This is my ✨ special ✨ public GitHub profile README repo
- 📫 How to reach me: Links Page
- 🌱 I’m currently learning about LM, AI, AGI, Prompting, Vectors & this latest Deus ex machina that suddenly or abruptly seems to be resolving our interactions with the digital world.
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him (I used to find pronouns an unessary complexity or even devisive when I was unfamiliar with it. I found my own clarity when it was explaied to me as an analogy to nicknames. If you make the effort to tell me yours, It's only correct to make the effort to call you by that identifiication as it's clearly important to you, and I am being disrespectful and unkind if I keep calling you by anything else I think is more appropriate, your preffered name and gendender identification is clearly your own)
- 💬 Ask me about anything work related, just don't try and sell me anything.
- Go build your own