S) => S
modify each element focused by a traversal using the passed function
(a: A): (s: S) => S
set the value of each element focused by the traversal
(): Fold<S, A>
view a Traversal as a Fold
(): Setter<S, A>
view a Traversal as a Setter
<B>(ab: Traversal<A, B>): Traversal<S, B>
compose a Traversal with another Traversal
<B>(ab: Fold<A, B>): Fold<S, B>
compose a Traversal with a Fold
<B>(ab: Setter<A, B>): Setter<S, B>
compose a Traversal with a Setter
<B>(ab: Optional<A, B>): Traversal<S, B>
compose a Traversal with a Optional
<B>(ab: Lens<A, B>): Traversal<S, B>
compose a Traversal with a Lens
<B>(ab: Prism<A, B>): Traversal<S, B>
compose a Traversal with a Prism
<B>(ab: Iso<A, B>): Traversal<S, B>
compose a Traversal with a Iso
<B>(ab: Getter<A, B>): Fold<S, B>
compose a Traversal with a Getter
class Getter<S, A> {
constructor(readonly get: (s: S) => A)
(): Fold<S, A>
view a Getter as a Fold
<B>(ab: Getter<A, B>): Getter<S, B>
compose a Getter with a Getter
<B>(ab: Fold<A, B>): Fold<S, B>
compose a Getter with a Fold
<B>(ab: Lens<A, B>): Getter<S, B>
compose a Getter with a Lens
<B>(ab: Iso<A, B>): Getter<S, B>
compose a Getter with a Iso
<B>(ab: Traversal<A, B>): Fold<S, B>
compose a Getter with a Optional
<B>(ab: Optional<A, B>): Fold<S, B>
compose a Getter with a Optional
<B>(ab: Prism<A, B>): Fold<S, B>
compose a Getter with a Prism
class Fold<S, A> {
constructor(readonly foldMap: <M>(M: Monoid<M>) => (f: (a: A) => M) => (s: S) => M)
<B>(ab: Fold<A, B>): Fold<S, B>
compose a Fold with a Fold
<B>(ab: Getter<A, B>): Fold<S, B>
compose a Fold with a Getter
<B>(ab: Traversal<A, B>): Fold<S, B>
compose a Fold with a Traversal
<B>(ab: Optional<A, B>): Fold<S, B>
compose a Fold with a Optional
<B>(ab: Lens<A, B>): Fold<S, B>
compose a Fold with a Lens
<B>(ab: Prism<A, B>): Fold<S, B>
compose a Fold with a Prism
<B>(ab: Iso<A, B>): Fold<S, B>
compose a Fold with a Iso
(p: Predicate<A>): (s: S) => Option<A>
find the first target of a Fold matching the predicate
(s: S): Option<A>
get the first target of a Fold
(s: S): Array<A>
get all the targets of a Fold
(p: Predicate<A>): Predicate<S>
check if at least one target satisfies the predicate
(p: Predicate<A>): Predicate<S>
check if all targets satisfy the predicate
class Setter<S, A> {
constructor(readonly modify: (f: (a: A) => A) => (s: S) => S)
(a: A): (s: S) => S
<B>(ab: Setter<A, B>): Setter<S, B>
compose a Setter with a Setter
<B>(ab: Traversal<A, B>): Setter<S, B>
compose a Setter with a Traversal
<B>(ab: Optional<A, B>): Setter<S, B>
compose a Setter with a Optional
<B>(ab: Lens<A, B>): Setter<S, B>
compose a Setter with a Lens
<B>(ab: Prism<A, B>): Setter<S, B>
compose a Setter with a Prism
<B>(ab: Iso<A, B>): Setter<S, B>
compose a Setter with a Iso
<T>(T: Traversable<T>): <A>() => Traversal<HKT<T, A>, A>
create a Traversal from a Traversable
Example: reversing strings in a nested array
import { Lens, fromTraversable } from 'monocle-ts'
import { array } from 'fp-ts/lib/Array'
interface Tweet {
text: string
interface Tweets {
tweets: Tweet[]
const tweetsLens = Lens.fromProp<Tweets>()('tweets')
const tweetTextLens = Lens.fromProp<Tweet>()('text')
const tweetTraversal = fromTraversable(array)<Tweet>()
const composedTraversal = tweetsLens.composeTraversal(tweetTraversal).composeLens(tweetTextLens)
const tweet1: Tweet = { text: 'hello world' }
const tweet2: Tweet = { text: 'foobar' }
const model: Tweets = { tweets: [tweet1, tweet2] }
const newModel = composedTraversal.modify(text =>
// { tweets: [ { text: 'dlrow olleh' }, { text: 'raboof' } ] }
<F>(F: Foldable<F>): <A>() => Fold<HKT<F, A>, A>
create a Fold from a Foldable
lift an instance of At
using an Iso
<T>(iso: Iso<T, S>): At<T, I, A>
<A = never>(setoid: Setoid<A>): At<Set<A>, A, boolean>
<A = never>(): At<SM.StrMap<A>, string, Option<A>>
<T, J, B>(at: At<T, J, Option<B>>): Index<T, J, B>
lift an instance of Index
using an Iso
<T>(iso: Iso<T, S>): Index<T, I, A>
<A = never>(): Index<Array<A>, number, A>
<A = never>(): Index<StrMap<A>, string, A>