Made with Python and RED.
If you want to see this bot in action, join the LeGeND Family Discord at
- crtools - Clash Royale Tools required for most CR cogs to work.
- BrawlStats - Brawl Stars band info, profile info and event info.
- clashroyale - Clash Royale clan info, profile info, chest cycle and shop offers.
- drafting - Interactive draft royale cog, pick cards using emojis and create brackets.
- legend - Management system for Legend Clan Family. Used for recruits.
- profanity - filter and delete message that contain bad words.
- tourney - Clash Royale open tournament finder.
- shop - reward people for donations in credits.
- friendlink - Convert Clash Royale Friend Links to Beautiful Embeds.
- clanchest - Clan Chest Leaderboard for a clan family. (obsolete)
- challenges - Emoji, word and math question challenges.
- heist - Clash Royale Themed Heist cog with additional features, port from Jumper-Cogs.
- russianroulette - Russian Roullete styled game with additional features, port from Jumper-Cogs.
- giveaway - Reaction based giveaway cog for credits and other prizes, port from Jumper-Cogs.
- race - Animal race with additional features, port from Jumper-Cogs.
- fourinarow - Four in a row game with additional features, post from Red-Cogs.
- academy - Coaching command for LeGeND Family.
- deck - Clash Royale deck management system with additional features, port from SML-Cogs.
- duels - Clash Royale 1v1 duels with credit bets with its own elo system.
- warlog - Clash Royale Clan War Logs using images.
- warbattles - Clash Royale Clan War Attack Logs using images. (deck cog required)
- fmod - Advanced Warning system by RSNFreud.
- stats - Count Server Statistics on a Voice Channel.
- logging - log messages and reactions to a database.
- seen - Check when a user was last seen, port from aikaterna-cogs.
- welcome - Welcome a user with an interactive menu.
To install a cog on your bot instance:
[p]cog repo add Legend-Cogs
[p]cog install Legend-Cogs clashroyale
[p] = Replace this with your bot's command prefix. (usually '!')
Make sure you have set your Official Clash Royale API Token from using the [p]settokencr.
Many cogs depend on additional python libraries, and also other cogs. If you want to install a clash royale cog, make sure you have crtools installed first.
Some of your clash royale cogs might get disabled on restart because it requires crtools to be loaded first. To fix this:
- Go to your bot's root folder and open
- look for
- Then add this line after: