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Quickstart On-Premises Bimdata

This ansible project aims to help you deploy the Bimdata applications on your servers.



  • Ansible server:
    • python >= 3.10
    • must be able to contect through ssh to all the applicative servers
  • Applicative servers:
    • python >= 3.5


  • Ansible server:

    • python >= 3.10
    • python3-request
    • ansible >= 10.1.0
    • sshpass
    • must be able to contect through ssh to all the applicative servers
  • Applicative servers:

    • python >= 3.5
    • python3-request
    • docker
    • docker-compose >= 2.0
    • bzip2


  • This project is given "as is", can't be held accountable for data loss or other kind of disrupt services.

  • This project is an example on how to quickly install our applications. This is not intended for production usage. You may need to do multiple modifications to match your infrastructure and your security needs.

  • This project do not support high availability deployment.

How to start

Install some system dependancies:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install git sshpass python3-venv

Clone the repository:

git clone
cd quickstart-onpremise

You will need to install some python dependencies, you may want to do it in a virtualenv. If this is the case, you need to create it:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Now you need to install the dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

This playbook come with and example inventory. The easiest way to start is to copy this inventory and modify the copy:

cp -rp inventories/sample inventories/main

First, you need to edit the inventory file inventories/main/inventory.ini. There are three groups:

  • app: this is where all the web app will be deploy,
  • db: this is where all database will be deploy if you don't use an external Postgres cluster.
  • workers: this is where all the workers that process datas will be deploy.

Curently, app and db do not support multiples hosts. This project can't be use for a fully redundant infrastructure. This means you can't put multiple servers in the groups app or in the group db.

Then, you need to modify the variables to match your needs:

  • you need to edit inventories/main/group_vars/all/vars.yml, add the DNS domain that will be use. Multiples sub-domains are needed. You can find the list in roles/prepare_vars/defaults/main/applications.yml.
  • you can run the command :
    vault_path="inventories/main/group_vars/all/vault.yml" ;
    for line in $(grep -n "CHANGEME-BY-SOMETHING-SECURE" "${vault_path}" | cut -d ':' -f 1) ; do
      sed -i "${line}s/CHANGEME-BY-SOMETHING-SECURE/$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc '[:alnum:]' | fold -w 64 | head -n 1)/" "${vault_path}"
    This will initiate most of the needed secure strings. You can then edit the file and add your password, for example if one is needed for the SMTP server.

They are a lot of variables that can be added to your inventories/main/group_vars/all/vars.yml to customize how BIMData will be installed. You can find them in the multiple files in roles/prepare_vars/defaults/main/ or at the end of this file.

When everything is configured, you can deploy:

ansible-playbook -i inventories/main/inventory.ini install-bimdata.yml

You may need to add options:

Options Effect
-k Prompt for ssh password.
-K Prompt for sudo password.
--ask-vault-pass Prompt for vault password

If you can't use sudo, you can check the Ansible documentation on how to configure other way to manage privilege escalation.


  • Download the last version of the quickstart: git fetch && git checkout $(git describe --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1))
  • Upgrade dependencies: source venv/bin/activate && pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Upgrade inventory: ./ main The script will tell you if you need to edit some files, follow the instructions.
  • Deploy the new version: ansible-playbook -i inventories/main/inventory.ini install-bimdata.yml You may need other options, for sudo for example. Check the install instruction for more details.



Variables Default value Description
bimdata_version 20250225 Bimdata version, should match the first part of the github tag.

DNS configuration

Variables Default value Description
app_dns_domain "domain.tld" DNS (sub)domain use to build the app URLs.
api_dns_name "api.{{ app_dns_domain }}" DNS name use for the API URL.
connect_dns_name "connect.{{ app_dns_domain }}" DNS name use for the Connect URL.
platform_back_dns_name "platform-back.{{ app_dns_domain }}" DNS name use for the Platform back URL.
platform_front_dns_name "platform.{{ app_dns_domain }}" DNS name use for the Platform URL.
iam_dns_name "iam.{{ app_dns_domain }}" DNS name use for the Keycloak (identity provider) URL.
rabbitmq_admin_dns_name "rabbitmq.{{ app_dns_domain }}" RabbitMQ dns name.
documentation_dns_name "doc.{{ app_dns_domain }}" DNS name use for the documentation URL.
archive_dns_name "archive.{{ app_dns_domain }}" DNS name use for the archive URL.
marketplace_back_dns_name "marketplace-back.{{ app_dns_domain }}" DNS name use for the marketplace back URL.
marketplace_front_dns_name "marketplace.{{ app_dns_domain }}" DNS name use for fhe marketplace URL.

For example if:

api_dns_name: "api.{{ app_dns_domain }}"

The DNS name for the API will be : Each name need to be defined in the corresponding authoritative DNS server. This playbook do not manage this.

SMTP Configuration

Variables Default value Description
smtp_host "" SMTP server address.
smtp_port 587 SMTP server port.
smtp_user "" User used for the authentication on the SMTP server.
smtp_pass "{{ vault_smtp_pass }}" Password used for the authentication on the SMTP server.
smtp_use_tls true If the SMTP connection should use TLS or not.
smtp_default_email "" Email address use as default sender.
debug_mail_to "" Email address use to send application exceptions.

Web configuration

Variables Default value Description
external_port_http 80 TCP port for HTTP connections on the web server.
external_port_https 443 TCP port for HTTPS connections on the web server.
max_upload_size "1g" Maximum upload file size (ifc… etc).

Data storage

Variables Default value Description
bimdata_path "/opt/bimdata" Where we will install our needed files on the servers.
bimdata_docker_volume_path "{{ bimdata_path }}/data" Where will your data will be store on the servers.

Object storage (S3):

Variables Default value Description
s3_enabled false Enable the S3 storage for the API.
s3_connect_enabled "{{ s3_enabled }} Enable the S3 storage for connect.
s3_endpoint_url "" The s3 endpoint URL.
s3_region_name "" The s3 region name.
s3_access_key_id "" The s3 access key ID.
s3_secret_access_key "{{ vault_s3_secret_access_key }}" The s3 secret access key.
s3_multipart_threshold "{{ '5 GB' human_to_bytes }}"
s3_storage_api_bucket_name "" The s3 bucket in which to store the API files.
s3_storage_connect_bucket_name "" The s3 bucket in which to store the Connect files.
s3_other_options [] List of other S3 options, need to be a list a dicts [{'name': option_name, 'value': option_value}]
csp_storage_url "https://{{ s3_storage_connect_bucket_name }}.{{ (s3_endpoint_url urlsplit).hostname }}"

Applications configuration

Variables Default value Description
api_secret_key "{{ vault_api_secret_key }}" You should not change this.
 api_workers 8 Number of web processes
to handle requests.
connect_secret_key "{{ vault_connect_secret_key }}" You should not change this.
connect_client_id "{{ 'connect_client_id' | to_uuid(namespace=uuid_namespace) }}" You should not change this.
connect_client_secret "{{ 'connect_client_secret' | to_uuid(namespace=uuid_namespace) }}" You should not change this.
connect_invitation_secret "{{ vault_connect_invitation_secret }}" You should not change this.
connect_invitation_client "{{ 'connect_invitation_client' | to_uuid(namespace=uuid_namespace) }}" You should not change this.
connect_invitation_client_secret "{{ vault_connect_invitation_client_secret }}" You should not change this.
connect_use_custom_mail_templates false Configure usage of custom connect mail templates.
platform_back_secret_key "{{ vault_platform_back_secret_key }}" You should not change this.
platform_back_webhook_secret "{{ vault_platform_back_webhook_secret }}" You should not change this.
platform_back_client_id "{{ 'platform_back_client_id' | to_uuid(namespace=uuid_namespace) }}" You should not change this.
platform_back_client_secret "{{ vault_platform_back_client_secret }}" You should not change this.
platform_back_use_custom_mail_templates false Configure usage of custom platform mail templates.
platform_back_enable_cron true Configure usage of cron to be able to send notifications.
platform_front_client_id "{{ 'platform_front_client_id' to_uuid(namespace=uuid_namespace) }}"
platform_front_project_status_limit_new "5" Number of days during which the project is considered new.
platform_front_project_status_limit_active "15" Number of days during before the project is considered inactive.
platform_front_authorized_identity_providers "bimdataconnect" Names of the authorized identity providers (comma separated).
iam_user "admin" Keycloak administrator user.
iam_password "{{ vault_iam_password }}" Keycloak administrator password.
marketplace_enabled false Enable / disable marketplace.
marketplace_back_secret_key "{{ vault_marketplace_back_secret_key }}" You should not change this.
marketplace_back_use_custom_mail_templates false Configure usage of custom marketplace mail templates.
marketplace_front_client_id "{{ 'marketplace_front_client_id' to_uuid(namespace=uuid_namespace) }}"
marketplace_front_workers 2 Number of node workers.
archive_prefix "bimdata-" Prefix use for the archive name when downloading multiple files.
workers_export_instance 1 Number of replicas deployed on each worker server.
workers_export_cpu 1 Number of CPUs allocated for each replicas.
workers_export_ram "{{ ansible_memtotal_mb / 2 }}m" Quantity of RAM allocated for each replicas.
workers_export_task_timeout "{{ '2h' community.general.to_seconds
workers_gltf_instance 1 Number of replicas deployed on each worker server.
workers_gltf_cpu 1 Number of CPUs allocated for each replicas.
workers_gltf_ram "{{ ansible_memtotal_mb / 2 }}m" Quantity of RAM allocated for each replicas.
workers_gltf_task_timeout "{{ '10h' community.general.to_seconds
workers_extract_instance 1 Number of replicas deployed on each worker server.
workers_extract_cpu 1 Number of CPUs allocated for each replicas.
workers_extract_ram "{{ ansible_memtotal_mb / 2 }}m" Quantity of RAM allocated for each replicas.
workers_extract_task_timeout "{{ '2h' community.general.to_seconds
workers_svg_instance 1 Number of replicas deployed on each worker server.
workers_svg_cpu 1 Number of CPUs allocated for each replicas.
workers_svg_ram "{{ ansible_memtotal_mb / 2 }}m" Quantity of RAM allocated for each replicas.
workers_svg_task_timeout "{{ '2h' community.general.to_seconds
workers_merge_instance 1 Number of replicas deployed on each worker server.
workers_merge_cpu 1 Number of CPUs allocated for each replicas.
workers_merge_ram "{{ ansible_memtotal_mb / 2 }}m" Quantity of RAM allocated for each replicas.
workers_merge_task_timeout "{{ '2h' community.general.to_seconds
workers_xkt_instance 1 Number of replicas deployed on each worker server.
workers_xkt_cpu 1 Number of CPUs allocated for each replicas.
workers_xkt_ram "{{ ansible_memtotal_mb / 2 }}m" Quantity of RAM allocated for each replicas.
workers_xkt_task_timeout "{{ '3min' community.general.to_seconds
workers_xkt_v10_instance 1 Number of replicas deployed on each worker server.
workers_xkt_v10_cpu 1 Number of CPUs allocated for each replicas.
workers_xkt_v10_ram "{{ ansible_memtotal_mb / 2 }}m" Quantity of RAM allocated for each replicas.
workers_xkt_v10_task_timeout "{{ '3min' community.general.to_seconds
workers_preview_instance 1 Number of replicas deployed on each worker server.
workers_preview_cpu 1 Number of CPUs allocated for each replicas.
workers_preview_ram "{{ ansible_memtotal_mb / 2 }}m" Quantity of RAM allocated for each replicas.
workers_preview_task_timeout "{{ '3min' community.general.to_seconds
workers_preview_2d_instance 1 Number of replicas deployed on each worker server.
workers_preview_2d_cpu 1 Number of CPUs allocated for each replicas.
workers_preview_2d_ram "{{ ansible_memtotal_mb / 2 }}m" Quantity of RAM allocated for each replicas.
workers_preview_2d_task_timeout "{{ '10min' community.general.to_seconds
workers_preview_pdf_instance 1 Number of replicas deployed on each worker server.
workers_preview_pdf_cpu 1 Number of CPUs allocated for each replicas.
workers_preview_pdf_ram "{{ ansible_memtotal_mb / 2 }}m" Quantity of RAM allocated for each replicas.
workers_preview_pdf_task_timeout "{{ '10min' community.general.to_seconds
workers_dwg_properties_instance 1 Number of replicas deployed on each worker server.
workers_dwg_properties_cpu 1 Number of CPUs allocated for each replicas.
workers_dwg_properties_ram "{{ ansible_memtotal_mb / 2 }}m" Quantity of RAM allocated for each replicas.
workers_dwg_properties_task_timeout "{{ '1h' community.general.to_seconds
workers_dwg_geometries_instance 1 Number of replicas deployed on each worker server.
workers_dwg_geometries_cpu 1 Number of CPUs allocated for each replicas.
workers_dwg_geometries_ram "{{ ansible_memtotal_mb / 2 }}m" Quantity of RAM allocated for each replicas.
workers_dwg_geometries_task_timeout "{{ '4h' community.general.to_seconds
workers_pointcloud_instance 1 Number of replicas deployed on each worker server.
workers_pointcloud_cpu 1 Number of CPUs allocated for each replicas.
workers_pointcloud_ram "{{ ansible_memtotal_mb / 2 }}m" Quantity of RAM allocated for each replicas.
workers_pointcloud_task_timeout "{{ '10h' community.general.to_seconds
workers_b2d_instance 1 Number of replicas deployed on each worker server.
workers_b2d_cpu 1 Number of CPUs allocated for each replicas.
workers_b2d_ram "{{ ansible_memtotal_mb / 2 }}m" Quantity of RAM allocated for each replicas.
workers_b2d_task_timeout "{{ '30m' community.general.to_seconds
workers_elevation_instance 1 Number of replicas deployed on each worker server.
workers_elevation_cpu 1 Number of CPUs allocated for each replicas.
workers_elevation_ram "{{ ansible_memtotal_mb / 2 }}m" Quantity of RAM allocated for each replicas.
workers_elevation_task_timeout "{{ '15m' community.general.to_seconds
uuid_namespace "{{ app_dns_domain | to_uuid }}" Use to generate needed UUIDs.
master_token "{{ vault_master_token }}" Master token use for authentication between workers and API.
app_env "staging" Environnement definition for some app. Must not be changed.
maptiler_token Undefined Token for authentication on the Maptiler API.
post_upgrade_version Undefined Use to force specific post upgrade tasks.


If you want to use your own userbase and connect them to BIMData services, contact us. We support OIDC and SAMLv2 (Microsoft AD) protocols. We also provide a service to send emails to users when they are invited to spaces or projects. You can find email templates examples in files/sso_invitation/mails. You can replace those files to customize emails with your logo, colors and wording.

Variables Default value Description
sso_invitation_enabled false Send email to users on invitation
sso_invitation_secret "{{ vault_sso_invitation_secret }}" You should not change this.


Ansible connectivity

Variables Default value Description
ansible_python_interpreter "/usr/bin/python3" Force the use of python3.
ansible_ssh_pipelining true Improve ansible performances.

SSH Bastion

If you can't use SSH directly from this computer to the servers where you want to install our applications, you can use a bastion that will proxy the ssh connections.

Variables Default value Description
use_bastion false Configure if you want to use a bastion or not.
bastion_ssh_addr "" Bastion adresse use for the ssh connection.
bastion_ssh_port 22 Bastion TCP port use for the ssh connection.
bastion_ssh_user "{{ lookup('env', 'USER') }}" SSH user for authentication on the Bastion.
bastion_ssh_extra_options undefined String to add other SSH options.


If your servers can't access the web directly, you may need to configure a proxy to access our docker registry for example.

Variables Default value Description
http_proxy "" HTTP proxy address.
https_proxy "" HTTPS proxy address.
no_proxy [] List of domains / IP where the proxy must not be used.


External postgres cluster

Variables Default value Description
use_external_db false Configure if you want to use a postgres instance manage by this playbook or not.
external_db_host "" Postgres cluster address use for connection if use_external_db: true.
external_db_port 5432 Postgres cluster TCP port use for connection if use_external_db: true.


Variables Default value Description
db_api_name "api" Database name for the API.
db_api_user "api" Postgres user for the API.
db_api_password "{{ vault_db_api_password }}" Postgres password for the API.
db_connect_name "connect" Database name for Connect.
db_connect_user "connect" Postgres user for Connect.
db_connect_password "{{ vault_db_connect_password }}" Postgres password for Connect.
db_platform_name "platform" Database name for the Platform.
db_platform_user "platform" Postgres user for the Platform.
db_platform_password "{{ vault_db_platform_password }}" Postgres password for the Platform.
db_iam_name "iam" Database name for Keycloak.
db_iam_user "iam" Postgres user for Keycloak.
db_iam_password "{{ vault_db_iam_password }}" Postgres password for Keycloak.
db_marketplace_name "marketplace" Database name for the Marketplace.
db_marketplace_user "marketplace" Postgres user for the Marketplace.
db_marketplace_password "{{ vault_db_marketplace_password }}" Postgres password for the Marketplace.

If use_external_db: false AND if the [db] server is different from the [app] server (in the inventory) each postgres instance will need to use its own TCP port. There are defined with these variables. You will need to configure your firewall: the [app] server will need to be able to communication with the [db] server on these ports.

Variables Default value Description
db_pg_version 13 Postgres version.
db_api_external_port 5432 Postgres external port for the API.
db_connect_external_port 5433 Postgres external port for Connect.
db_platform_external_port 5434 Postgres external port for the Platform.
db_iam_external_port 5435 Postgres external port for Keycloak.
db_marketplace_external_port 5436 Postgres external port for Keycloak.
db_server_addr "{{ hostvars[groups['db'][0]]['ansible_default_ipv4']['address'] }}" Use to determine the IP that will be use for Postgres connection between [app] and [db].


Variables Default value Description
docker_private_registry "" Define the registry address from which most of the images will come from.
docker_registries List of registries informations use to configure docker authentication.
docker_nginx_image nginxproxy/nginx-proxy Nginx docker image (use Dockerhub by default).
docker_nginx_tag alpine Nginx docker tag.
docker_acme_companion_image nginxproxy/acme-companion ACME companion (Needed only for Letsencrypt, use Dockerhub by default).
docker_acme_companion_tag 2.2 ACME companion tag.
docker_rabbitmq_image "rabbitmq" RabbitMQ docker image (use Dockerhub by default).
docker_rabbitmq_tag "3.8-management-alpine" RabbitMQ docker tag.
docker_postgres_image "postgres" Postgres docker image (use Dockerhub by default).
docker_postgres_tag "{{ db_pg_version }}-alpine" Postgres docker tag.
docker_bimdata_tag "{{ bimdata_version }} Docker tag use by all bimdata images.
docker_api_image "{{ docker_private_registry }}/on-premises/api" API docker image.
docker_api_tag "{{ docker_bimdata_tag }}" API docker tag.
docker_connect_image "{{ docker_private_registry }}/on-premises/connect" Connect docker image.
docker_connect_tag "{{ docker_bimdata_tag }}" Connect docker tag.
docker_platform_back_image "{{ docker_private_registry }}/on-premises/platform_back" Platform back docker image.
docker_platform_back_tag "{{ docker_bimdata_tag }}" Platform back docker tag.
docker_platform_front_image "{{ docker_private_registry }}/on-premises/platform" Platform front docker image.
docker_platform_front_tag "{{ docker_bimdata_tag }}" Platform front docker tag.
docker_iam_image "{{ docker_private_registry }}/on-premises/iam" Keycloak docker image.
docker_iam_tag "{{ docker_bimdata_tag }}" Keycloak docker tag.
docker_documentation_image "{{ docker_private_registry }}/on-premises/documentation" Documentation docker image.
docker_documentation_tag "{{ docker_bimdata_tag }}" Documentation docker tag.
docker_archive_image "{{ docker_private_registry }}/on-premises/archive" Archive docker image.
docker_archive_tag "{{ docker_bimdata_tag }}" Archive docker tag.
docker_marketplace_back_image "{{ docker_private_registry }}/on-premise/marketplace_back" Marketplace back images.
docker_marketplace_back_tag "{{ docker_bimdata_tag }}" Marketplace back docker tag.
docker_marketplace_front_image "{{ docker_private_registry }}/on-premise/marketplace" Marketplace front docker image.
docker_marketplace_front_tag "{{ docker_bimdata_tag }}" Marketplace front docker tag.
docker_workers_export_image "{{ docker_private_registry }}/on-premises/workers" Worker export docker image.
docker_workers_export_tag "{{ docker_bimdata_tag }}" Worker export docker tag.
docker_workers_gltf_image "{{ docker_private_registry }}/on-premises/workers" Worker GLTF docker image.
docker_workers_gltf_tag "{{ docker_bimdata_tag }}" Worker GLTF docker tag.
docker_workers_extract_image "{{ docker_private_registry }}/on-premises/workers" Worker extract docker image.
docker_workers_extract_tag "{{ docker_bimdata_tag }}" Worker extract docker tag.
docker_workers_svg_image "{{ docker_private_registry }}/on-premises/workers" Worker SVG docker image.
docker_workers_svg_tag "{{ docker_bimdata_tag }}" Worker SVG docker tag.
docker_workers_merge_image "{{ docker_private_registry }}/on-premises/workers" Worker merge docker image.
docker_workers_merge_tag "{{ docker_bimdata_tag }}" Worker merge docker tag.
docker_workers_xkt_image "{{ docker_private_registry }}/on-premises/xkt_worker" Worker XKT docker image.
docker_workers_xkt_tag "{{ docker_bimdata_tag }}" Worker XKT docker tag.
docker_workers_xkt_v10_image "{{ docker_private_registry }}/on-premises/xkt_v10_worker" Worker XKT v10 er image.
docker_workers_xkt_v10_tag "{{ docker_bimdata_tag }}" Worker XKT v10 er tag.
docker_workers_preview_image "{{ docker_private_registry }}/on-premises/viewer_360" Worker preview docker image.
docker_workers_preview_tag "{{ docker_bimdata_tag }}" Worker preview docker tag.
docker_workers_preview_2d_image "{{ docker_private_registry }}/on-premises/image_preview_worker" Worker preview 2D image.
docker_workers_preview_2d_tag "{{ docker_bimdata_tag }}" Worker preview 2D tag.
docker_workers_preview_pdf_image "{{ docker_private_registry }}/on-premises/pdf_preview_worker" Worker preview PDF image.
docker_workers_preview_pdf_tag "{{ docker_bimdata_tag }}" Worker preview PDF tag.
docker_workers_dwg_image "{{ docker_private_registry }}/on-premises/dwg_worker" Worker DWG image.
docker_workers_dwg_tag "{{ docker_bimdata_tag }}" Worker DWG tag.
docker_workers_b2d_image "{{ docker_private_registry }}/on-premises/worker_b2d" Worker B2D image.
docker_workers_b2d_tag "{{ docker_bimdata_tag }}" Worker B2D tag.
docker_workers_elevation_image "{{ docker_private_registry }}/on-premises/elevation_worker" Worker Elevation image.
docker_workers_elevation_tag "{{ docker_bimdata_tag }}" Worker Elevation tag.


Variables Default value Description
install_docker true Install Docker or not (if not, docker need to be already installed).
docker_apt_dependencies ["python3-docker", "gnupg", "apt-transport-https", "ca-certificates"] List of APT packages to install before Docker.
docker_apt_release_channel "stable" Docker version that will be installed.
docker_repo_base_url "" Docker APT repository.
docker_apt_key_url "{{ docker_repo_base_url }}/{{ ansible_distribution lower }}/gpg"
docker_apt_repo_url "{{ docker_repo_base_url }}/{{ ansible_distribution lower }}"
docker_edition ce Docker edition that will be installed ('ee' for 'Enterprise Edition' or 'ce' for 'Community Edition')
docker_pkg_name "docker-{{ docker_edition }}" Docker APT package name that will be installed.
docker_pkg_version "5:27.*" Docker APT package version that will be installed. (Only works for APT system currently)
docker_pkg_version_hold "{{ docker_pkg_version default(false)
docker_compose_pkg_name "docker-compose-plugin" Name of the docker-compose apt package.
docker_compose_pkg_version "2.*" Version of the docker-compose apt package. (Only works for APT system currently)
docker_compose_pkg_version_hold "{{ docker_compose_pkg_version default(false)
docker_use_extra_hosts false Add /etc/hosts value in containers if needed.
docker_extra_hosts [] list of hosts that will be added to /etc/hosts of containers.


You should not have to modified these variables in most cases.

Variables Default value Description
nginx_custom_conf Nginx custom configuration.


Variables Default value Description
use_external_rabbitmq false Set to true if you want to use your own RabbitMQ instance.
external_rabbitmq_host "" RabbitMQ cluster address if use_external_rabbitmq: true.
external_rabbitmq_port 5672 RabbitMQ cluster TCP port if use_external_rabbitmq: true.
rabbitmq_user "bimdata" RabbitMQ user use for authentication.
rabbitmq_password "{{ vault_rabbitmq_password }}" RabbitMQ password use for authentication.
rabbitmq_external_port 5672 RabbitMQ external port.
rabbitmq_server_addr "{{ rabbitmq_admin_dns_name }}" RabbitMQ server address.


We currently support 3 ways to manage TLS configuration:

  • our reverse proxy use your tls custom ca / keys / certs: you need to set tls_enabled to true and define all the certs/keys variables.
  • you set your own custom reverse proxy for TLS manage in front of what we deploy: you need to set tls_external to true.
  • our reverse proxy manage letsencrypt certificate: you need to set tls_acme to true. Note that the server need to be accessible on internet for Letsencrypt verification. tls_enabled, tls_external and tls_acme are mutualy exclusive, only one can be true.
Variables Default value Description
tls_enabled false Enable external TLS or not.
tls_external false Set it to true if the TLS is manage by another web server, like a reverse proxy.
nginx_use_pregen_dh true Use pre-defined diffie hellman parameters. If false it'll generate new one. This take a lot of time.
tls_ca_certificate "" CA certificate of the CA used to sign the certificates for the applications. (PEM format.)
tls_subca_certificates [] If a complexe CA architecture is used, tls_ca_certificate should contain the main CA, and this list all the intermediate ones.
tls_api_key "{{ vault_tls_api_key }}" API TLS key (PEM format).
tls_api_cert "" API TLS Certificate (PEM format).
tls_connect_key "{{ vault_tls_connect_key }}" Connect TLS key (PEM format).
tls_connect_cert "" Connect TLS Certificate (PEM format).
tls_platform_back_key "{{ vault_tls_platform_back_key }}" Platform back TLS key (PEM format).
tls_platform_back_cert "" Platform back TLS Certificate (PEM format).
tls_platform_front_key "{{ vault_tls_platform_front_key }}" Platform front TLS key (PEM format).
tls_platform_front_cert "" Platform front TLS Certificate (PEM format).
tls_iam_key "{{ vault_tls_iam_key }}" Keycloak TLS key (PEM format).
tls_iam_cert "" Keycloak TLS Certificate (PEM format).
tls_rabbitmq_admin_key "{{ vault_tls_rabbitmq_admin_key }}" RabbitMQ TLS key (PEM format). (Only needed if use_external_rabbitmq: false.)
tls_rabbitmq_admin_cert "" RabbitMQ TLS Certificate (PEM format). (Only needed if use_external_rabbitmq: false.)
tls_documentation_key "{{ vault_tls_documentation_key }}" Documentation TLS key (PEM format).
tls_documentation_cert "" Documentation TLS Certificate (PEM format).
tls_archive_key "{{ vault_tls_archive_key }}" Archive TLS key (PEM format).
tls_archive_cert "" Archive TLS Certificate (PEM format).
tls_marketplace_back_key "{{ vault_tls_marketplace_back_key }}" Marketplace back TLS key (PEM format).
tls_marketplace_back_cert "" Marketplace back TLS Certificate (PEM format).
tls_marketplace_front_key "{{ vault_tls_marketplace_front_key }}" Marketplace front TLS key (PEM format).
tls_marketplace_front_cert "" Marketplace front TLS Certificate (PEM format).
tls_acme false Use ACME (Letsencrypt) to generate TLS certificarte.
tls_acme_email "{{ debug_mail_to }}" Email for Letsencrypt notification.


In this file, all private informations are defined. Like password, TLS keys or other security stuff. You should replace all the values and encrypt the file with ansible-vault.

Offline installation

On each server you need to have:

  • Docker
  • Docker compose v2
  • python3 >= 3.5
  • bzip2

You will need to do these steps before each installation or upgrade.:

  • Retrieve the docker image archives and put them in files/offline/docker


You also need to enable offline installation in the ansible inventory in inventories/your_inventory_name/group_vars/all/vars.yml.

Variables Default value Description
install_offline false Enable the offline installation.

Email templates

You can use custom emails templates for different part of our application. To do so, you need to set the variables:

  • connect_use_custom_mail_templates: to use custom templates for connect,
  • platform_back_use_custom_mail_templates: to use custom templates for the platform,
  • marketplace_back_use_custom_mail_templates: to use custom templates for the marketplace.


If you set connect_use_custom_mail_templates to true, before deploying, you need to put all the need templates into files/connect/templates in the quickstart folder. The files will be automaticly copy into the right places on the applicative servers.


If you set platform_back_use_custom_mail_templates to true, before deploying, you need to put all the need templates into files/platform-back/templates in the quickstart folder. The files will be automaticly copy into the right places on the applicative servers.


If you set marketplace_back_use_custom_mail_templates to true, before deploying, you need to put all the need templates into files/marketplace-back/templates in the quickstart folder. The files will be automaticly copy into the right places on the applicative servers.