Copyright 2019 CERN. This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file LICENCE.txt. In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
BLonD_common (Beam Longitudinal Dynamics - Common dependencies)
Collection of common functions and interfaces for codes dedicated to longitudinal beam dynamics studies in synchrotrons
Project website:
- An Anaconda distribution (Python 3 recommended).
- That's all!
- The blond_common module is initially meant to be used as a submodule to other code developments. If you would like to add the blond_common module into your own development, you need to:
$ git submodule add your_project
- If the blond_common module is included as a submodule into another project, remember to initialize the module using (NB: this will update the submodule to the version defined by the project):
$ git submodule init $ git submodule update
The code can also be used standalone (e.g. to use fitting functions)
- Clone the repository from github or download and extract the zip from here_.
- Add the folder ON TOP of the blond_common module to your PYTHONPATH (e.g. if the folders are structured as /foo/bar/blond_common, you should add the "bar" folder to the PYTHONPATH, see in __EXAMPLES)
- Simon Albright (simon.albright (at)
- Theodoros Argyropoulos (theodoros.argyropoulos (at)
- Konstantinos Iliakis (konstantinos.iliakis (at)
- Ivan Karpov (ivan.karpov (at)
- Alexandre Lasheen (alexandre.lasheen (at)
- Helga Timko (Helga.Timko (at)
- Juan Esteban Muller
- Danilo Quartullo
- Joel Repond
To be described
No stable version at the moment