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Storage and execution API for Ludwig, the collaborative testing tool

API de stockage et d'exécution de l'outil de test collaboratif Ludwig.


Add ludwig-api: "sgmap/ludwig-api" as a dependency in your package.json, and then require it.

The ludwig-api module exports a single function that takes a single configuration object as a parameter and returns an Express middleware. This means you should use it somehow like this: app.use('/api', require('ludwig-api')(apiConf)), with app being an Express app and apiConf an object with values as follow.

  • mongoose: optional, if you want to reuse an existing Mongoose connection. If not, you will need to set the MONGODB_URL environment variable and have it point to a running MongoDB instance.
  • simulate: an async function that takes two params: the test object as stored in the database and a callback. You will have to call the callback with an error as the first parameter, and the execution result as the second.
  • onCreate: an opportunity to do something to a test when it is created. An async function that takes two params: the test object that is about to be stored in the database and a callback. You will have to call the callback with an error as the first parameter, and the possibly-transformed test object as the second. Optional, defaults to doing nothing.

Fill the database

To manage tests, you will need to fill the Users collection. The easiest way to do this is to define them in JSON in fixtures/User.json, and then run npm run load-fixtures.

If you want to add tests directly through shell, the name of the collection storing the tests is AcceptanceTest. Its schema is defined in lib/models.


Possible values

In order to display human-readable results, you have to define the possible values that will be computed by the API. These values are passed with the possibleValues option, as an array of objects with the following properties:

  • id: the value identifier that will be computed by the simulate function.
  • label: a complete label that will be displayed to the user.
  • shortLabel: a shorter label for the user to be used in table layouts.
  • hasMontant: boolean. Set to true if the expected value is a number, set to false otherwise.
  • uncomputabilityReasons (optional): object mapping IDs to labels, listing possible reasons why the value could be uncomputable. If set, will give the option to the user to mark that the value is not computable.

Uncomputability for an item is handled by convention, through a generated item that will have the id of the uncomputable item, suffixed by _non_calculable, and whose values are keys of the uncomputabilityReasons object.


Only logged-in users may filter and modify tests.

If no user is defined in the database when you first start the app, a test user will be added for you. See the fixtures folder to get its login information.

Public routes

A path is accessible without being logged-in: <api mount point>/public/acceptance-tests.

  • GETting this route will return an JSON-encoded array listing all validated tests available in the database. The keyword query may be used to list only validated tests with all specified keywords.
  • POSTing to this route will create a new acceptance test in unclaimed state. However, one will need to be authenticated to edit it.