Headless Notion page rendering engine for Svelte. Simply fetch a page and render it as you want with snippets. Lightweight, fully typed and no runtime dependencies.
pnpm add svelte-headless-notion
npm install svelte-headless-notion
The documentation here is a notion page itself rendered with this librairy. The source code of this page is here
- Notion API token
- Svelte >= 5.0
// src/routes/+page.server.ts
import { getPage } from 'svelte-headless-notion/server';
export const load = async () => {
// This very slow you will obsiously want to chache it somewhere and make a custom SWR logic.
const page = await getPage({
return {
<!-- src/routes/+page.svelte -->
<script lang="ts">
import Page from 'svelte-headless-notion';
let { data } = $props();
<Page page={data.data}>
<!-- Example snippet to render a paragraph block -->
{#snippet paragraph({ block, children, content })}
{@render content()}
{@render children()}
<!-- Define other block snippet here (callout, image, pdf, child_database, etc...) -->