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Sprinternship 2025 Challenge Project

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Sprinternship 2025 Challenge Project

-Tran was here

  • sara abdulla

Setup Your Local Go & SQL Environments

Go to

Click the “<> Code” Dropdown button and toggle to SSH Copy the url:

Open a Terminal window on your computer. If you have a Mac, this should be pretty straightforward (although we may need to install Git if you haven’t used it before). If you’re on a windows computer, we may need to install a git specific terminal - we’ll figure it out together!

$ cd (to get into your home directory)

$ git clone

If you get permissioning errors (about not being able to pull from this repo - we’ll need to take some steps to allow you to interact with git via SSH).

Once you’ve successfully cloned the repository, if you do an ls -la command in your terminal, you should now see a “sprinterns2024” directory listed!

Now we’ll deal with installing dependencies $ go mod tidy

If you do not already have homebrew installed, you can do so by running the following command in your terminal: /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

We also need to install our database - MySQL $ brew install mysql

$ brew services start mysql

$ mysql_secure_installation - set the password to admin. You shouldn't enforce a strong password here because otherwise it'll reject admin. If you can't get it to accept admin, just put in a strong password then:

$ mysql -u root -p $ UPDATE mysql.user SET authentication_string=null WHERE User='root';


$ mysql -u root $ ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH caching_sha2_password BY 'admin123';

To Start the MySQL Server: $ mysql.server start

To Stop the MySQL Server: $ mysql.server stop

To access the DB command line: $ mysql -u root -p (then enter the password you created when prompted)

Once the dependencies have been installed, you’ll be able to run the server/app with: $ go run main.go

You will also need to create the database that stores the data from the events app. You can do this by running the following script: $ ./

Setup your React environment

First you will need to install node. If you are on a Mac and you've installed brew in the initial Go + MySQL setup step, you can just: $ brew install node

Once Node is installed, if you have just set up your Go and SQL environments, you are likely already in the correct directory - i.e. the sprinterns2025 repository. From this directory, to setup your local React environment, you can do the following (in the command line):

$ cd views/js/evently

To install the required packages via npm (Node Package manager) $ npm install

This should install all packages necessary to run the application. You can then attempt to run the frontend with: $ npm run start

If you currently have the backend running, it is likely doing so on port 3000 which will collide with the default port for the frontend. When you run npm run start, if there is a port collision, you'll get the following prompt:

? Something is already running on port 3000. Probably:
  /var/folders/xr/47qyrvdn7hvczdf9_g8xjj_m0000gn/T/go-build2666203863/b001/exe/main (pid 40671)
  in /Users/dianabishop/sprinterns2024

Would you like to run the app on another port instead? › (Y/n)

Hit the "y" key on your keyboard and the FE will run on port 3001 instead and should automatically open the application in your browser. added my name

Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting

with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.

interactive rebase in progress; onto e96742e

Last command done (1 command done):

pick 39be453 added my name

Next commands to do (4 remaining commands):

pick 6757751 added my bio

pick 7c07d95 added my bio

You are currently rebasing branch 'sara-bio' on 'e96742e'.

Changes to be committed:



Sprinternship 2025 Challenge Project






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