- About this Extension
- Viewing Project Dependencies Information
- General Configuration
- Go Projects
- Maven Projects
- Npm Projects
- Pypi Projects
- Troubleshooting
- License
- Building and Testing the Sources
- Code Contributions
The cost of remediating a vulnerability is akin to the cost of fixing a bug. The earlier you remediate a vulnerability in the release cycle, the lower the cost. JFrog Xray is instrumental in flagging components when vulnerabilities are discovered in production systems at runtime, or even sooner, during the development.
The JFrog VS Code Extension adds JFrog Xray scanning of Maven, npm, Go and Python project dependencies to your VS Code IDE. It allows developers to view panels displaying vulnerability information about the components and their dependencies directly in their VS Code IDE. With this information, a developer can make an informed decision on whether to use a component or not before it gets entrenched into the organization’s product.
The JFrog Extension also includes free security scanning and metadata of Go Modules from JFrog GoCenter. Read more in the Go Projects section.
View the dependencies used by the project in a tree, where the direct dependencies are at the top.
The JFrog extension automatically triggers a scan of the project's dependencies whenever a change is detected after building the code.
To invoke a scan manually, click on the Refresh button or click on Start Xray Scan from within the editor.
View the security information for a depedency by hovering over it in the editor.
You can also navigate from the depedency declaration directly into the tree view. This allows you to see transitive (indirect) depedencies.
Search for a dependency in the tree:
View the issues associated with direct and transitive (indirect) dependencies.
To filter the dependencies viewed, click on the Filter button.
Navigate from the tree view to a depedency's declaration in the editor.
Connect to JFrog Xray by clicking on the green Connect button:
The extension also support connecting to JFrog Xray using environment variables.
Note: For security reasons, it is recommended to unset the environment variables after launching VS Code.
- JFrog Xray usernameJFROG_IDE_PASSWORD
- Set the value of this environment variable to true, if you'd like VS Code to store the connection details after reading them from the environment variables.
If your JFrog Xray instance is behind an HTTP/S proxy, follow these steps to configure the proxy server:
- Go to Preferences --> Settings --> Application --> Proxy
- Set the proxy URL under 'Proxy'.
- Make sure 'Proxy Support' is 'override' or 'on'.
- Alternatively, you can use the HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY environment variables.
If your proxy server requires credentials, follow these steps:
- Follow 1-3 steps under Proxy configuration.
- Encode with base64:
. - Under 'Proxy Authorization' click on 'Edit in settings.json'.
- Add to settings.json:
"http.proxyAuthorization": "Basic [Encoded credentials]"
Username: foo
Password: bar
"http.proxyAuthorization": "Basic Zm9vOmJhcg=="
By default, paths containing the words test
, venv
and node_modules
are excluded from Xray scan.
The exclude pattern can be configured in the Extension Settings.
To open the extension settings, use the following VS Code menu command:
- On Windows/Linux - File > Preferences > Settings > Extensions > JFrog
- On macOS - Code > Preferences > Settings > Extensions > JFrog
Go Modules in GoCenter are scanned by Xray. You can read more about it in this blog. The JFrog VS Code Extension pulls this security information from GoCenter and displays it inside the IDE. It also displays, for each module, the description summary, license and the number of stars.
For each module there's a direct link to the GoCenter UI, with more information, like the actual CVEs, as well as other projects which use this module.
By connecting VS Code to JFrog Xray the security information is pulled directly from JFrog Xray. This means that more security information becomes available to the developers inside VS Code. This includes the list of security issues, including the module versions with the fixes. All the module metadata provided by GoCenter is still available when connecting to JFrog Xray.
The JFrog VS Code Extension scans all of the project depedencies, both direct and indirect (transitive), even if they are not declared in the project's go.mod. It builds the Go dependencies tree by running go mod graph
. Therefore, please make sure to have Go CLI in your system PATH.
Behind the scenes, the extension builds the Maven dependencies tree by running mvn dependency:tree
. View licenses and top issue severities directly from the pom.xml.
Important notes:
- To have your project dependencies scanned by JFrog Xray, make sure Maven is installed, and that the mvn command is in your system PATH.
- For projects which include the Maven Dependency Plugin as a build plugin, with include or exclude configurations, the scanning functionality is disabled. For example:
Behind the scenes, the extension builds the npm dependencies tree by running npm list
. View licenses and top issue severities directly from the package.json.
Important: To have your project dependencies scanned by JFrog Xray, make sure the npm CLI is installed on your local machine and that it is in your system PATH. In addition, the project dependencies must be installed using npm.
Behind the scenes, the extension builds the Pypi dependencies tree by running pipdeptree
on your Python virtual environment. It also uses the Python interpreter path configured by the Python extension. View licenses and top issue severities directly from your requirements.txt files. The scan your Pypi dependencies, make sure the following requirements are met:
- The Python extension for VS Code is installed.
- Depending on your project, Python 2 or 3 most be your system PATH.
- Create and activate a virtual env as instructed in VS-Code documentation. Make sure that Virtualenv Python interpreter is selected as instructed here.
- Open a new terminal and activate your Virtualenv as instructed here.
- Install your python project and dependencies according to your project specifications.
The extension is licensed under Apache License 2.0.
To build the extension sources, please follow these steps:
- Clone the code from Github.
- Build and create the VS-Code extension vsix file by running the following npm command.
npm i
npm run package
After the build finishes, you'll find the vsix file in the jfrog-vscode-extension directory. The vsix file can be loaded into VS-Code
To run the tests:
npm t
We welcome community contribution through pull requests.
- Before creating your first pull request, please join our contributors community by signing JFrog's CLA.
- If the existing tests do not already cover your changes, please add tests.
- Pull requests should be created on the dev branch.
- Please run
npm run format
for formatting the code before submitting the pull request.