71 new problems found by Qodana for JVM
Qodana for JVM
71 new problems were found
Inspection name | Severity | Problems |
Vulnerable API usage |
🔶 Warning | 18 |
Synchronization on a non-final field |
🔶 Warning | 9 |
Statement with empty body |
🔶 Warning | 7 |
Catch block may ignore exception |
🔶 Warning | 6 |
Result of method call ignored |
🔶 Warning | 4 |
String concatenation in loop |
🔶 Warning | 4 |
String concatenation as argument to 'StringBuilder.append()' call |
🔶 Warning | 4 |
Unused assignment |
🔶 Warning | 3 |
Nullability and data flow problems |
🔶 Warning | 2 |
Suspicious date format pattern |
🔶 Warning | 2 |
Constant values |
🔶 Warning | 1 |
Call to 'toString()' on array |
🔶 Warning | 1 |
Inner class may be 'static' |
🔶 Warning | 1 |
Magic constant |
🔶 Warning | 1 |
Suspicious 'System.arraycopy()' call |
🔶 Warning | 1 |
Constant values |
◽️ Notice | 6 |
'if' statement with identical branches |
◽️ Notice | 1 |
💡 Qodana analysis was run in the pull request mode: only the changed files were checked
☁️ View the detailed Qodana report
Detected 19 dependencies
Third-party software list
This page lists the third-party software dependencies used in project
Dependency | Version | Licenses |
checker-qual | 3.33.0 | MIT |
commons-beanutils | 1.9.4 | Apache-2.0 |
commons-collections | 3.2.2 | Apache-2.0 |
commons-digester | 2.1 | Apache-2.0 |
commons-io | 2.16.1 | Apache-2.0 |
commons-lang3 | 3.9 | Apache-2.0 |
commons-logging | 1.3.0 | Apache-2.0 |
commons-net | 3.10.0 | Apache-2.0 |
commons-text | 1.10.0 | Apache-2.0 |
commons-validator | 1.8.0 | Apache-2.0 |
dnsjava | 2.1.9 | BSD-2-Clause |
error_prone_annotations | 2.18.0 | Apache-2.0 |
gson | 2.8.9 | Apache-2.0 |
guava | 32.0.0-jre | Apache-2.0 |
http-request | 6.0 | MIT |
icu4j | 66.1 | UNICODE-ICU-58 |
j2objc-annotations | 2.8 | Apache-2.0 |
jsr305 | 3.0.2 | Apache-2.0 |
rsyntaxtextarea | 3.4.0 | BSD-3-Clause |
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- Or via our issue tracker: https://jb.gg/qodana-issue
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This result was published with Qodana GitHub Action
Check warning on line 122 in src/Deprecated/InsertXSSMenu.java
github-actions / Qodana for JVM
Catch block may ignore exception
Empty `catch` block
Check warning on line 427 in src/messageTab/U2C/ChinesePanel.java
github-actions / Qodana for JVM
Catch block may ignore exception
Empty `catch` block
Check warning on line 131 in src/Deprecated/U2CTabFactory.java
github-actions / Qodana for JVM
Catch block may ignore exception
Empty `catch` block
Check warning on line 46 in src/test/RobotInActionListener.java
github-actions / Qodana for JVM
Catch block may ignore exception
Empty `catch` block
Check warning on line 72 in src/test/RobotInActionListener.java
github-actions / Qodana for JVM
Catch block may ignore exception
Empty `catch` block
Check warning on line 147 in src/knife/CustomPayloadForAllInsertpointMenu.java
github-actions / Qodana for JVM
Catch block may ignore exception
Empty `catch` block
Check notice on line 392 in src/config/ConfigEntry.java
github-actions / Qodana for JVM
Constant values
Value `messageIsRequest` is always 'false'
Check notice on line 72 in src/messageTab/Info/InfoTab.java
github-actions / Qodana for JVM
Constant values
Value `isRequest` is always 'false'
Check notice on line 349 in src/base/FindUrlAction.java
github-actions / Qodana for JVM
Constant values
Value `selectedValue` is always 'null'
Check notice on line 259 in src/burp/BurpExtender.java
github-actions / Qodana for JVM
Constant values
Value `messageIsRequest` is always 'true'
Check notice on line 238 in src/burp/BurpExtender.java
github-actions / Qodana for JVM
Constant values
Value `messageIsRequest` is always 'true'
Check notice on line 263 in src/burp/BurpExtender.java
github-actions / Qodana for JVM
Constant values
Value `messageIsRequest` is always 'true'
Check warning on line 24 in src/knife/FindUrlAndRequest.java
github-actions / Qodana for JVM
Constant values
Condition `url.startsWith("./")` is always `true`
Check warning on line 23 in src/messageTab/Info/InfoEntry.java
github-actions / Qodana for JVM
Nullability and data flow problems
Variable is already assigned to this value
Check warning on line 232 in src/burp/RobotInput.java
github-actions / Qodana for JVM
Nullability and data flow problems
Method invocation `waitFor` may produce `NullPointerException`
Check warning on line 98 in src/base/FindUrlAction.java
github-actions / Qodana for JVM
Statement with empty body
`if` statement has empty body
Check warning on line 250 in src/burp/BurpExtender.java
github-actions / Qodana for JVM
Statement with empty body
`if` statement has empty body
Check warning on line 55 in src/knife/OpenWithBrowserMenu.java
github-actions / Qodana for JVM
Statement with empty body
`if` statement has empty body
Check warning on line 296 in src/config/ConfigTableModel.java
github-actions / Qodana for JVM
Statement with empty body
`if` statement has empty body
Check warning on line 92 in src/messageTab/Info/InfoTableModel.java
github-actions / Qodana for JVM
Statement with empty body
`if` statement has empty body
Check warning on line 189 in src/base/FindUrlAction.java
github-actions / Qodana for JVM
Statement with empty body
`if` statement has empty body
Check warning on line 403 in src/config/GUI.java
github-actions / Qodana for JVM
Statement with empty body
`else` statement has empty body
Check notice on line 16 in src/test/render.java
github-actions / Qodana for JVM
'if' statement with identical branches
'if' statement can be collapsed
Check warning on line 189 in src/Deprecated/RunSQLMapMenu.java
github-actions / Qodana for JVM
Result of method call ignored
Result of `File.createNewFile()` is ignored
Check warning on line 552 in src/config/GUI.java
github-actions / Qodana for JVM
Result of method call ignored
Result of `File.createNewFile()` is ignored