Resurgence is a Post-apocalyptic garrysmod gamemode set in the Fallout Universe. This repository contains all of the text displayed in-game throughout all of the various UI.
These files are the current way that the gamemode fallout resurgence uses to save localized text. All text is loaded into the game depending on your selected locale.
Each language is found on of this repositories subfolders. Many of them are based on the english file and some are still work in progress.
The files are still in raw lua, meaning they must adhere to the lua syntax
- Make sure that all quoatations are escaped if they are within a string denoted with quotations. An escaped quoutation looks like this:
- The language id name at the top of the files corresponds with the console command
. Which should default to most user's default locale, and is controlled by the language control in the gmod main menu. Make sure the ID you specify properly corresponds to what that ConVar is set to when you select the language in-game. You can see full list of supported languages here! - Try to keep things that are names, such as
as short as possible so they fit within the Menus better. In general, shorter is better. - the "Shorts" (
) in the UI files are for things that show up on the HUD. They are meant to be abbreviations/shorthands for other things in the gamemode. - Variables are supported in the translation files, if you ever see something with a $dollar # front of it, that means its a live replaced variable. Do not translate the variable as it will not be able to be dynamically replaced in-game.