With this ros node an instance of MPV video player can be started using the
configured ROS parameter.
Additionaly a MPV ipc-server.sock will be opened which can be accessed
directly or via a topic. Responses from MPV player can be received and are
also published via a topic.
Use the full MPV functionality within ROS to add additional dynamic visuals
for the robot operator.
A lot of functions are availabe with MPV player. Here are some of them:
- Play video, audio and streams
- Sending commands to the player during playing
- Retrieve state information of the player
- Scaling of video
- Positioning of the video window
- Remove of the window borders or even window caption
- Playing just part of the Video
- OSD functions
- Configurable keyboard controls
- ...
Additional information can be found here:
# install MPV video player
sudo apt-get install mpv
# run in your ros2_ws/src folder
git clone https://gitlab.com/bob-ros2/mpvros.git
cd ..
colcon build
. install/setup.bash
# show scaled video without border centered on the screen
ros2 run mpvros mpv --ros-args -p "args:=['/home/ros/video.mkv','--no-border',
# run with custom ipc-server socket path
ros2 run mpvros mpv --ros-args -p "ipc_server:=/home/ros/.mpvros.sock" -p
~ipc_server (string, default: "/tmp/mpvros.sock")
Server socket to be used for ipc communication.
~args (string_array, default: [])
Command line options to be passed to MPV player. Currently spaces are not allowed in the array items. See also https://mpv.io/manual/stable
~ipc_in (std_msgs/String)
Incoming ipc data to be forwarded to MPV ipc-server socket.
~ipc_out (std_msgs/String)
Outputs received ipc data from MPV ipc-server socket.
The title node updates periodically the current running MPV player title. This works for single file and for playlists. The current title is published to a topic.
# start title node
ros2 run mpvros title
# start with remapping
ros2 run mpvros title --ros-args -r ipc_in:=/mpv1/ipc_in -r ipc_out:=/mpv1/ipc_out
~ipc_in (std_msgs/String)
Incoming ipc data from MPV player.
~title (std_msgs/String)
Outputs current title.
~ipc_out (std_msgs/String)
Outgoing ipc data to request current title.
The Scheduler node can be used as central point to start and maintain running MPV playing orders.
# start scheduler to wait for incoming MPV playing orders
ros2 run mpvros scheduler
# publish a playing order to the scheduler topic
ros2 topic pub --once /schedule std_msgs/msg/String "{data: '/your/path/vid.mp4 --no-border --window-scale=0.4 --geometry=50%:50% --loop=inf'}"
# send playing order via action service, if parameter id is filled a single instance with this id will be forced
ros2 action send_goal /SuperBob/schedule mpvros/action/Schedule "{id: bob, args: /path/to/video.mkv --loop=inf --geometry=50%:50% --window-scale=0.4 }"
~schedule (std_msgs/String)
Receive schedule order.
~done (std_msgs/String)
Publishes MD5 sum of the schedule order which finished the job.
# start MPV player node and title node via launch file
ros2 launch mpvros mpv.launch.py args:="['/home/ros/Videos/bob.flv']"
~args (Array, default: None)
Array with MPV command line arguments. At least one array item must be provided.
~title (Bool, default: true)
Wheather to start also title node or just the MPV player node. If MPV player ends also the title node will be shutdown and the launch script ends as well.
~ns (String, default: /)
Namspace to start node(s) within.
~ipc_server (String: default: /tmp/mpvros-$RAND.sock)
Override MPV IPC server socket path.
# this ffmpeg example will create a 10 second test video, 30 fps
ffmpeg -f lavfi -i testsrc=duration=10:size=1280x720:rate=30 testsrc.mpg
# send a command from shell via topic ipc-in, the result can be retrieved
# ia topic ipc-out
# see also https://mpv.io/manual/stable/#json-ipc
ros2 topic pub --once /ipc_in std_msgs/String "data: '{ \"command\": [\"get_property\", \"playback-time\"] }'"
# send input.conf style text-only commands, this shows the playtime on
# the player OSD
# this will not produce a reply in the ipc-out
ros2 topic pub --once /ipc_in std_msgs/String "data: 'show-text \${playback-time}'"
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.