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A code completion library for Swing text components, with special support for RSyntaxTextArea.


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AutoComplete is a code completion library for Swing JTextComponents, with enhanced functionality available for instances of RSyntaxTextArea.

AutoComplete is available under a modified BSD license.


  • A completion choices list that updates as the user types
  • A "documentation" companion window for displaying documentation about the currently selected completion choice
  • Parameter assistance (e.g. tabbing through function/method parameters, with tool tip assistance for each argument and a possible list of valid variable completions for each)

Adding to Your Project

This library is available in the Maven Central repository (com.fifesoft:autocomplete:XXX). SNAPSHOT builds of the in-development, unreleased version are hosted on Sonatype.


AutoComplete is built using Gradle. It requires Java 17 to buil but runs on Java 8 or later. To compile the source, run all tests, and build the distribution jar, simply run the following gradle command:

gradlew clean build --warning-mode all

Example Usage

The example below shows how to add code completion for simple keywords to RSyntaxTextArea. For more examples, see the AutoCompleteDemo submodule in this project.

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import org.fife.ui.autocomplete.*;
import org.fife.ui.rsyntaxtextarea.RSyntaxTextArea;
import org.fife.ui.rsyntaxtextarea.SyntaxConstants;
import org.fife.ui.rtextarea.RTextScrollPane;

public class AutoCompleteDemo extends JFrame {

   public AutoCompleteDemo() {

      JPanel contentPane = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
      RSyntaxTextArea textArea = new RSyntaxTextArea(20, 60);
      contentPane.add(new RTextScrollPane(textArea));

      // A CompletionProvider is what knows of all possible completions, and
      // analyzes the contents of the text area at the caret position to
      // determine what completion choices should be presented. Most instances
      // of CompletionProvider (such as DefaultCompletionProvider) are designed
      // so that they can be shared among multiple text components.
      CompletionProvider provider = createCompletionProvider();

      // An AutoCompletion acts as a "middle-man" between a text component
      // and a CompletionProvider. It manages any options associated with
      // the auto-completion (the popup trigger key, whether to display a
      // documentation window along with completion choices, etc.). Unlike
      // CompletionProviders, instances of AutoCompletion cannot be shared
      // among multiple text components.
      AutoCompletion ac = new AutoCompletion(provider);

      setTitle("AutoComplete Demo");


    * Create a simple provider that adds some Java-related completions.
   private CompletionProvider createCompletionProvider() {

      // A DefaultCompletionProvider is the simplest concrete implementation
      // of CompletionProvider. This provider has no understanding of
      // language semantics. It simply checks the text entered up to the
      // caret position for a match against known completions. This is all
      // that is needed in the majority of cases.
      DefaultCompletionProvider provider = new DefaultCompletionProvider();

      // Add completions for all Java keywords. A BasicCompletion is just
      // a straightforward word completion.
      provider.addCompletion(new BasicCompletion(provider, "abstract"));
      provider.addCompletion(new BasicCompletion(provider, "assert"));
      provider.addCompletion(new BasicCompletion(provider, "break"));
      provider.addCompletion(new BasicCompletion(provider, "case"));
      // ... etc ...
      provider.addCompletion(new BasicCompletion(provider, "transient"));
      provider.addCompletion(new BasicCompletion(provider, "try"));
      provider.addCompletion(new BasicCompletion(provider, "void"));
      provider.addCompletion(new BasicCompletion(provider, "volatile"));
      provider.addCompletion(new BasicCompletion(provider, "while"));

      // Add a couple of "shorthand" completions. These completions don't
      // require the input text to be the same thing as the replacement text.
      provider.addCompletion(new ShorthandCompletion(provider, "sysout",
            "System.out.println(", "System.out.println("));
      provider.addCompletion(new ShorthandCompletion(provider, "syserr",
            "System.err.println(", "System.err.println("));

      return provider;


   public static void main(String[] args) {
      // Instantiate GUI on the EDT.
      SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> {
        try {
           String laf = UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName();
        } catch (Exception e) { /* Never happens */ }
        new AutoCompleteDemo().setVisible(true);


Sister Projects

  • RSyntaxTextArea provides syntax highlighting, code folding, and many other features out-of-the-box.
  • RSTALanguageSupport - Code completion for RSTA for the following languages: Java, JavaScript, HTML, PHP, JSP, Perl, C, Unix Shell. Built on both RSTA and AutoComplete.
  • SpellChecker - Adds squiggle-underline spell checking to RSyntaxTextArea.
  • RSTAUI - Common dialogs needed by text editing applications: Find, Replace, Go to Line, File Properties.

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