This code generates the experiments in the paper.
Biraj Pandey*, Bamdad Hosseini, Pau Battle, and Houman Owhadi. "Diffeomorphic Measure Matching with Kernels for Generative Modeling". [arxiv]
Do a clean download of the repository.
git clone
Go to the downloaded repo
cd path/to/KernelODETransport
Run the
. It creates an anaconda environment calledkode_env
, downloads required packages, datasets and runs tests.make
Activate the conda environment.
conda activate kode_env
Install the
packagepip install -e .
Run the files in
to reproduce our published results.
Remark: This project structure is based on the cookiecutter data science project template. I also took a great deal of help from the The Good Research Code Handbook written by Patrick J Mineault.
Here we fit the KODE model to sample from the pinwheel distribution.
import numpy as np
import jax.random as jrandom
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import load_dataset
from kode.models import transporter, kernels, losses, utils
from kode.visualization import visualize
# generate data
Y = load_dataset.two_dimensional_data('pinwheel', batch_size=5000, rng=None)
X = np.random.normal(size=(5000, 2))
# find inducing points
num_inducing_points = 100
inducing_points, median_distance = utils.find_inducing_points(X, Y,
# define model params
model_params = {'length_scale': [0.1 * median_distance]}
num_discrete_steps, num_solver_steps = 5, 10
model_kernel = kernels.get_kernel('rbf', model_params)
# define loss function and parameters
loss_params = {'length_scale': [0.15 * median_distance]}
loss_kernel = kernels.get_kernel('laplace', loss_params)
mmd_loss_fun = losses.MMDLoss(loss_kernel)
# initialize the optimizer
optimizer = utils.get_adam_with_exp_decay()
# initialize the model
key = jrandom.PRNGKey(20)
transport_model = transporter.Transporter(inducing_points, model_kernel,
num_discrete_steps, num_solver_steps, key)
gradient_mask = transport_model.get_gradient_mask()
# train
num_epochs = 501
rkhs_strength, h1_strength = 1e-6, 1e-6
batch_size = 5000, Y, num_epochs, mmd_loss_fun, rkhs_strength,
h1_strength, batch_size, optimizer)
# transform using the model
Y_pred, Y_traj = transport_model.transform(X, num_steps=20, trajectory=True)
# Plot results
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4))
ax1, ax2, ax3 = visualize.plot_2d_distributions(fig, X, Y, Y_pred)
Different scripts are provided for different datasets. To see all options,
use the -h
To see the hyperparameters used in each experiment, use the
from kode.models import load_hyperparameters
parameters = load_hyperparameters.two_dimensional_data('pinwheel')
To reproduce our experiments for 2d benchmarks, run:
python scripts/ --dataset pinwheel --save-name pinwheel_experiment
You can change the model parameters via the command line.
python scripts/ --dataset pinwheel --num-inducing-points 500 --num-epochs 101 --save-name modified_pinwheel_experiment
To evaluate the trained model, run:
python scripts/ --dataset pinwheel --file-name pinwheel_experiment
To reproduce our results on high dimensional benchmarks, run:
python scripts/ --dataset power --save-name power_experiment
To reproduce our results on 2d conditioning experiments, run:
python scripts/ --dataset pinwheel --save-name conditional_pinwheel_experiment
To reproduce our results on lotka volterra experiment, run:
python scripts/ --save-name lv_experiment
This material is in part based upon work supported by the US National Science Foundation Grant DMS-208535, NSF Graduate Fellowship grant DGE-1762114, and US AOFSR Grant FA9550-20-1-0358. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the funding agencies.