Kerbal Space Program as posted on Curse
Check this forks release page for a download alternative
Developers who wish to contribute should branch dev-master.
git clone
cd ksp-kronalutils/
git checkout dev-master
- Alpha Transparency Option
- Non-auto refresh of preview image
- Includes Git fingerboxes patch for in-game rendering glitches & other weirdness (unconfirmed bug)
- Thanks to KSP-IRC: TaranisElsu for helping me find the solution to the VAB/SPH facitilty detection
- Thanks to Git m4v (RCS Build Assist) again for keeping their code public so I could reference the click through code
- To Install:
- Replace all Existing GameData/KronalUtils/ files (only .DLL changed but be sure replace everything)
- No Dependancies
- To Build/Compile:
- Normal KSP Modding (Build with required KSP DLLs)
- Download and Build with KAS.dll
- Download and Build with ProceduralFairings.dll
- Added 'Auto-Preview' checkbox (for slower computers)
- [HOT FIX] Fixed Bug where parts would not 'Offset' (Formerly Explode View) unless Procedural Fairings was installed
- Background colour sliders (white is no longer the only background colour render option) located under 'Blue Print'
- Blue Print Shader is now disabled by default
- 'Blue Print shader' was causing the issue with the white rendering lines and off colouring in the bottom left corner
- Background colour controls are now available under 'Blue Print' which will eventually become 'Background' or 'Canvas'
- UI Adjustments
- Shadow Control Dial (experimental)
- Bigger buttons
- Moved Orthographic Button
- Changed 'Exploded' references to 'Offset'
- Image quality can now be controlled with a dial
- Git deckblad (KSP forums mrBlaQ) resolved:
- Shadow Rendering Control
- Adjusted Camera Positioning
- Improved Camera Controls
- Part Option for Clamps
- Procedural fairings bug fixes
- Existing bug still exists where you must select minimum 4 fairings to hide 'Front Half'
- Edge Detect shader adjustment
- To Install:
- Replace all Existing GameData/KronalUtils/ files (.DLL & KronalUtils/edn shader changed but be sure replace everything)
- No Dependancies
- To Build/Compile:
- Normal KSP Modding (Build with required KSP DLLs)
- Download and Build with KAS.dll
- Download and Build with ProceduralFairings.dll
- GUI Window Click trap implmented. (Thanks Git M4V for directing me here)
- Git deckblad (KSP forums mrBlaQ) resolved:
- Fixed white lines issue by restricting image size to 4096px (max any dimension)
- Made all renders Jump Up to 4096px. This creates higher quality renders with smaller craft.
- Nils Daumann (Git Slin) was kind enough to change the license on the fxaa shader.
- To Install:
- Replace all Existing GameData/KronalUtils/ files (.DLL & KronalUtils/fxaa shader changed but be sure replace everything)
- No Dependancies
- To Build/Compile:
- Normal KSP Modding (Build with required KSP DLLs)
- Download and Build with KAS dll
- Change Config Defaults
- Changed button layouts and preview
- Git deckblad (KSP forums mrBlaQ) added support for KAS Parts
- To Install:
- Replace all Existing GameData/KronalUtils/ files (.DLL is only changed file but be sure replace everything)
- No Dependancies
- To Build/Compile:
- Normal KSP Modding (Build with required KSP DLLs)
- Download and Build with KAS dll
- Fixed glitch where Save button wouldn't undisable. Now disables when you click 'Revert' after click 'Explode'
- Commits from Pull Request 4e2601f from Git WojtekWZ aka Reddit /u/el_padlina
- Added GUI Button
- New Dials for better control over shaders
- To Install:
- Everything is new
- Replace all Existing GameData/KronalUtils/ files
- No Dependancies
- Made 'Stable' with Stock KSP v0.24.2
- Writes to screenshot folder (Windows/OSX confirmed)
- Includes name of Vessel in filename
- To Install:
- Everything is new
- Replace all Existing GameData/KronalUtils/ files
- No Dependancies
As I haven't been able to continue developing my KSP related stuff, I'm now releasing it into the public domain using the Unlicense -- no strings attached nor nazti viral licences, do whatever you want with it! :-)
Be warned that this is a dump of my personal utilities, and it's not that much documented and it's a mixed bag of different things.
The two zip files contain the blender models I created for my parts and the compiled version my stuff (which includes the shaders, DAEs and textures).
In src\
you find:
This is named KRSEditorAxis
and does what the name says, shows 3 cartesian axes in the vessel editor centered around the center of mass of your ship.
The nice thing about it is that it hides some of the axes depending on your position.
is a part module that can turn anything into a stepper motor I did on my own for kicks and giggles. The difference of this in regards to competing implementations is that
1. it is not bound to draconian licensing and
2. that it can actually snap to angles, and make the joint actively hold a position -- i.e. the joint compensates when you place a heavier object and does not move down.
Removed. This fork will not be supporting these parts
Both KRSControl
and KRSInputAttribute
enable using a graphical interface to bind keys and gamepad controls (including analog ones) to my part modules.
For now this only works with KRSHinge
but I don't see why it couldn't be made work with other things.
When I developed this I wanted to make it less intrusive, i.e. not needing to modify your part module to make it compatible with this, but I haven't put much thought on this since so it's the way it is.
NOTE: There is some bug in this that borks the placement of struts, so be warned.
In MaterialProperties
you'll find the class ShaderMaterial
than can be used to read from a shader material the properties you can tweak in it (the same you'd see if you were to open it in Unity3D).
I use this in KRSVesselShotUI
to allow the user to edit shader properties from the VAB.
This is contained in KRSVesselShot
, KRSVesselShotUI
and VesselViewConfig
. The intent of this is to be a tool for taking a screenshot that covers all your spacecraft, so that you can show it to other people and so on.
It proves a way to make exploded views, hiding some parts, and use orthographic projection.
can also useful for other projects that need to hide stuff in the VAB.
Here's how it looks configuring it to use no-color and orthographic projection:
and here's how it looks with coloring and perspective projection:
That's it!
-- Kronal
- Made 'Stable' with Stock KSP v0.23.0