python 3.6.13
Keras 2.3.1
Tensorflow 2.1.0
gdal 2.2.2
scikit-learn 0.23.2
git clone
cd Label-Pixels
- Create an environment and install above packages OR install with
file in Anaconda - Note:
file created withconda env export > environment.yml
command in Anaconda
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate label-pixels
cd tools
- Creates labels with shapefiles
- The projection of imagery and shapefiles should be same
- Projection units should be in meters if you want to buffer line feature
not required for polygon--labels_atr
not required for line and single class- output directory has to create to save label images
Ex: ../data/spacenet/labels/
options | Description |
--help | Print usage information |
--raster_dir | Directory that contains raster image/images |
--vector_dir | Directory that contains vector files with the same projection as raster data. And name of the vector and raster files should be same. |
--raster_format | Raster format of the image/images |
--vector_format | Vector format ex: shp, geojson, etc. |
--output_dir | Output directory to save labels |
--buffer | Buffer length for line feature. Not required for polygon |
--buffer_atr | Attribute from the vector file, this attribute can be buffer width and it multiplies with --buffer . |
--labels_atr | Attribute from the vector file, pixels inside the polygon will be assigned by its attribute value. |
python --raster_dir ../data/spacenet/raster/ --raster_format tif --vector_dir ../data/spacenet/vector/ --vector_format shp --buffer 2 --output_dir ../data/spacenet/labels/ --label_atr partialDec --buffer_atr lanes
python --raster_dir ../data/spacenet/raster/ --vector_dir ../data/spacenet/vector_multi/ --vector_format shp --output_dir ../data/spacenet/labels/ --label_atr value
- Generate patches from images/tiles
- To generate patches for train, test and validation sets, the command needs to be run three times
- Name of image and label files should be same
- Output directory has to create to save patches
Ex: ../data/mass_patches/
options | Description |
--image_folder | Folder of input images/tiles with directory |
--image_format | Image format tiff/tif/jpg/png |
--label_folder | Folder of label images with directory |
--label_format | Label format tiff/tif/jpg/png |
--patch_size | Patch size to feed network. Default size is 256 |
--overlap | Overlap between two patches on image/tile (units: pixels) |
--output_folder | Output folder to save patches |
python --image_folder ../data/mass_sample/test/image/ --image_format tiff --label_folder ../data/mass_sample/test/roads_and_buildings/ --label_format tif --patch_size 256 --output_folder ../data/mass_patches/
- Save directories of patches in CSV file instead of reading patches from folders directly
- Output directory has to create to save the csv files
Ex: ../paths/
options | Description |
--image_folder | Folder of image patches with directory |
--image_format | Image format tif ( save patches in tif format) |
--label_folder | Folder of label patches with directory |
--label_format | Label format tif ( save patches in tif format) |
--patch_size | Patch size to feed network. Default size is 256 |
--output_csv | csv filename with directory |
python --image_folder ../data/mass_patches/image/ --label_folder ../data/mass_patches/label/ --output_csv ../paths/data_rnb.csv
- Training FCNs (UNet, SegNet, ResUNet and UNet-Mini) for semantic segmentation
- For Binary classification,
--num_classes = 1
- For Binary classification with one-hot encoding,
--num_classes = 2
- For multi class classification,
--num_classes = number of target classes (>1)
options | Description |
--model | Name of the FCN model. Existing models are unet, unet_mini, segnet and resunet |
--train_csv | CSV file name with directory, consists of directories of image and label patches of training set. |
--valid_csv | CSV file name with directory, consists of directories of image and label patches of validation set. |
--input_shape | Input shape of model to feed patches (patch_size patch_size channels) |
--batch_size | Batch size, depends on GPU/CPU memory |
--num_classes | Number of classes in labels data |
--epochs | Number of epochs |
python --model unet_mini --train_csv ../paths/data_rnb.csv --valid_csv ../paths/data_rnb.csv --input_shape 256 256 3 --batch_size 4 --num_classes 3 --epochs 100
- Calculates the accuracy using different accuracy metrics.
- IoU, F1-Score, Precision and Recall
options | Description |
--input_shape | Input shape of model (patch_size, patch_size, channels) |
--weights | Trained model with directory |
--csv_paths | CSV file name with directory, consists of directories of image and label patches of test set. |
--num_classes | Number of classes in labels data |
python --model unet_mini --input_shape 256 256 3 --weights ../trained_models/unet_mini300_06_07_20.hdf5 --csv_paths ../paths/data_rnb.csv --num_classes 3
- Predicts the entire image/tile with trained model.
- Output directory has to create to save the predicted images
Ex: ../data/predictions/
options | Description |
--input_shape | Input shape of model (patch_size, patch_size, channels) |
--weights | Trained model with directory |
--image_folder | Folder of input images/tiles with directory |
--image_format | Image format tiff/tif/jpg/png |
--output_folder | Output folder to save predicted images/tiles |
python --model unet_mini --input_shape 256 256 3 --weights ../trained_models/unet_mini300_06_07_20.hdf5 --image_folder ../data/mass_sample/test/image/ --image_format tiff --output_folder ../data/predictions/ --num_classes 3
- Summary of FCNs
- Useful to check the configuration of Fully Convolutional Networks
- Replace
unet, segnet and resunet
to check configuration of all netowrks
options | Description |
--model | Name of FCN model. Existing models are unet, unet_mini, segnet and resunet |
--input_shape | Input shape of model to feed (patch_size patch_size channels) |
--num_classes | Number of classes to train |
python --model unet_mini --input_shape 256 256 3 --num_classes 3
- Massachusetts Benchmark datasets for Roads and Buildings extraction +Mnih - List of Benchmark datasets for semantic segmentation, object detection from remote sensing imagery -datasets
Open issue or mail me 👉