🎮 A dark-mode Minesweeper desktop app built using JetBrains Compose for Desktop.
The game follows the classic rules with 3 built-in levels, as well as a custom level that allows the user to choose the size of the game grid and the amount of mines.
- Recursive expansion of selected cells with no surrounding mines
- Left- vs right-click mouse handling
- Use of
to draw composables (including 7-segment digital screens) with a retro feel - Window menu items trigger pop-up dialogs for: viewing rules, customizing game options
- Pop-up dialog triggered when in-game time exceeded, handled by state holder and
- Text fields validate input while typing and trigger composition of appropriate error messages regardless of focus order
- Robust model and UI test suites
Clone the repository then pick an option:
- Open the project in IntelliJ IDEA and run
using gutter icon
Clone the repository then pick an option:
Open the project in IntelliJ IDEA then choose specific tests using gutter icons or right-click the
folder and selectRun 'Tests in 'minesweeper.desktop.jvmTest''
./gradlew desktop:jvmTest
from an open terminal in the root of the project -
Open the Gradle toolbar and select