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How to deploy to various cloud platforms

Shannon Harris edited this page Feb 26, 2022 · 1 revision


Instructions for deploying from GitHub

  1. From the dashboard, click Create new app
  2. Give the app a name
  3. Choose a region and click Create app
  4. Go to the Settings tab
  5. In the Config Vars section, click the Reveal Config Vars button
  6. Enter the following key and value: NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION: false then Add.
  7. In Buildpacks, make sure that heroku/nodejs is selected
  8. In the Deploy tab, in the Deployment method section, click GitHub
  9. In the Connect to GitHub section, select and connect to your forked LTI tool repo
  10. Once connected, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Deploy Branch (for master branch or whatever feature/bugfix branch you're working from)
  11. Wait for the deployment to complete, then click View to launch your app.

Instructions for deploying from a local git repo

  1. From the dashboard, click Create new app
  2. Give the app a name
  3. Choose a region and click Create app
  4. Go to the Settings tab
  5. In the Config Vars section, click the Reveal Config Vars button
  6. Enter the following key and value: NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION: false then Add.
  7. In Buildpacks, make sure that heroku/nodejs is selected
  8. In the Deploy tab, in the Deployment method section, click Heroku Git
  9. Open a local terminal window and run the git:remote command shown in the Existing Git repository section
  10. Push your code using git push heroku master