libsshtunnel is a simple SSH tunnel library to let your networking app connect to a host running behind a SSH server.
#include <libsshtunnel.h>
// Callback that handles the SSH server's fingerprint.
// For the example, accepts any fingerprint, but normally
// you would check against saved ones etc.
int ssh_fingerprint_check(void *client,
const char *fingerprint,
int fingerprint_len,
const char *host) {
return 0;
// No extended error checking here for the sake of API showoff.
int main () {
// Init crypto backend, has to be called only once.
// Open a tunnel. This one uses password auth, there also is a variant using the private key.
ssh_tunnel_t *t = ssh_tunnel_open_with_password("", // Hostname of SSH server
"username", // SSH user name
"password", // SSH user's password
"localhost", // Remote service is running directly on SSH server
26000, // Port of remote service
NULL, // You can give an application pointer here that's handed to the callbacks.
ssh_fingerprint_check, // SSH fingerprint check callback
NULL); // Callback for error reporting, can be omitted
if(t) {
// Initial tunnel creation succeeded; you can now let your code connect
// to the local end of the tunnel:
// Your client will get connected to the server running on
// "", port 26000, as specified above.
my_client_connect("localhost", ssh_tunnel_get_port(t));
// Your other logic here...
// Closes the tunnel and frees memory.
return 0;
libsshtunnel uses CMake, thus it's:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
libsshtunnel is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License. See COPYING for more information.