You should have installed Java version 8 (either Oracle's or OpenJDK) in order to build and run Please note that for the build process the JDK is required.
This build includes a copy of the Gradle wrapper. You don't have to have Gradle installed on your system in order to build the project. Simply execute the wrapper along with the appropriate task, for example
./gradlew clean
#### Running with multiple profiles
You must specify a project property at the command line, such as
./gradlew -Pprofile=dev :bootRun
The following profiles are supported
You can get a list of all supported Gradle tasks by running
./gradlew tasks --all
You can configure additional System properties (if you need them) by creating the following file and putting into it one property per line:
vi custom.jvmargs
Please be aware that since this file could contain sensitive information (such as Google Maps private API key) it will be automatically ignored by git.
In the custom.jvmargs add the following 2 lines:
Then, when executing ./gradlew -Pprofile=dev :bootRun
, the ui will automatically launch.
Importing the Gradle project into Intellij and Eclipse both work.
Note: this project uses Project Lombok. You will need to install the corresponding Lombok plugin for integration into your IDE.
./gradlew dependencyUpdates is also offered as a 3 tier application using 3 docker images:
--> docker official image for PostgreSQL databaseexteso/alfio-web
--> application runtime. Docker image is generated from this project (see below).tutum/haproxy
--> front layer proxy, force redirect to https and support load-balancing if multiple alfio-web instances are running
- Build application and Dockerfile:
./gradlew distribution
- Enter the directory:
cd build/dockerize
- Create docker image:
docker build -t exteso/alfio-web .
Define local directory for database data (on docker host, for data to survive postgres image restarts):
/path/to/local/data = /data/postgres/alfio
Define a local directory for logs:
/path/to/logs = /home/alfio/logs
Launch the Postgres instance
docker run --name alfio-db -e POSTGRES_DB=postgres -e POSTGRES_USERNAME=postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=alfiopassword --restart=always -d -v /path/to/local/data:/var/lib/postgresql/data postgres
* Note: on Mac volumes don't work (see for a possible workaround), launch the above command without the `-v` parameter (data are lost at every restart)
- Launch the server
docker run --name alfio-web --link alfio-db:db -v /path/to/logs:/alfio/logs -d exteso/alfio-web
- Launch the proxy
docker run --name alfio-proxy --link alfio-web:web1 -e SSL_CERT="$(awk 1 ORS='\\n' src/main/dist/servercert.pem)" -e FORCE_SSL=yes -e PORT=8080 -p 443:443 -p 80:80 -d tutum/haproxy
### Test application
- See alfio-web logs:
docker logs alfio-web
orless /path/to/logs/alfio.log
- Copy admin password in a secure place
- Get IP of your docker container: (only on Mac/Windows, on linux the proxy will bind directly on your public IP)
boot2docker ip
on Mac/Windows
- Open browser at:
- Insert user admin and the password you just copied
The certificate at src/main/resources/alfio/certificates/AppleWWDRCA.cer has been imported for functionality. It will expire the 02/07/23 (as
- dev: enable dev mode
- debug-csp: add report-uri and log csp violations
- http: enable if behind proxy or the call chain is not full https
- spring-boot: added when launched by spring-boot
- demo: enable demo mode, the accounts for the admin will be created on the fly
- disable-jobs: disable jobs
- jdbc-session: enable saving the http session in the database