Check out our guiding values. You are welcomed to contribute.
In addition to our [chart](231130 Bitol Technical Charter 2023-11-30.pdf):
- We meet once a month on the third Tuesday of the month at 7am / 7:00 EST.
- Two members of the same company are allowed in the TSC.
- You're out if you miss two consecutive meetings without notice.
- For now, members of the TSC are coopted. Candidates ared expected to be active in the WG, raise PRs, participate in Slack, write articles, and so on - we expect candidates to spend about an hour a week
- The chair is elected for one year.
- A TSC member cannot get excused or absent more than 3 times in a row.
Please refer to
In the rfcs directory.
List of TSC members and on the Bitol site.
Some meetings may have notes or working documents, they are in the meetings folder. It is not used often.
We use the Data Mesh Learning Community Slack. It is the main way of contributing to this project. The Slack workspace is available: join!.