The Bookshelf plugin that adds fields, relations, scopes and more to bookshelf models.
Like a bookshelf-fields but better.
Documentation on
class User extends db.Model
tableName: 'users'
@schema [
EmailField 'email'
EncryptedStringField 'password'
BooleanField 'active'
HasMany 'Photo'
Scope 'isActive', -> @where active: true
User = db.Model.extend({ tableName: 'users'}, {
schema: [
Scope('isActive', function(){ return this.where({active: true}); })
npm install bookshelf-schema
And then
bookshelf.plugin require('bookshelf-schema')()
- If you've found a bug or missed some feature - your are welcome to post an issue
- PRs are appreciated. But try to stay focused, if feature can be implemented as a separate project, keep it separately
- PRs to documentation a very appreciated too. English isn't my native language so I feel quite bad about documentation quality. Don't hesitate to spellcheck, reformulate or even rewrite parts of it completely