Soju-Scraper is a webscraping program to webscrape details and images from MyDramaList website. Since there is no public API for this website, this project was made to webscrape directly from the website.
In order to run this program it is recommended to have at least Python 3.6 or above.
Also make sure that the following modules are installed:
- requests
- BeautifulSoup4
- Pillow
- tkscrolledframe
To install them at once, run:
pip install requests beautifulsoup4 pillow tkscrolledframe
Along with a CLI interface (Coming Soon) it mainly has a easy-to-use GUI. It includes:
The main program used to display the info of any K-Drama along with the poster of it. The UI is pretty simple and easy to use. It displays Name, Native Title, Popularity, Episodes, Airing Date, Synopsis and Cast of the searched drama.
Also it has a feature to show the Top-100, Upcoming and Latest K-Dramas.
And the About button pops up a window which shows a little praise for me ;)
Soju-Downloader is the program to download all the images of a drama from the MDL website.
It gets the image links and downloads them one-by-one and saves them in the same directory as of the program.
The GUI version of Soju Downloader.
It does the same job as Soju Downloader except, it has a GUI interface.
'Coz why not! 😆
I made this project for my personal use and to develop my skills in Tkinter and BeautifulSoup4. As of future updates, I am thinking of creating a library for webscraping MyDramaList.
- All data and images scraped by this program belongs to MyDramaList
- Soju-Scraper icon downloaded from Icons8