- Shows device's state (up, down, upgrading, provisioning, etc.)
- Shows how much clients are connected
- Shows device's load
- Shows firmware as well as whetcher newer firmware is avaiable and displays that
- Shows controller's version
- Manual status-mapping (e.g. should newer firmware trigger a warning?)
- Multi-site support / autodetection
- This script was forked from https://github.com/qgmgit/qgm-check_unifi. Main goal was to fetch more from the UniFi API and simplify the installation procedure.
- Needed API functions from the external file were merged into the script file.
- Optimized the parsing process (0m:18s vs 1m:45s for 167 devices on demo.unifi.com)
- The Check_MK's service name is now mapped with UniFi_<Device's Name> which may be a problem when using one name twice (e.g. on two sites)
- Permission checking of the config file to keep the credentials safe
- UniFi Controller Software (can also be on remote host)
- Check_MK Agent
- Packages: jq, curl, wget
The I-am-lazy-just-install method: Just copy-paste the whole block in the shell on Debian-based systems
apt install jq curl wget -y \
&& CMK_LOCAL=/usr/lib/check_mk_agent/local/check_unifi-controller.sh \
&& CMK_CONFIG=/etc/check_mk/unifi.cfg \
&& wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/binarybear-de/cmk_check_unifi-controller/master/check_unifi-controller.sh -O $CMK_LOCAL \
&& chmod +x $CMK_LOCAL \
&& wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/binarybear-de/cmk_check_unifi-controller/master/unifi.cfg -O $CMK_CONFIG \
&& chmod 700 $CMK_CONFIG \
&& chown root: $CMK_CONFIG \
CMK_LOCAL=/usr/lib/check_mk_agent/local/check_unifi-controller.sh \
&& wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/binarybear-de/cmk_check_unifi-controller/master/check_unifi-controller.sh -O $CMK_LOCAL \
&& chmod +x $CMK_LOCAL \
&& unset CMK_LOCAL
- Install the packages "jq, curl, wget"
- Move the
into the local dir/usr/lib/check_mk_agent/local
- Move the
config file into Check_MK's config dir/etc/check_mk/unifi.cfg
- Set permissions of
to 700 with owner root
- Ideally create a read-only user in UniFi for this task. Following permissions should be given:
- Allow read only access to all sites (if used with multisite)
- Allow system stats access
- Show pending devices (to show new devices in monitoring)
- Set your credentials, controller's ip and other parameters in
Running the script should give you something like this:
0 UniFi-Controller - Build atag_5.11.39_12706, Check-Script version 2020-12-26
0 UniFi_SW-24 clients=31|load=1.05 CONNECTED, Site: office, Clients: 31, Firmware: ( avaible)
2 UniFi_AP-C clients=6|load=0.40 DISCONNECTED, Site: office, Clients: 6, Firmware: ( avaible)
0 UniFi_Gateway clients=0|load=null UPGRADING, Site: office, Clients: 0, Firmware:
0 UniFi_AP-A clients=6|load=0.40 CONNECTED, Site: office, Clients: 6, Firmware: avaible
0 UniFi-Devices devices=6|sites=1|unamed=0|unadopted=0 6 devices on 1 sites