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New in v0.0.4: Redux!

After working with both redux and alt, I found redux more difficult to use, but providing specific advantages. Redux's reducers provide a consistent and scalable place for the data juggling logic that alt leaves unorganized in various data stores. In the long term, redux is more scalable because it has better separation of concerns.


Kabuki-motion is a starter project for publishing a single-page web app with web animators in mind. It creates both a react/flux development environment and live production server.

The react application comes pre-built with one-directional flux architecture and example components that make use of the React-Motion library.

The aim of this repo is to incorporate the best practices to building non-trivial apps with Reactjs v0.14 that include Heroku support.

Other boilerplates that include Heroku support also require the MongoDB addon, which is free now, but may not be in the future. This library does not require any Heroku addons.

| React + Redux + WebPack + Heroku |

Demo Site

The Technology Stack


  • Heroku
  • Node
  • Express

Development Environment

  • Webpack
  • Babel
  • Sass
  • ESLint
  • Uglifiy


  • React v0.14
  • Flux Architecture with Redux
  • React-Motion for preformant animation


  1. install node.js
  2. in a new terminal window, run git clone
  3. cd kabuki-motion
  4. npm install
  5. npm run build this will build the files one time
  6. npm start to run the server in development mode
  7. Goto http://localhost:5000 in your browser

Running the Local Development Environment

  1. npm run watch to run webpack in watch mode
  2. in a new terminal window, run npm start to run the server in development mode
  3. Goto http://localhost:5000 in your browser

Or run npm run production to run the server in production mode, without linting and source maps. The raw framework is about 250k, everything else is content.

Running the Server on the Web

  1. install the heroku toolbelt
  2. heroku create
  3. heroku apps:rename newname
  4. git push heroku master
  5. heroku open


/client contains the react files that construct the site. Run webpack while editing these files to see your changes live in the browser. /client/App.jsx is the main point of entry for the React application.

/public contains the public, static resources served by the server, and the rendered application javascript and css files.

/server contains files related to the node server. /server/app.js creates the node server. /server/routes.js creates the node server's routing. /server/view.ejs is the HTML view for the React single-page application.

How to Contribute

  1. Any suggestions/improvements/comments/bugs can be in the form of a Pull Requests or Github issue.
  2. Coding guidelines:


react-motion - a spring that solves your animation problems

react-webpack-node - Alt, Immutable, React, Sass, Webpack, Node, MongoDB, Heroku

react-flux-starter - Flux, React, Less, Gulp, Node, Heroku
