MSQ is a set of tools to accomplish auto-updating with MSI used by Electron Apps. MSQ is specifically made for V3 of
For the longest time MSI was the gold standard in packaging and installing Windows applications. That doesn't mean that they cant be auto-updated. The only functionality from the original Windows.Squirrel carried over is the updating process. Packaging and managing of shortcuts is of course done MSI.
- Auto-Updating MSQ provides auto-updating for Apps packaged with electron-wix-msi V3
- Compatibility App updates packaged with Windows.Squirrel can be updated by MSQ
For the impatient:
git clone --recursive
.\.NuGet\NuGet.exe restore
msbuild /p:Configuration=Release
See Contributing for additional information on building and contributing to Squirrel.
See COPYING for details on copyright and usage of the Squirrel.Windows software.