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External ID Server

Campbell edited this page May 12, 2014 · 1 revision

You are here: Home · Developing Bika LIMS · ID Server

If you are installing a clustering setup with multiple ZEO servers, the content IDs generated by Bika will need to be unique among all servers. Read the default id generator at the catalog is used with some simple conditions to generate IDs, creating the possibility of conflict errors when saving new objects.

An ID server script is included to handle this task. The ID server is located in the scripts/ folder of your Bika product directory.

In buildout.cfg, add the IDServerURL environment variable
environment-vars =
    IDServerURL http://localhost:8089
Run buildout
$ cd Plone/zinstance
$ bin/buildout
Configure the ID server start script

Edit the start-id-server script, and ensure that the PYTHON, BIKA_BASE, and PORT settings are correct for your installation.

Start the ID Server:

$ ./start-id-server