To run the app you need to have a Java JRE installed (version 8 or higher) and you need internet access.
Download the executable jar file and launch it (probably by double-clicking on it)
The latest release can always be found here and is named itsf-ranking-{version}-all.jar
- downloads the ranking for the chosen tour from the ITSF page (top 2000 player in every category)
- you can look at the rankings and copy them in an Excel friendly way
- you can search by ITSF license number
- you can search for player names (phonetic, string part matching)
- you can upload text files (for singles 1 player per line for doubles 2 players per line separated by
) and the app tries to match it with the current ranking - you can search for missing players or players with multiple matches and complete the list by providing points manually
- columns can be sorted by clicking on them, which gives you a seeding
There is no support whatsoever. You can write issues and if I have time I might fix them. But I always accept PRs!
Needs at least JDK 8 and IntelliJ Idea (for Kotlin development)
Use ./gradlew check
for running the tests and ./gradlew run
to start the app.
User ./gradlew shadowJar
to build a runnable jar file.