- Office Hours: 9:30 -- 10:30 Tues, Wed, Thurs. By Appointment, Use my Calendar Do not email me to ask when I can meet, use the calendar.
- Slack Channel: I'll use this to post hints and screen captures of notes. Using your norsekey # for slack Then join the internetprogramming channel
It is important that you are comfortable working from the command line in this class. If you are not comfortable working from the command line, and using git, then I would recommend you check out the following:
- Codecademy: Using the Command Line Well worth a couple of hours.
- Codecademy: Git Basics
- Tower: Learn Version control with Git Is an excellent overview also.
Because we will be installing a lot of third party packages, and because a big part of web programming involves using and installing 3rd party packages you will each need your own installation of Ubuntu Linux. This is a very common development environment as well as a common environment for deploying production ready web apps.
- Kent has written up a nice set of instructions for installing Ubuntu He also has a video here
Unit 2 - Back End with Flask
The Flask Mega-tutorial is an excellent resource for this part of the course.
- finish up in class exercises by Tuesday
- Bring ideas for final project on Tuesday
Tuesday - XKCD assignment due - Database
Thursday - Cookies - Talk about final project
Notes on records
>>> import records >>> db2 = records.Database('sqlite:///mydb.db') >>> db2.query('create table person (first_name text, last_name text)') <RecordCollection size=0 pending=True> >>> db2.query("""insert into person values ('Brad', 'Miller')""") <RecordCollection size=0 pending=True> >>> res = db2.query("""select * from person""") >>> res[0] <Record {"first_name": "Brad", "last_name": "Miller"}>
Tuesday - - The Python Database Interface and records
Thursday - No Class - Work on XKCD Password project - XKCD Password Requirements
- Generate a password from a word list dictionary composed of four words that satisfy the minimum and maximum length as defined selected by the user. (minimum single word length, maximum single word length, maximum overall length)
- Implement a checkbox to enable letter for number substitution in the passwords
- display passwords in a table using templates
- Use the bootstrap plugin for flask to improve the look and feel.
- Do ONE of the following: * implement options for "easy typing" passwords * implement options for adjective, noun, verb, adverb style
- This is due at the end of the day Tuesday May 1
- Tuesday - In Class Demo Day - Demo your mashups to me and your classmates
- Thursday - virtual environments - Templates - Forms
- Tuesday - No Class
- Thursday - Work on Mashups
- Midterm Mashups! (see mashup.md)
- Writing a simple proxy to avoid CORS problems
- I will be gone Tuesday April 10th
- Enjoy Spring Break!
For Thursday by 5pm
- Implement saving and restoring your todo list from a server
- Ideas for midterm mashup
- add one additional feature of your choice to the todo list
- Deploying the server to pythonanywhere Getting Started
- Virtual environments
- Discussion of midterm mashups (not due until after break)
For Tuesday Continue to enhance the shopping cart application by:
- Adding a sort capability to your table -- clicking on the title of a column should cause your program to sort the list on that column.
- Adding the use of localStorage to store and retrieve your list. When the page loads you should access localStorage to restore your list.
- Tuesday
- XMLHttpRequest objects
- New fetch interface and Promises
- a simple Flask application
- Thursday
- Passing data from client to server
- Using promises to build a remote adding machine
For Tuesday MVC Version of the shopping list with the following features working
- MVC implementation
- Working publish/subscribe interface between model and view
- Review MVC and pub/sub models
- Closures and Scopes in Javascript and events see https://runestone.academy/runestone/static/JS4Python/Advanced/closures.html
- JSON and localStorage
For Thursday * Clicking on a checkbox marks the item as purchased. The row should now appear to be crossed out. Optionally have the row dissapear after being crossed out for aobut 2 seconds. * If we get to localsStorage
- Tuesday/Thursday
- Initial user interface due by class on tuesday. Only the add button needs to work.
- Look at Selenium unit tests for buttontest homework
- Review git basics and commit the initial shopping list app to git
- Model View Controller and first refactoring
- Using localStorage for saving tasks in the browser
- Thursday
- Introduce the idea of a query string and post data
- Create page with four text inputs to enter 4 numbers
- Add an Add button
- When add button is clicked you have to add all the numbers using server
- The server supports a URL '/addtwo?num1=1&num2=2' and returns a json result
- in the client use the fetch interface to add all four numbers together
- The document Object Model
- Javascript Events and event driven programming
- Finish up the prime number table
Thursday - Admin - The Web Programming Architecture - Review of DOM - For thursday: Create a web page that has a button on it. Each time the button is pressed the next prime number should be displayed on the page along with the button. The prime number should be displayed in an h1 with the id of'nextprime' and the button should have an id of 'primebutton'. This web page should be public in your account on knuth.luther.edu and I should be able to access the page using
- Unit testing - Writing unit tests for the stack class
Most of you have only had a small taste of Javascript in CS-130. Here we'll compare Javascript to Python highligting the key differences and main features of Javascript for programming in the browser.
- Tuesday - Javascript Data types and Examples - For Thursday Read Javascript for Python Programmers Part II
- Thursday - Javascript Quiz 1
The goals of this first unit are to understand a bit about Network programming, as this forms the basis for how the web server and the browser communicate with each other.
Week of February 7
Tuesday - Get Linux environments installed and configured
- Configure Network for 'Bridged Mode' so we can access server
- Test the echoServer3.py and echoclient3.py programs with a partner
Thursday - Look at Multithreading and Multi-process models of the echo server
- See echoServerMT.py and echoServerMP.py
- Demonstrate a simple python webserver
- start to write our own webserver based on echoServerXX.py
Week of February 14
Tuesday - Chat server with asyncio
Thursday - A multithreaded web server
Week of February 20
- Writing classes in Javascript
For Tuesday Feb 20
- Do practice Exercise classes_3 -- Implement a stack class
- Thursday
- Admin
- The Web Programming Architecture
- Javascript Pretest 30 minutes
- Javascript Syntax and basic structures
- For Tuesday Feb 13, Read Javascript for Python Programmers Part I and Do Practice Problems 1 (jsbasics_1), 3 (jsbasic_3), and 5 (jsbasic_5)