This script installs a number of common R packages automatically. If you have installed all dependencies using the BlueGreen Labs research environment script you should not encounter any installation issues.
You run the installation by using:
- utils
- devtools
- goodpractice
- pkgdown
- bookdown
- lintr
- covr
- rmarkdown
- knitr
- testthat
- usethis
- raster
- terra
- sf
- rnaturalearth
- rgdal
- maptools
- rgeos
- MODISTools
- daymetr
- mapview
- ecmwfr
- ncdf4
- gdalUtils
- tidyverse
- broom
- multidplyr
- lubridate
- patchwork
- BayesianTools
- GenSA
- randomForest
- keras
- caret
- geosphere
- oce