I'm a data analyst from Singapore, currently working at Essence, a digital advertising agency. When I'm not cracking my brain analyzing stuffs, I would tinker with some cool geeky stuffs on my raspberry pi or working on some webapps.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning: Cloud engineering, (Up next...) Golang, Ethical Hacking
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on anything awesome! (Well, almost anything will fascinates me, so don't be shy!)
- 💬 Ask me about: marketing analytics, cycling, hiking, and food!
- ⚡ Quirky fact: I've once camped in Sahara Desert.
Come on by to my personal blog bernard-mlab.com! I'm a believer of life long learning, and this site shares with my readers, my analytics & digital marketing learning journey in the digital marketing world. You can also check out the links above where I shares some of my thoughts occasionally.
If you saw value in something that I have created, please feel free to send over some love, give me a shoutout at @byeothoughts.