Block Attack - Rise of the Blocks - the game
A Tetris Attack Clone under the GPL.
Recent Linux version. Target is all current Ubuntu Desktop LTS versions (up to 5 years).
Target is all official supported versions of windows for x86-64 that allows manually installed software. Currently Windows 10+.
- A version of g++ with C++11 support. Tested on g++-4.9
- libSDL2
- libSDL2_image
- libSDL2_mixer
- libSDL2_ttf
- libphysfs
- libfmt
- libboost (only needed for compiling)
- libboost-program-options
The only supported build method is using the CMake
To build do:
cmake .
# or
# cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .
# or
# cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .
The result should be in the "Game"-folder. To run
You can also choose to install it with
sudo make install
Windows build uses MXE ( and Docker. See "Building with Docker".
As getting a C++ project with many dependencies to compile can be a daunting task then I have provided a couple of Docker images that can perform a build. Both for Windows and Linux.
The project should at all time be able to compile on the oldest and latest supported version of Ubuntu. This is tested with Docker.
On a fresh checkout you can use:
docker build -f source/misc/docker/Dockerfile.Ubuntu18.04build . -t blockattack_test
docker build -f source/misc/docker/Dockerfile.WindoesBuild . -t blockattack_test
This project is a bit unconventional because I didn't know any better at the time.
- Game - The output is placed here
- man - The manual file and the script to generate it. May be moved to source/misc at some point
- source/code/ - The source code
- source/code/Libs - External libs that are compiled into the project because they are either header only (Cereal) or not designed for use as a shared library.
- source/code/sago - Source code. Not designed to be specific to Block Attack - Rise of the Blocks
- source/assets - Source for the assets if relevant. For instance svg source for the graphics.
- source/misc - Misc stuff. Code related tool that are used for development but not part of the final product.
- source/misc/astyle - Helper script that enforces code style using the "astyle"-program
- source/misc/docker - Docker files used by Travis CI (but can just as well be used for local testing and release builds)
- source/misc/embedded_libs - Contains dependencies not present on all supported systems
- source/misc/icons - Icons for the installer
- source/misc/screenshots - Screen shots like the one in this README file.
- source/misc/translation - Translations and related tools and scripts
- windows installer - Information needed to Windows installer. May be moved to source/misc at some point
Please report bugs on github: If possible: Check if the bug is already fixed in master. But if you don't know how to check it then just report it.
Contributions are welcome. See for details.