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Common issues and solutions

Bkacjios edited this page Aug 23, 2020 · 3 revisions

Stuck "Waiting for Dolphin..."

  • If the program can't seem to find Dolphin, please make sure your exe hasn't been renamed. The program works by searching through the program list for Dolphin.exe specifically, along with another list of common dolphin executable names.

Here is a list of all the exe names the program will detect.


  1. Dolphin.exe
  2. Slippi Dolphin.exe
  3. DolphinWx.exe
  4. DolphinQt2.exe


  1. AppRun
  2. dolphin-emu
  3. dolphin-emu-qt2
  4. dolphin-emu-wx
  5. launch-fm
  6. slippi-r18-netplay
  7. slippi-r16-netplay
  8. slippi-r11-netplay
  9. slippi-r10-netplay

The overlay detects a game without a game being open.

  • Some third party overlays inject stuff into Doplhin, causing the detection system used for detecting the gamecube memory space to get confused and detect the wrong thing. Please try disabling any overlay or recording software, that is running in the background, and that isn't OBS.