How to perform CRUD operations with serverless Astra DB and Next JS(Front-End) to build a Full Stack Todo App
Hi fellow developers and database enthusiasts, today I would like to share a step-by-step guide following which you will be able to understand and use Apache Cassandra along with NextJS13 in your projects.
Getting Started
What We Are Going to Build?
Technologies We Are Going to Use
Are Apache Cassandra and Serverless Astra DB Different?
Pre-requisites for Following This Article
Introduction to Cassandra
- I. How Cassandra Was Innovated
- II. Cassandra Usage At Big Tech Companies
- III. Features of Cassandra
- IV. How Cassandra Works
- V. How Cassandra Replicates Data
- VI. How Data is Structured in Cassandra
- VII. Let's Understand Through an Example How Cassandra is Structured
Creating a New Astra DB Database
Using CQL Shell to CREATE TABLE "todos" and Insert Some Data
- I. Opening the CQL Console
- II. Creating Table "todos" Using the CQL Console
- III. Inserting Some Data into the "todos" Table
- IV. Viewing the "todos" Table Data in CQL Console
Creating a New NextJS (Front-End) Project
Writing the NextJS APIs to Interact with Astra DB
- I. GET Request
- II. POST Request
- III. PUT and DELETE Requests
- Testing the Astra DB APIs
- Writing the Front-End Part of the Todo App
- I. Writing the Components
- a) TodoList ⌚️
- b) SnackBar 🔔
- c) Footer ℹ️
- d) Creating the Types of Components
- II. Creating the Todo App Pages
- Starting Our Project
- Conclusion
First Clone the repo
git clone
Then install the dependencies
npm install
Then create a .env.local
file in the root directory and add the following
Then run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
For detailed explanation on how I built this app, read below.
We are going to build a simple todo app that will use Apache Cassandra to store the todos, and addition, deletion, and update of todos will be handled by Apache Cassandra.
We will discuss the following in detail:
- Overview of Apache Cassandra
- Cassandra Data Modeling
- Cassandra DB Structure
- Creating a new serverless Astra DB Database and utilizing its API using NextJS that will perform CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations utilizing Astra DB
- Build a front end using Next JS to utilize that API
At the end of the article, we will be ready with a full stack Cassandra DB todo app. I will do everything from scratch so that every beginner can understand, and everything will be step by step.
- Database: Apache Cassandra, Astra DB
- Front End: Next JS
- UI Libraries: Material UI, Tailwind CSS
- Language: TypeScript
This project will not only add a new database skill, but you will also learn how to develop and use AstraDB with a front end (NextJS). I hope you will be able to follow everything step by step. Otherwise, if you face any difficulty, you can always reach out to me or comment on the post. I will be happy to help you resolve the issue.
A full stack Next js + Cassandra Db Todo app that will perform all major AstraDB database functions this guide is designed for this purpose.
Live Astra DB Todo App: Todo app
Github Source Code: Source Code
Astra DB is a serverless database like Firebase that is built using Apache Cassandra and is fully hosted and managed by DataStax so developers can easily use it without building the backend. So it can be used on the front end without building the API just as if any of you have used Firebase, Astra DB by DataStax is similar to that.
Cassandra DB is a free and open-source, distributed, wide-column store, NoSQL database management system designed to handle large amounts of data across many commodity servers, providing high availability with no single point of failure.
We will be using Astra DB provided by DataStax to use Cassandra DB throughout this article.
1. JavaScript basic knowledge
2. Rest API's basic knowledge
3. NextJS basic concepts
4. NodeJS basic knowledge
Now let's first understand what is Cassandra
"Cassandra is an open source and free database written in java and is a wide column store nosql database famous for its ability to distribute petabytes of data with unmatched reliability and performance".