The primary output from Songbird is a file containing differentials. These describe the log-fold change of features (microbes, metabolites, ...) with respect to certain field(s) in your sample metadata. The most important aspect of these differentials are rankings, which are obtained by sorting a column of differentials from lowest to highest. These rankings give information on the relative associations of features with a given covariate.
For more details, please see the paper introducing Songbird.
Songbird has a lot of parameters you can specify, but the three required parameters are:
- A BIOM table containing feature counts for the samples in your dataset
- A sample metadata file containing the covariates you're interested in studying (this should be a tab-separated file)
- A "formula" specifying the covariates to be included in the model Songbird produces, and their interactions (see this section for details)
You can run Songbird as a standalone tool from the command-line or as a QIIME 2 plugin. Either works!
This README's tutorials use a subset of the Red Sea metagenome dataset as an example dataset. This data is stored in the data/redsea/
directory within this repository. Throughout the rest of this README, we'll just refer to this dataset as "the Red Sea dataset", "Red Sea", or something like that.
Features in this dataset are KEGG orthologs (KOs) -- see the dataset's paper, in particular this section, for more details.
This README is divided into a few main sections:
- Using Songbird "standalone"
- Using Songbird through QIIME 2
- Specifying a formula
- Interpreting model fitting information
- Adjusting parameters to get reasonable fitting
- Validating by comparing to null/baseline models
- FAQs
- Visualizing Songbird's differentials
- More information
First off, make sure that conda is installed.
Songbird can be installed from the conda-forge
channel as follows:
conda create -n songbird_env songbird "pandas>=0.18.0,<1" -c conda-forge
source activate songbird_env
If you get an error about "redirecting" from that first command, you probably
need to add a \
(a backslash character) before the >
and <
This can be a problem if you're using fish as your
Let's try running Songbird on the "Red Sea" example data included with this
repository. You can just copy-and-paste the command below into your terminal,
assuming you've activated your songbird_env
songbird multinomial \
--input-biom data/redsea/redsea.biom \
--metadata-file data/redsea/redsea_metadata.txt \
--formula "Depth+Temperature+Salinity+Oxygen+Fluorescence+Nitrate" \
--epochs 10000 \
--differential-prior 0.5 \
--training-column Testing \
--summary-interval 1 \
--summary-dir results
The output differentials will be stored in results/differentials.tsv
You need to diagnose the fit of the model Songbird creates (e.g. to make sure it isn't "overfitting" to the data). When running Songbird standalone, you can do this using Tensorboard:
tensorboard --logdir .
When you open up Tensorboard in a web browser, it will show plots of the cross validation score and loss. See this section on interpreting model fitting for details on how to understand these plots, and see the section of the FAQs on running Songbird standalone for details on how to use Tensorboard.
Once you have a good fit for your model, you need to run a null model for comparison to make sure that your model is more predictive than the null model. See this section on how to run and compare a null model.
If you have any "comment rows" in your metadata -- for example, a #q2:types
row -- you will need to delete these before running Songbird standalone, since
otherwise standalone Songbird will interpret these rows as actual samples.
(We're planning on addressing this in the future.)
2. Using Songbird through QIIME 2
First, you'll need to make sure that QIIME 2 is in between (version 2019.7 and 2020.6) is installed before installing Songbird. In your QIIME 2 conda environment, you can install Songbird by running:
pip install songbird
Next, run the following command to get QIIME 2 to "recognize" Songbird:
qiime dev refresh-cache
If your data is not already in QIIME2 format, you can import your BIOM tables into QIIME 2 "Artifacts". Starting from the Songbird root folder, let's import the Red Sea example data into QIIME 2 by running:
qiime tools import \
--input-path data/redsea/redsea.biom \
--output-path redsea.biom.qza \
--type FeatureTable[Frequency]
With your QIIME 2-formatted feature table, you can run Songbird through QIIME 2 as follows:
qiime songbird multinomial \
--i-table redsea.biom.qza \
--m-metadata-file data/redsea/redsea_metadata.txt \
--p-formula "Depth+Temperature+Salinity+Oxygen+Fluorescence+Nitrate" \
--p-epochs 10000 \
--p-differential-prior 0.5 \
--p-training-column Testing \
--p-summary-interval 1 \
--o-differentials differentials.qza \
--o-regression-stats regression-stats.qza \
--o-regression-biplot regression-biplot.qza
You can add the --verbose
option to see a progress bar while this is running.
You need to diagnose the fit of the model Songbird creates (e.g. to
make sure it isn't "overfitting" to the data). When you run Songbird
through QIIME 2, it will generate a regression-stats.qza
Artifact. This can be
visualized by running:
qiime songbird summarize-single \
--i-regression-stats regression-stats.qza \
--o-visualization regression-summary.qzv
The resulting visualization (viewable using qiime tools view
or at contains two plots.
These plots are analogous to the two
plots shown in Tensorboard's interface (the top plot shows cross-validation
results, and the bottom plot shows loss information). The interpretation of
these plots is the same as with the Tensorboard plots: see this section on interpreting model fitting for details on how to understand these plots.
Once you have a good fit for your model, you need to run a null model for comparison to make sure that your model is more predictive than the null model. See this section on how to run and compare a null model.
A formula specifies the statistical model to be built based on the columns in the metadata file. For example, if a user wanted to build a statistical model testing for differences between disease states while controlling for sex, the formula would look something like:
--formula "diseased+sex"
where diseased
and sex
are columns in the sample metadata file.
This is similar to the statistical formulas used in R, but the order in which you
specify the variables (a.k.a. column names) is not important. The backend we use here for processing formulas is
called patsy.
The metadata columns used in the --formula
can be either numeric or categorical. As you can imagine, there are many possible ways to specify metadata columns in
your formula -- in particular, encoding categorical variables can get tricky.
(For example, should a
variable like sex
be encoded the
same way as an
variable like disease_progression
? Probably not!)
In this section we'll go over a few common cases, and link to some more general
documentation at the end in case these examples aren't sufficient.
Let's say your formula just includes one categorical variable:
--formula "healthy_or_sick"
...where the only possible values of healthy_or_sick
are healthy
. The output differentials produced by Songbird will only have two
The second differential column indicates association with the given value:
differentials indicate association with
-valued samples using sick
-valued samples as a reference,
and healthy_or_sick[T.sick]
differentials indicate association with
-valued samples using healthy
-valued samples as a reference. You'll
only get one of these columns; the choice of reference value, if left
unspecified, is arbitrary.
The reference value is used as the denominator in the log-fold change
computation of differentials. So, for healthy_or_sick[T.healthy]
-- a
differential column where sick
-valued samples are implicitly set as the
reference -- the features with the most negative differential ranking values
will be more associated with sick
-valued samples, whereas the features with
the most positive differential ranking values will be more associated with
-valued samples.
It is possible to explicitly set the reference value in your formula.
Going back to the healthy_or_sick
example, if you know you want to use
-valued samples as a reference, you can describe this in
the formula like so:
--formula "C(healthy_or_sick, Treatment('healthy'))"
This will ensure that your second column of differentials is
C(healthy_or_sick, Treatment('healthy'))[T.sick]
-- that is, the association
with sick
-valued samples using healthy
-valued samples as a reference.
If you have more than two categories in a given column (e.g. healthy
, disease A
, or disease B
then Songbird will return K-1
columns of differentials (where K
is the number of categories in a given column)
with each category compared to the reference.
In this example it would return two columns; one with disease A
compared to healthy
and one with disease B
compared to healthy
Sure! In general, it's a good idea to read over the patsy documentation -- there are a lot of ways you can specify formulas. However, here are a few small examples of common formula uses.
This was described above. Basically, you'll want to specify a formula of something like
--formula "C(your_metadata_field, Treatment('desired_reference_value'))"
See this blog post for more details.
See this blog post for details on how to do this.
Basically, you'll want to specify a formula of something like
--formula "C(your_metadata_field, Diff, levels=['first_level', 'second_level', 'third_level'])"
That depends on the number of samples you have -- the rule of thumb is to only have about
10% of your samples.
So if you have 100 samples, you should not have a formula with more than 10 variables. This measure needs to be used with caution, since the number of categories will also impact this. A categorical variable with k categories counts as k-1 variables, so a column with 3 categories will be represented as 2 variables in the model. Continuous (or numerical) variables will only count as 1 variable. Beware of overfitting, though! You can mitigate the risk of overfitting by adjusting the --differential-prior
For more information on --differential-prior
and other Songbird parameters, please see
this section of the FAQs on parameters.
In case the above examples didn't cut it, here are some links to external documentation that may be helpful, sorted very roughly into "less" and "more" technical categories:
- Video explaining various types of categorical encodings
- Blog post introducing design matrices and explaining coding nominal variables
- Blog post explaining coding ordinal variables
- Jupyter Notebooks explaining formulas, starting here
If you have any other resources you'd like to see added here, feel free to send a PR/issue.
That's debatable!
Regardless of whether you run Songbird standalone or through QIIME 2, you'll need to check up on how Songbird's model has fit to your dataset.
If you ran Songbird standalone, you can open up Tensorboard in your results directory (or the directory above your results directory) to see something like this:
(You may need to wait for a while for Tensorboard to fully load everything.
Refreshing the page seems to help.)
And if you ran Songbird through QIIME 2, you can open up your regression-summary.qzv
using qiime tools view
or using to see something like this:
(Note that this screenshot has been zoomed out a lot in order to show
the full display.)
If you don't see anything in these plots, or if the plots only show a small handful of points, you probably need to decrease your --summary-interval
parameter. This parameter (specified in seconds) impacts how often a "measurement" is taken for these plots. By default, it's set to 10 seconds -- but if your Songbird runs are finishing up in only a few seconds, that isn't very helpful!
Try setting the --summary-interval
to 1
to record the loss at every second. This should give you more detail in these plots. (If what you want to do is make Songbird run longer, i.e. over more iterations, then you can increase the --epochs
parameter -- more on this later.)
Also, as mentioned above: if you're using Tensorboard, you may also need to refresh the graph a few times to get stuff to show up.
This is a graph of the prediction accuracy of the model; the model will try to guess the count values for the training samples that were set aside in the script above, using only the metadata categories it has. Then it looks at the real values and sees how close it was.
The x-axis is the number of iterations (meaning times the model is training across the entire dataset). Every time you iterate across the training samples, you also run the test samples and the averaged results are being plotted on the y-axis.
The number of iterations is influenced by a number of parameters, most notably
by the --epochs
parameter. All else being equal, the greater this number is the more iterations the model will go through.
The y-axis is the average number of counts off for each feature. The model is predicting the sequence counts for each feature in the samples that were set aside for testing. So in the Cross Validation graphs shown above it means that, on average, the model is off by around 5 to 10 counts, which is low. However, this is ABSOLUTE error -- not relative error (unfortunately we can’t do relative errors because of the sparsity of metagenomic datasets).
The raw numbers will be variable, but the most important thing is the shape of the graph. You want to see exponential decay and a stable plateau. The cross validation graphs shown in the Tensorboard/QIIME 2 summaries above are good examples. Importantly, you need to compare your model to a null model to ensure that the covariates entered into the formula are improving the model fit. More details on this can be found in section 6: Validating by comparing to null/baseline models.
This graph is labelled "loss" because "loss" is the function being optimized. The goal here is to reduce the error of the training samples.
This graph represents how well the model fits your data. Just like the prediction accuracy graph, the x-axis is the number of iterations (meaning times the model is training across the entire dataset).
The y-axis is MINUS log probability of the model actually fitting: so LOWER is better (maximizing the probability = minimizing the negative log probability).
Again, the numbers vary greatly by dataset, but you want to see the curve decaying and plateau as close to zero as possible (the loss graphs shown in the Tensorboard/QIIME 2 summaries above are nice).
It's worth noting that, ignoring stuff like --output-dir
the only required parameters to Songbird are a feature table, metadata, and a formula.
In the examples using the Red Sea dataset above, the reason we
changed the --epochs
and --differential-prior
to different values from the default was
due to consulting Tensorboard to optimize parameter fit.
It's recommended to start with a small formula (with only a few variables in the model) and increase from there, because it makes debugging easier. (See this section on specifying formulas for more information.) If your graphs are going down but not exponentially and not plateauing, you should consider increasing the number of iterations by, for example, increasing --epochs
If your graphs are going down but then going back up, this suggests overfitting; try reducing the number of variables in your formula, or reducing --differential-prior
. As a rule of thumb, you should try to keep the number of metadata categories less than 10% the number of samples (e.g. for 100 samples, no more than 10 metadata categories).
If you have a lot of samples, you may want to try increasing the
parameters. This parameter specifices how many samples will be held out of model Training and used for model Testing. As a rule of thumb, this should be ~10-20% of your samples.
If your sample categories are not evenly distributed (i.e. you have 100 healthy samples but only 20 sick samples), you can specify which samples will be used for training versus testing. By default, the train/test samples are randomly assigned. You can add a column to your metadata file that marks each sample as either Train
or Test
(these values are case sensitive!) and specifying this column in --p-training-column
. Make sure that a relatively even number of each sample category are in the Train and Test groups (i.e. so you are not training only on healthy samples and testing on sick). More information on specifying the training columns can be found here.
There are other parameters besides the ones mentioned above that you can
tweak in Songbird in order to adjust your model's fitting. Depending on if
you're using Songbird standalone or through QIIME 2, you can run
songbird multinomial --help
or qiime songbird multinomial --help
to get
a list of all available parameters, respectively.
Now that we have generated a model and understand how to interpret the diagnostic plots, it is important to compare this model to a model made without any metadata input (a "null model"). In other words, this will allow us to see how strongly the covariates in the formula can be associated with the features of the model, as compared to random chance. We can do this by simply supplying --formula
with "1"
as shown below.
Please note that the standalone and QIIME 2 versions of Songbird will get you different things. Both show you a plot with multiple model fitting curves, but:
The standalone version of Songbird has support through Tensorboard for comparing model fitting (see the screenshot below).
The QIIME 2 version of Songbird uses a much simpler interface. It also includes a Q2 value.
We recommend trying this out with the QIIME 2 version at first.
If you're using Songbird standalone, Tensorboard makes it particularly easy to compare different parameters: if you simply change a parameter and run Songbird again (under a different output file name) that graph will pop up on top of the first graphs in Tensorboard! Let's generate a null model as follows:
songbird multinomial \
--input-biom data/redsea/redsea.biom \
--metadata-file data/redsea/redsea_metadata.txt \
--formula "1" \
--epochs 10000 \
--differential-prior 0.5 \
--training-column Testing \
--summary-interval 1 \
--summary-dir results
Notice how this is the same command that we used before (e.g. we have the same
and --epochs
), with the exception that the --formula
is now just "1"
Let's open up Tensorboard. You can click the graphs on and off in the lower left hand panel, and read just the axis for a given graph (or set of graphs) by clicking the blue expansion rectangle underneath the graph. Within Tensorboard, you can also view a summary of final results under the HPARAMS
tab -- that will look something like this:
Above, the model with the lowest cross-validation error is highlighted in green. You can see how its performance compares to other models that were fit on this dataset with various parameters. Additionally, the model's diagnostic plots are shown, which will have an exponential decay and a stable plateau if the model converged.
If you're running Songbird through QIIME 2, the
qiime songbird summarize-paired
command allows you to view two sets of
diagnostic plots at once as follows:
# Generate a null model
qiime songbird multinomial \
--i-table redsea.biom.qza \
--m-metadata-file data/redsea/redsea_metadata.txt \
--p-formula "1" \
--p-epochs 10000 \
--p-differential-prior 0.5 \
--p-training-column Testing \
--p-summary-interval 1 \
--o-differentials null-diff.qza \
--o-regression-stats null-stats.qza \
--o-regression-biplot null-biplot.qza
# Visualize the first model's regression stats *and* the null model's
# regression stats
qiime songbird summarize-paired \
--i-regression-stats regression-stats.qza \
--i-baseline-stats null-stats.qza \
--o-visualization paired-summary.qzv
The summary generated will look something like as follows:
This visualization isn't quite as fancy as the Tensorboard one we showed above, but it does include a Q2 value.
The Q2 score is adapted from the Partial least squares literature. Here it is given by Q^2 = 1 - m1/m2
, where m1
indicates the average absolute model error and m2
indicates the average absolute null or baseline model error. If Q2 is close to 1, that indicates a high predictive accuracy on the cross validation samples. If Q2 is low or below zero, that indicates poor predictive accuracy, suggesting possible overfitting. This statistic behaves similarly to the R2 classically used in a ordinary linear regression if --p-formula
is "1"
in the m2
If the Q2 score is extremely close to 0 (or negative), this indicates that the model is overfit or that the metadata supplied to the model are not predictive of microbial composition across samples. You can think about this in terms of "how does using the metadata columns in my formula improve a model?" If there isn't really an improvement, then you may want to reconsider your formula.
... But as long as your Q2 score is above zero, your model is learning something useful.
(For the sake of simplicity, this subsection just uses Songbird through QIIME 2.)
In addition to comparing your model to a null model, it may also be useful to compare it to 'baseline' models, which contain only a subset of the formula variables. The Q2 score will allow you to determine how much a given variable(s) improves the model, and therefore how important it is for determining differntially abundant microbes.
For instance, in the Red Sea dataset we can fit a model on just Depth and compare it to our original model to gauge how informative the other variables are (i.e. Temperature, Salinity, Oxygen, Fluorescence, and Nitrate). The Q2 value we see in the paired-summary.qzv
is the predictive accuracy estimated from the variables left out of the regression fit.
# Generate a baseline model
qiime songbird multinomial \
--i-table redsea.biom.qza \
--m-metadata-file data/redsea/redsea_metadata.txt \
--p-formula "Depth" \
--p-epochs 10000 \
--p-differential-prior 0.5 \
--p-training-column Testing \
--p-summary-interval 1 \
--o-differentials baseline-diff.qza \
--o-regression-stats baseline-stats.qza \
--o-regression-biplot baseline-biplot.qza
# Visualize the first model's regression stats *and* the baseline model's
# regression stats
qiime songbird summarize-paired \
--i-regression-stats regression-stats.qza \
--i-baseline-stats baseline-stats.qza \
--o-visualization paired-summary-2.qzv
This plot provides evidence for how much the model fit improved by adding Temperature
, Salinity
, Oxygen
, Fluorescence
, and Nitrate
. A positive Q2 score indicates an improvement over the baseline model.
Basically, you'll want to futz around with the parameters until you see two
nice exponential decay graphs, where your model provides an improvement in the cross-validation graph
compared to the null model.
Once you have that, you can start to look at the differentials
Songbird produced!
Q. What am I looking at in the output directory?
A. There are 3 major types of files to note:
: This contains the ranks of the features for certain metadata categories. The higher the rank, the more associated it is with that category. The lower the rank, the more negatively associated it is with a category. The recommended way to view these files is to sort the features within a given column in this file and investigate the top/bottom features with the highest/lowest ranks. (Qurro makes this sort of analysis easier.)The first column in
contains the IDs of your features (if you plugged in a QIIME 2 feature table and your "features" are ASVs/sOTUs/..., then you can look up the sequence or bacterial name by merging with rep-seqs or taxonomy, respectively). Once you have identified the features that change the most and least (have the highest and lowest differentials) you can plot the log ratio of these features across metadata categories or gradients! -
: this points to checkpoint files -- this can be used for saving intermediate results. This is more important for jobs that will take days to run, where the models parameter can be investigated while the program is running, rather than waiting fordifferentials.tsv
to be written. -
: These files are what is being read into Tensorboard when it visualizes model fitting plots.
Q. I'm confused, what is Tensorboard?
A. Tensorboard is a diagnostic tool that runs in a web browser. To open tensorboard, make sure you’re in the songbird environment (songbird_env
) and cd
into the folder you are running the script above from. Then run:
tensorboard --logdir .
Returning line will look something like:
TensorBoard 1.9.0 at http://Lisas-MacBook-Pro-2.local:6006 (Press CTRL+C to quit)
Open the website (highlighted in red) in a browser. (Hint; if that doesn’t work try putting only the port number (here it is 6006), adding localhost
, localhost:6006). Leave this tab alone. Now any songbird output directories that you add to the folder that tensorflow is running in will be added to the webpage.
This should produce a website with 2 graphs, which tensorflow actively updates as songbird is running.
See this section on interpreting model fitting for details on how to understand these plots.
Q. What are all of these QZA files, and what can I do with them?
A. When you run qiime songbird multinomial
, you'll get three output QIIME 2 artifacts:
: This is analagous to thedifferentials.tsv
file described above. This is represented as a QIIME 2FeatureData[Differential]
artifact, so you can directly load it into QIIME 2 plugins that accept differentials like Qurro. -
: This artifact contains information about how Songbird's model fitting went. You can visualize this usingqiime songbird summarize-single
, and if you have multiple Songbird runs on the same dataset you can visualize two artifacts of this type by usingqiime songbird summarize-paired
. See this section on interpreting model fitting for details on how to understand the resulting visualization. -
: This is a biplot. It's a bit unconventionally structured in that points in the biplot correspond to features and arrows in the biplot correspond to covariates. We'll show how to visualize this later in this FAQ section.
Q. (This answer uses the Red Sea dataset.) What can I do with that regression-biplot.qza
file I get from running qiime songbird multinomial
? Can I eat it?
A. You can't eat it, unfortunately. But you can visualize it in Emperor!
qiime emperor biplot \
--i-biplot regression-biplot.qza \
--m-sample-metadata-file data/redsea/feature_metadata.txt \
--p-ignore-missing-samples \
--p-number-of-features 7 \
--o-visualization emperor-biplot
You can view the resulting visualization using qiime tools view
or at
These biplots have a different interpretation - the points correspond to features and the arrows correspond to covariates of interest. Running these models on the full dataset can yield something similar to as follows:
Q. The "specifying a formula" section mentioned that I can mitigate overfitting with --differential-prior
. What does that mean?
A. By overfitting, we're referring to scenarios when the model attempts to memorize data points rather than building predictive models to undercover biological patterns. See
The --differential-prior
command specifies the width of the prior distribution of the differentials. For --differential-prior 1
, this means 99% of rankings (given in differentials.tsv) are within -3 and +3 (log fold change). The higher differential-prior is, the more parameters can have bigger changes, so you want to keep this relatively small. If you see overfitting (accuracy and fit increasing over iterations in tensorboard) you may consider reducing the differential-prior in order to reduce the parameter space.
Q. What's up with the --training-column
A. That is used for cross-validation if you have a specific reproducibility question that you are interested in answering. If this is specified, only samples labeled "Train" under this column will be used for building the model and samples labeled "Test" will be used for cross validation. In other words the model will attempt to predict the feature abundances for the "Test" samples. Ideally the random samples held out for testing will be a relatively even mix of samples from different categories. This parameter can be especially useful if your samples are not evenly distributed across sample categories, so that you can ensure even distribution of sample categories across the "Train" and "Test" groups.
The resulting prediction accuracy is used to evaluate the generalizability of the model in order to determine if the model is overfitting or not. If this argument is not specified, then 5 random samples will be chosen for the test dataset. If you want to specify more random samples to allocate for cross-validation, the --num-random-test-examples
argument can be specified. As a rule of thumb, the number of test samples held out for cross-validation is typically 10-20%.
Note that the Train
and Test
values are case sensitive -- if you
specify train
and test
instead, things may go wrong.
Q. How long should I expect this program to run?
A. There are many factors that influence this. The numbers of samples and
features in your dataset play a large role, as does the
The larger the batch size, the more samples you average per iteration, but the less iterations you have - which can sometimes buy you less time to reach convergence (so you may have to compensate by increasing the epochs). On the other hand, if you decrease the batch size, you can have more iterations, but the variability between each iteration is higher. This also depends on if your program will converge. This may also depend on the --learning-rate
which specifies the resolution (smaller step size = smaller resolution, but may take longer to converge). You will need to consult with Tensorboard (or your regression-stats.qza output) to make sure that your model fit is sane. See this paper for more details on gradient descent:
Q. How exactly does filtering work?!?
A. There are two filtering parameters --min-feature-count
and --min-sample-count
. Be careful, these two parameters have different behaviors.
will filter out samples according to the total read count. For instance, if --min-sample-count 1000
is specified, then
all samples that have less than 1000 reads will be filtered out.
will filter out features according to how many samples they appear in. For instance, if --min-feature-count 10
is specified,
then all features than appear in less than 10 samples will be thrown out. It is important to note that we are filtering according to number of samples rather than number of reads. The reason why this behavior is chosen relates to a rule of thumb commonly used in linear regression - if a microbe appears in less than 10 samples, it is difficult to fit a meaningful line for that microbe. In other words, there is not even resolution in the study to say anything meaningful about that microbe in the context of differential abundance analysis. The --min-feature-count
filter is applied after the --min-sample-count
is applied, so it's possible for (for example) a sample to get filtered out which in turn causes a feature to get filtered out.
Q. Why do I have so many columns in my differentials
even when I'm only using one continuous variable?
A. If Songbird sees that a sample metadata column contains any non-numeric values -- even things like Not Applicable
, NA
, nan
, etc. -- then Songbird will assume that that sample metadata column is categorical (and not quantitative). This is likely why you're seeing multiple columns for a single sample metadata column.
If you're having this problem and you're running Songbird standalone, you will need to delete any #q2:
headers at the start of the sample metadata file -- otherwise, Songbird will interpret these lines as describing actual samples.
Q. I've installed Songbird, but when I try to run it I get an error that
says something like ImportError: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.15' not found
. What's going on here?
A. In our experience, this is a problem with installing TensorFlow on
conda. You should be able to get around this problem by uninstalling
TensorFlow, then re-installing it from the defaults
conda channel:
conda uninstall tensorflow
conda install -c defaults tensorflow
Qurro generates interactive visualizations of the differentials produced by Songbird! A Qurro demo using the Red Sea dataset is available here.
You can also view the output differentials as a nice, sortable table using
qiime metadata tabulate
qiime metadata tabulate \
--m-input-file differentials.qza \
--o-visualization differentials-viz.qzv
(The output .qzv
file can be viewed using qiime tools view
or at
For a more complete tutorial, see the following url that includes real datasets:
Credits to Lisa Marotz (@lisa55asil) and Marcus Fedarko (@fedarko) for the FAQs and a ton of the documentation in this README.
If you use this tool and you like it, please cite it at
title={Establishing microbial composition measurement standards with reference frames},
author={Morton, James T and Marotz, Clarisse and Washburne, Alex and Silverman, Justin and Zaramela, Livia S and Edlund, Anna and Zengler, Karsten and Knight, Rob},
journal={Nature communications},
publisher={Nature Publishing Group}