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bkloppenborg edited this page Dec 8, 2014 · 7 revisions

MultiNest is a Bayesian Nested sampling minimization engine which calculates the evidence while intelligently exploring the parameter space, even in the presence of multiple modes and degeneracies. MultiNest is not distributed with SIMTOI due to licensing issues, but can be enabled following the instructions below.

In addition to the standard output files MultiNest generates a series of files prefixed by multinest in the output directory. The content of these files is documented in the MultiNest ReadMe and related literature.

SIMTOI includes a few scripts for parsing and plotting the output of MultiNest. These may be found in the simtoi/src/scripts directory. These Python scripts are internally documented following the PEP8 standard and have help which may be found by running the script with a -h option.

Licensing and Acknowledgement

MultiNest is freely available for academic use, but is subject to some licence restrictions.

If you use MultiNest as part of your research, please acknowledge its use according to the instructions on the MultiNest project site.


SIMTOI includes optional support for MultiNest. In order to enable MultiNest, download, compile, and install the CMake version of MultiNest. SIMTOI has been tested with MultiNest v3.7, but should work with more recent version as well (as long as the API hasn't changed). SIMTOI will automatically attempt to locate MultiNest in the default installation directory (CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX) for your system. If you have installed MultiNest to a local directory, add -DMULTINEST_ROOT=/path/to/multinest/root_dir to the CMake stage below. If it is found, you will get a message similar to the following during the CMake stage:

# cmake ..
-- Found MULTINEST: /usr/local/lib/;/usr/lib/;/usr/lib/ 
-- MultiNest found
--  SIMTOI will include the MultiNest minimizer

Configuration options

SIMTOI does not directly expose any configuration options for MultiNest. In most circumstances, the default values we have selected should be adequate; however, if you wish to change any of the parameters see the CMultiNest::run() function in simtoi/src/minimizers/CMultiNest.cpp