An implementation of CacheAPI for Play 2.1-RC3 final. Using spymemcached internally, which is the same as Play 1.x
Add the following dependency to your Play project:
For Play 2.1.0:
val appDependencies = Seq(
"com.github.mumoshu" %% "play2-memcached" % ""
val main = play.Project(appName, appVersion, appDependencies).settings(
resolvers += "Spy Repository" at "" // required to resolve `spymemcached`, the plugin's dependency.
For Play 2.0:
val appDependencies = Seq(
"com.github.mumoshu" %% "play2-memcached" % ""
val main = PlayProject(appName, appVersion, appDependencies, mainLang = SCALA).settings(
resolvers += "Spy Repository" at "" // required to resolve `spymemcached`, the plugin's dependency.
Add a reference to the plugin in play.plugins
file must be put somewhere in the classpath.
My recommendation is to put it in conf/
First of all, in application.conf
, disable the EhCachePlugin - Play's default implementation of CacheAPI:
Specify the host name or IP address of the memcached server, and the port number:""
If you have multiple memcached instances over different host names or IP addresses, provide them like:"mumocached1:11211""mumocached2:11211"
Enable replication (mirroring) between different memcached instances:
Then, you can use the play.api.cache.Cache
object to store a value in memcached:
Cache.set("key", "theValue")
This way, memcached tries to retain the stored value eternally. Of course Memcached does not guarantee eternity of the value, nor can it retain the value on restart.
If you want the value expired after some time:
Cache.set("key", "theValueWithExpirationTime", 3600)
// The value expires after 3600 seconds.
To get the value for a key:
val theValue = Cache.getAs[String]("key")
You can remove the value (It's not yet a part of Play 2.0's Cache API, though):
You can disable the plugin in a similar manner to Play's build-in Ehcache Plugin.
To disable the plugin in application.conf
If you memcached requires the client an authentication with SASL, provide username/password like:
By default, the plugin (or the spymemcached under the hood) does not output any logs at all. If you need to peek into what's going on, set the log level like:
You can prefix every key to put/get/remove with a global namespace. By default, the namespace is an empty string, implying you don't use namespacing at all. To enable namespacing, configure it in "application.conf":
0.2.2 Fixed the logging leak issue. You don't get a bunch of INFO messages to play app's default logger anymore.
0.2.3 Allow removing keys in both Java and Scala ways described in Play's documentation. See MemcachedIntegrationSpec.scala for how to remove keys in Scala.
0.2.4 Introduced "namespace" to prefix every key to put/get/remove with a global namespace configured in "application.conf" Updated spymemcached to 2.8.12
0.3.0 Built for Play 2.1.0 and available in the Maven Central. Also updated spymemcached to 2.8.4. Updated spymemcached to 2.8.12 Reverted spymemcached to 2.8.9 to deal with authentication failures to various memcache servers caused by spymemcached 2.8.10+. See #17 and #20 for details.
Thanks to gakuzzzz for the original idea of "namespacing" and the initial pull request for it.