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Bigbluebutton already has live captioning for its meetings but Text-Track-Service is a project to help bigbluebutton auto-generate captions for their videos using multiple paid and free services. This project aims to make the software more accessible to students/users with hearing disabilities. This makes it easier for students/users that want to go back to a class/meeting and see the video again with captions. The documentation is for BigBlueButton admins that want to set up the text-track-service on a server already running with bigbluebutton to generate captions.

You can try it out here:-

The video player will have a cc button. Click it and you should see captions for your video.

Here is a simple diagram of how it works:- Text-Track-Service Diagram

In this installation we will show you how to set up the Text-Track application piece of the puzzle & also how to create and use your account for the services you want.

Before install

You should have ssh access to a server with BigBlueButton already installed.

Instructions to set up Text-track-service with IBM

1. Set up texttrack user on the server

We need to first set up a separate user for our text-track service.

Steps to set up

adduser texttrack
usermod -aG sudo texttrack
su texttrack (switch to texttrack user)

Steps to test

sudo ls -la /root

2. Set up docker on the server

Now we need to set up docker to make maintaining and updating the application easier.

Check if you have docker installed

docker --version

If you don't have docker installed please follow the steps given at Docker install for more information.

Steps to test

sudo docker run hello-world

3. Set up docker-compose on the server

Docker-compose is again just easier maintenance.

Steps to set up Follow instructions at:- Docker-compose install

Steps to test

docker-compose --version

3. Add texttrack user to docker

Adding the texttrack user to docker will allow texttrack to access the files created by docker.

sudo usermod -a -G docker texttrack

4. Create dir & clone github repo

We need to install git in order to clone our application from Github.

Steps to set up

sudo apt update
sudo apt install git

Steps to test

git --version

Now that we are set up with what we need, we can now clone the application from the github repo. Clone repo

cd /var
sudo mkdir docker
sudo chown texttrack:textrack /var/docker
cd docker
git clone
cd text-track-service

5. Set up credentials(IBM) & test

The installation instructions are for IBM if you want to use another service visit this link: Google Docs services Follow instructions for setting up the service you want.

Steps to set up:

# to IBM at: Ibm sign-up After signing in you should be able to see the dashboard. Click on Watson in the left menu. Click on get started (convert audio into text) then you can give service name and/or tag name here. And select the blue create button in the right panel. You can give the service name of your choice. Then click create. Click on manage in the left panel and you will be able to see your credentials.

Save your apikey & url given.

In order to test your IBM credentials we have a audio_temp.flac file for you to test with in /var/docker/text-track-service/test_dir Steps to test

once you have your IBM api_key & url open terminal and do the following: (make sure to replace {apikey} & {url} with your credentials)

cd /var/docker/text-track-service/test_dir

curl -X POST -u "apikey:{apikey}" \
--header "Content-Type: audio/flac" \
--data-binary @audio_temp.flac \

6. Add your service credentials in credentials.yaml file

Now that you have signed up to a service we need to tie that service with the application using your account. After you copy example-credentials as credentials it already has placeholders for all services based on what information is needed. Edit your information in and make sure you have all information need by that service.

Steps to set up

cp example-credentials.yaml credentials.yaml

Now edit your information in credentials.yaml (you can refer example-credentials.yaml file in /var/docker/text-track-service)

(extra step for google account) create auth/google_auth_file.json and add file name to credentials.yaml (make sure google auth file owner is texttrack)

7. Set up systemd files

Now we want to set up the application to start, stop and restart by itself, so we are going to set up some systemd files to do that for us.

Steps to set up

cd /var/docker/text-track-service/systemd
sudo cp tts-docker.service /etc/systemd/system
sudo systemctl enable tts-docker

sudo chmod -R a+rX /var/docker/text-track-service/tmp/*

sudo systemctl start tts-docker

Steps to test

sudo journalctl -u tts-docker -f (see tailed logs)

Expected Result: You should get the following result: ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError: FATAL: database "myapp_development" does not exist

8. Open new terminal to set up new db

Now we need to fix the error we got for no database. In a new terminal launch the commands below to set up your database.

Steps to set up

cd /var/docker/text-track-service
sudo rm -R tmp/db

sudo chmod -R a+rX tmp/*
sudo chmod -R a+rX *
sudo docker-compose exec --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" website rails db:create

sudo chmod -R a+rX tmp/*
sudo chmod -R a+rX *
sudo docker-compose exec --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" website rails db:migrate

Add the following line to the end of the visudo file:

sudo visudo
texttrack ALL = NOPASSWD: /var/docker/text-track-service/

Save and close the file

cd /var/docker/text-track-service

Steps to test

sudo journalctl -u tts-docker -f 

(You should no longer get a no db error)

Expected Result:

After creating databse now you should see lines that say your database has been created similar to:

 (200.3ms)  CREATE DATABASE "myapp_development" ENCODING = 'unicode'
  ↳ bin/rails:11
Created database 'myapp_development'
   (103.8ms)  CREATE DATABASE "myapp_test" ENCODING = 'unicode'
  ↳ bin/rails:11
Created database 'myapp_test'

After migrating database you should see output similar to:

(21.9ms)  CREATE TABLE "schema_migrations" ("version" character varying NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY)
  ↳ bin/rails:11
   (11.6ms)  CREATE TABLE "ar_internal_metadata" ("key" character varying NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "value" character varying, "created_at" timestamp NOT NULL, "updated_at" timestamp NOT NULL)
  ↳ bin/rails:11
   (0.5ms)  SELECT pg_try_advisory_lock(7864839756650184315)
  ↳ bin/rails:11
   (0.7ms)  SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC
  ↳ bin/rails:11
Migrating to CreateCaptions (20190709150627)
   (0.2ms)  BEGIN
  ↳ bin/rails:11
== 20190709150627 CreateCaptions: migrating ===================================
-- create_table(:captions)
   (11.5ms)  CREATE TABLE "captions" ("id" bigserial primary key, "record_id" character varying, "service" character varying, "status" character varying, "caption_locale" character varying, "error" character varying, "bbb_url" character varying, "bbb_checksum" character varying, "kind" character varying, "label" character varying, "processtime" character varying, "start_time" character varying, "end_time" character varying, "created_at" timestamp NOT NULL, "updated_at" timestamp NOT NULL)
  ↳ db/migrate/20190709150627_create_captions.rb:6
   -> 0.0127s
== 20190709150627 CreateCaptions: migrated (0.0127s) ==========================

  ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.4ms)  INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES ($1) RETURNING "version"  [["version", "20190709150627"]]
  ↳ bin/rails:11
   (1.9ms)  COMMIT
  ↳ bin/rails:11
  ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata Load (0.5ms)  SELECT  "ar_internal_metadata".* FROM "ar_internal_metadata" WHERE "ar_internal_metadata"."key" = $1 LIMIT $2  [["key", "environment"], ["LIMIT", 1]]
  ↳ bin/rails:11
   (0.1ms)  BEGIN
  ↳ bin/rails:11
  ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata Create (0.4ms)  INSERT INTO "ar_internal_metadata" ("key", "value", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4) RETURNING "key"  [["key", "environment"], ["value", "development"], ["created_at", "2020-01-15 15:39:41.277333"], ["updated_at", "2020-01-15 15:39:41.277333"]]
  ↳ bin/rails:11
   (1.1ms)  COMMIT
  ↳ bin/rails:11
   (0.4ms)  SELECT pg_advisory_unlock(7864839756650184315)
  ↳ bin/rails:11
   (0.3ms)  SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC
  ↳ bin/rails:11

9. Add info to bigbluebutton.yml file on bbb server

The application needs some information about the BigBlueButton server to put the captions back onto the bbb server. Update the bigbluebutton.yml file with the needed information.

cd /usr/local/bigbluebutton/core/scripts/

To find your secret: bbb-conf -secret (shared secret) Set up tts-secret in credentials.yaml and then enter that in /usr/local/bigbluebutton/core/scripts/bigbluebutton.yml

sudo vim bigbluebutton.yml

presentation_dir: /var/bigbluebutton/published/presentation
shared_secret: secret
temp_storage: /var/bigbluebutton/captions
tts_shared_secret: {tts-secret}

10. Edit post_publish.rb & start rap-caption-inbox worker

Now finally we need the bbb server to send the caption request to text-track application. This is done by the post publish file, we already have one set up for you. Copy it onto your server and your requests can now be sent to the text-track application from bbb server.

cd /usr/local/bigbluebutton/core/scripts/post_publish/

Make sure you have ffmpeg installed:

sudo apt-get install ffmpeg

Make sure you have the following gems installed:

cd /usr/local/bigbluebutton/core/scripts/post_publish/
sudo gem install rest-client
sudo gem install speech_to_text
sudo gem install jwt

(Replace your post_publish.rb with the one in /var/docker/text-track-service)

sudo cp /var/docker/text-track-service/post_publish.rb root@your_server:/usr/local/bigbluebutton/core/scripts/post_publish  (use if bbb and text-track-service are running on different server)
sudo cp /var/docker/text-track-service/post_publish.rb /usr/local/bigbluebutton/core/scripts/post_publish  (use if bbb and text-track-service are running on same server)

To change the service you are using in post_publish.rb just add service name to the end of the request url(deepspeech is default)

request =
    method: :get,
    url: "http://localhost:4000/caption/#{meeting_id}/en-US/",
    payload: { :file =>"#{temp_storage}/#{meeting_id}/#{meeting_id}.wav", 'rb'),
               :token => token }

eg. http://localhost:4000/caption/#{meeting_id}/en-US/google
eg. http://localhost:4000/caption/#{meeting_id}/en-US/ibm
eg. http://localhost:4000/caption/#{meeting_id}/en-US/speechmatics
eg. http://localhost:4000/caption/#{meeting_id}/en-US/threeplaymedia
eg. http://localhost:4000/caption/#{meeting_id}/en-US/deepspeech or http://localhost:4000/caption/#{meeting_id}/en-US/ (deepspeech is default)

Also we need to set up rap caption inbox worker as the application only drops the captions in the inbox folder. The rap caption inbox worker will be the one to move them from inbox to the presentation dir so your video can finally have captions.

Text-Track-Service only drops the files in the inbox folder at /var/bigbluebutton/captions/inbox Now the rap-caption-inbox.rb should move it to the presentation dir(/var/bigbluebutton/published/presentation/<record-id>) to start it run the foll command:

cd /var/docker/text-track-service
sudo cp rap-caption-inbox.rb /var/bigbluebutton/captions/inbox/rap-caption-inbox.rb (copy file from repo)
cd /var/bigbluebutton/captions/inbox

sudo chown root:root /usr/local/bigbluebutton/core/scripts/rap-caption-inbox.rb
sudo chmod ugo+x /usr/local/bigbluebutton/core/scripts/rap-caption-inbox.rb
sudo systemctl start bbb-rap-caption-inbox.service

11. Record a meeting and check for vtt

Finally make a recording/meeting on your server. Look at the logs to make sure it processes successfully(sudo journalctl -u tts-docker -f) Check the presentation folder of the record_id to see if a vtt file was generated. This can be found at (/var/bigbluebutton/published/presentation/<record_id>) If there is a vtt file you have successfully transcribed your first meeting using IBM.

Your video should now have captions.


If you followed Step 7 your should be able to see tailed logs with the following command

sudo journalctl -u tts-docker -f

fix any errors shown and then re-deploy by running in the root folder

  • If the logs do not show any errors but you are missing the vtt file in the presentation folder check the inbox folder at /var/bigbluebutton/captions/inbox/ (You should see a json and txt file.)
  • This means that the text track has done its job and the rap caption worker is not moving the files to the right location.
  • To fix this you can copy the rap-caption-inbox.rb file from the repo to your bbb server at /usr/local/bigbluebutton/core/scripts/ & make sure the owner is root.
  • Last step is make sure the rap-caption-work.rb has correct execute permissions if not just run the following command:
sudo chmod ugo+x /usr/local/bigbluebutton/core/scripts/rap-caption-inbox.rb
sudo systemctl start bbb-rap-caption-inbox.service

Other services

Here is a link to a google docs for signing up to the services: Google Docs services To use other services you need to edit credentials.yaml file with the details required Reference example-credentials.yaml for needed information Finally edit post_publish.rb to use the new selected service as discussed in Step 10.

sudo vim /usr/local/bigbluebutton/core/scripts/post_publish/post_publish.rb
On line 113 add ibm or the service you want to (http://localhost:4000/caption/#{meeting_id}/en-US/) to the end of the line eg. http://localhost:4000/caption/#{meeting_id}/en-US/ibm
save & exit

To set up your own deepspeech server follow instructions at: Github deepspeech-web

Install & use api commands for information

We can now set up api commands that will give us all the information about the recordings processed by the application.

Install api commands

cd /var/docker/text-track-service/commands
./ (run api config file)

you can now use the commands from anywhere in the terminal as long as you are ssh into the server

Info-Api usage:

Command Result
tts-all shows list of all record-ids sent to the text-track-service
tts-processed list of all successfully processed record-ids
tts-failed list of all failed to process record-ids
tts-record <record_id> get data for specific record_id
tts-delete <record_id> delete data about a specific recording from text-track-service
tts-delete-all delete all data about recordings from text-track-service

Edit api

We have also have an api endpoint that makes it possible to download a vtt file, audio file for a specific recording. After this you can edit the vtt(caption) file and reupload to the server with the api, thus updating the captions.

We need the following information for all the api's

Heading Description
record_id Which recording are you trying to access
site Address of the bigbluebutton server with your recording
checksum every api request requires a checksum for authentication
bbb_secret your bigbluebutton server secret you are trying to access
tts_secret your tts application secret as the api endpoint is from tts
request which request do you want (download_vtt/download_audio/upload_vtt)

Below are some examples of how to send a request in ruby. Note we are using the JWT gem to encrypt the additional info. Also we are using the RestClient gem to send the request.

gem install "rest-client"
gem install "jwt"

Edit-Api usage:

remember to include the gems you are using

require "rest-client"
require "jwt"

download_vtt api

def download_vtt
  puts "downloading vtt..."
  record_id = 'your_record_id'
  bbb_secret = 'bigbluebutton_secret'
  request = "getRecordingTextTracksrecordID=#{record_id}#{bbb_secret}"
  checksum = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("#{request}")
  site = ''   <--- example (put the address of your bigbluebutton server)
  tts_secret = 'text_track_application_secret' <--- find in your credentials.yaml in tts
	payload = { :bbb_url => site, 
	            :bbb_checksum => checksum
	token = JWT.encode payload, tts_secret, 'HS256' <--- JWT gem encoding information

	request =
	    method: :post,
	    url: "http://localhost:4000/edit/downloadvtt/#{record_id}", <--- request being sent to tts (could be on localhost or a different server enter address appropriately)
	    payload: {:token => token}
	response = request.execute
	puts response

download_audio api

def download_audio
  puts "downloading audio..."
  record_id = 'your_record_id'
  bbb_secret = 'bigbluebutton_secret'
  request = "getRecordingsrecordID=#{record_id}"
  request = request + bbb_secret
  checksum = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("#{request}")
  site = '' <--- example (put the address of your bigbluebutton server)
  tts_secret = 'text_track_application_secret' <--- find in your credentials.yaml in tts
	payload = { :bbb_url => site, 
	            :bbb_checksum => checksum
	token = JWT.encode payload, tts_secret, 'HS256' <--- JWT gem encoding information
	request =
	    method: :post,
	    url: "http://localhost:4000/edit/downloadaudio/#{record_id}", <--- request being sent to tts (could be on localhost or a different server enter address appropriately)
	    payload: {:token => token}
	response = request.execute"absolute_path/folder_where_you_want_to_save_audio_file/downloaded_audio.wav", 'wb') do |f|
      f.write response.body

once you have edited your vtt(caption) file and are ready to put the new file on the server upload_vtt api

def upload_vtt
	puts "uploading vtt..."
	record_id = 'your_record_id'
	site = '' <--- example (put the address of your bigbluebutton server)
	bbb_secret = 'bigbluebutton_secret'
	kind = 'subtitles'
	lang = 'en_US'
	label = 'English'
	request = "putRecordingTextTrackrecordID=#{record_id}&kind=#{kind}&lang=#{lang}&label=#{label}"
	request += bbb_secret
	checksum = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(request)
	tts_secret = 'text_track_application_secret' <--- find in your credentials.yaml in tts
	payload = { :bbb_url => site, 
	            :bbb_checksum => checksum, 
	            :kind => kind,
	            :label => label,
	            :caption_locale => lang
	token = JWT.encode payload, tts_secret, 'HS256' <--- JWT gem encoding information
	request =
	    method: :post,
	    url: "http://localhost:4000/edit/uploadvtt/#{record_id}", <--- request being sent to tts (could be on localhost or a different server enter address appropriately)
	    payload: { :file =>'/folder_with_updated_vtt_file/captions_en-US.vtt', 'rb'), <--- make sure the vtt file you send is named captions_en-US.vtt
	    :token => token}
	response = request.execute

Trouble with edit-api:

General trouble

Make sure the record_id being requested exist on the bbb server it is requested from. Make sure to name the parameters sent as shown in the table above.

bbb_secret or tts-secret trouble

To find bbb_secret on bbb server type bbb-conf --secret To find tts_secret on tts server(could be same as bbb) type tts-secret or open credentials.yaml in the tts application

Download audio specific trouble

For the download audio make sure you provide a path to an existing folder so it can save the audio file. Also make sure the folder has correct permissions.

Upload audio specific trouble

Make sure the path to the given vtt file to upload is correct. Also make sure the file has correct permissions. Make sure the file that you upload is named captions_en-US.vtt, if not the file will be uploaded but bbb will not display captions.

How to update the application

You will have to configure git on the server prior to this

git config --global
git config --global example_username

The application has a file in the root. Edit it based on where the application path is on your server. Add this sh filer to your sudoers file as shown below

sudo visudo

After this just add the following line to the file and save and exit

texttrack ALL = NOPASSWD: /var/docker/text-track-service/

(in the given example texttrack is our tts user & we have entered the path the the in our application)

Now anytime you execute this file your application should update and restart itself



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Contributors 4

