Module Stomping, No New Thread, HellsGate syscaller, UUID Shellcode Runner for x64 Windows 10!
- Now supports running Cobalt Strike stageless beacon payloads!
- Walkthrough of how to use in Zero-Point Security Certified Red Team Operator (CRTO) labs below!
Created by Bobby Cooke (@0xBoku) with Matt Kingstone(@n00bRage)
This was tested in the new Certified Red Team Operator course labs which gives you Cobalt Strike access out-of-the-box. If you are interested in digging deeper into Cobalt Strike, I definitely recommend getting your hands dirty with this course!
Since the CRTO labs have Cobalt Strike, for security reasons they are not connected to the public internet. Another hurdle is we cannot copy entire files to and from our CRTO lab. What we can do, is copy-paste text from our host to the the CRTO lab. Since I think these labs are awesome, this walkthrough shows how to get this project working in the CRTO lab environment!
- Start your Cobalt Strike
& thecobaltstrike
gui on the Kali-Attacker box
- In the CRTO labs,
is located in the/opt/
directory, but this may differ based on your installation.
root@kali:/opt/cobaltstrike# ifconfig
eth0: inet
# Start the teamserver with the password myPassword123
root@kali:/opt/cobaltstrike# ./teamserver myPassword123
# Launch the cobaltstrike GUI and connect to it with any username and the password above
root@kali:/opt/cobaltstrike# ./cobaltstrike
- Create a Listener that our stageless beacon payload will connect to, when it is executed on the windows host
- From the CobaltStrike GUI, click
Cobalt Strike
from the menu bar, and then selectListeners
- This will display the active listeners in a table, on the bottom half of the CS GUI
- From the listeners table, click the
button. A listener window will popup - Select your beacon type, such as
used in this example - Give it a name, such as
used here - For the
HTTP Hosts
, click the+
button and add the teamservers IP - When the beacon listener is the way you want it, click
- Create a 64-bit Stageless Cobalt Strike beacon shellcode payload
- From the CobaltStrike GUI, click
from the menu bar, thenPackages
, and selectWindows Executable (S)
- The
means that the payload will be Stageless. A Stageless payload has the entire beacon in it, while the Staged version only has a small stub that calls out to the teamserver and then loads the rest of the beacon. - The Staged loader used in Cobalt Strike is flagged. A Staged payload will likely be detected.
- The
- Select the
listener we just created. - Change the
- The
payload will save our Stageless Beacon as pure shellcode. - Since the Cobalt Strike Beacon uses the Reflective DLL Loading technique, the shellcode will execute the beacon when it is ran on an Intel x64 processor within a Windows OS.
- The
- Switch to the Windows host and prepare the UUID runner to run our Beacon payload.
Open Visual Studios, and create a blank C++ project.
Within the new project, right-click the
folder and clickAdd
C++ File (.cpp)
and change the name tomain.c
Do this again and create the file
At this point we will have 2 files in our project.
Copy the code in
of this repo to themain.c
file we just created in Visual Studios on our Windows-Attacker box within the CRTO labs. -
Copy the code in
of this repo to thefunctions.asm
file on our Windows-Attacker box.
- In the VS Solution Explorer, select the Project.
- Now select Project from the VS menu, and then
Build Customizations...
From the
Build Customizations
popup window, checkmasm(targets, .props)
. This allows us to use Assembly in our VS project. -
Now that Assembly is enabled in our project, we need to tell Visual Studios that our
file is an Assembly file, and to include it in our build. -
From the Solution Explorer, right-click our
file and clickProperties
- In the Properties popup go to
Configuration Properties
, and set theItem Type
toMicrosoft Macro Assembler
. Then clickOK
to apply our changes.
- Sometimes VS Optimization does not play well when creating projects with Assembly. For this reason we will disable optimization.
- Select the project from the Solution Explorer.
- Select
from the main menu, and from the drop-down select<ProjectName> Properties
- In the project Properties popup, select
Configuration Properties
- Change
Whole Program Optimization
toNo Whole Program Optimization
- Click
to save changes
- Switch back to the Kali-Attacker box, convert
to an array of UUIDs. and transferbeacon-uuids.txt
to our Windows-Attacker Box
- Copy the
python3 script from this repo to the Kali-Attacker box. - Use the
script to convert thebeacon.bin
payload into a C style array of UUIDs. - Run the script and have it output to the
text file.
root@kali:~# python3 beacon.bin > beacon-uuids.txt
- Transfer the
text file from the Kali-Attacker box to the Windows-Attacker box.- There are multiple ways to do this. One way is:
- Open Cobalt Strike on the Windows-Attacker Box
- Connect to the teamserver we have running on Kali-Attacker
- Create a Beacon as above, but instead of
selectWindows EXE
- This will save the beacon to the Windows-Attacker file system
- Execute the beacon, and switch to Kali-Attacker
- Interact with the beacon from Kali-Attacker, and upload the text file with
upload /root/beacon-uuids.txt
- There are multiple ways to do this. One way is:
- Compile Ninja_UUID_Runner with our Cobalt Strike Stageless Beacon payload
- Now that our UUID encoded beacon paylaod is transferred to our Windows-Attacker box, open the
with Notepad - Select all the text and copy it
- Open
from our uuid project with Visual Studios. - Highlight the default
CHAR* uuid[]
payload, and paste our new Cobalt Strike Stageless Beacon payload.
- Now that our project has our beacon baked-in, click the green play-button in Visual Studios, and get a beacon on the windows-attacker box!
- By looking at the Output window in Visual Studios, we can see that our payload is saved to
- We can now use this as our beacon payload when we need to move laterally by first uploading a beacon file and then executing it with something like
Shellcode is typically loaded into the Heap
of the process, or the VirtualAlloc()
API is used to reserve a private section of memory where the shellcode is then loaded too. Regardless of where the shellcode is in memory, that allocated memory must be marked executable for the shellcode to run. This is typically done by calling the VirtualProtect()
API, after the shellcode has been written to memory, to change the allocated memory from RW
(Read-Write) to RX
(Read-Execute). RX
sections within modules are common, such as the executable .TEXT
section of the host process, and the executable .TEXT
section of a Dynamically Loaded Library (DLL) which has been loaded into the memory of the process. Although, RX
or RWX
executable memory sections within the Heap and Privately allocated sections, not backed by a module are suspicious, and easier to detect. To evade this detection, Module Stomping can be used.
Module Stomping is where the malware will load a DLL into the processes memory using the LoadLibrary()
API, change the permissions of the loaded libraries memory to RW
(writable), overwrite the DLL memory with the shellcode, change the module-backed memory back to RX
(executable), and then execute the shellcode from the DLL memory. When the memory is scanned, the shellcode will appear to be just the executable code from the loaded DLL. Therefor this may evade some AV/EDR dynamic memory scanners.
Sektor7 does a better job of explaining it, and I recommend you check out there courses if you'd like to dive deeper:
This dropper uses the Module Stomping technique described above, in combination with these techniques:
- UUID Obfuscation of the shellcode payload.
- The UUID payload helps to decrease the shellcodes entropy, which can help evade some detection methods.
- This method also helps prevent some in-memory detections which flag on signatures.
- Crawl the in-memory list of loaded modules to discover the base addresses of
. - Resolve
APIs by using a custom implementation ofGetProcAddress()
written in Assembly. - HellGate technique to resolve the Windows System Calls dynamically by reading the memory of
. - HalosGate technique to resolve the Windows System Calls if
is hooked by AV/EDR. - Direct Syscalls to changes the memory protection of the DLL which will host the shellcode.
- "No New Thread" technique which uses
to execute the UUID decoded shellcode.
- First you will need a raw binary file that contains your shellcode.
- For this example we will use MetaSploit's MSFVenom to create a simple "Pop Calc" shellcode for x64 Windows 10.
- This shellcode was created from a Kali Linux virtual machine.
└─$ msfvenom -p windows/x64/exec CMD=calc.exe -f raw -o calc.bin
[-] No platform was selected, choosing Msf::Module::Platform::Windows from the payload
[-] No arch selected, selecting arch: x64 from the payload
No encoder specified, outputting raw payload
Payload size: 276 bytes
Saved as: calc.bin
- Now that we have our raw shellcode file
we will use
python3 script to convert our shellcode into an array of UUIDs. - For large shellcodes, I recommend piping the output from the python script to a file. Then transfer the file over to your windows workstation where you will be compiling the dropper with windows Visual Studios.
└─$ python3 calc.bin
const char* uuids[] =
- Copy the array of UUIDs to your windows workstation either via the copy-paste buffer or a file.
- Open this project in Microsoft Visual Studios.
- Within the
file, replace theuuids[]
array with your array of UUIDs.
- You may optionally change the sacrificial DLL that has its
section module stomped by our shellcode by changing thesLib[]
array to a name of a different DLL. - Make sure that the DLL is large enough to hold your shellcode or else you may end up overwriting a neighbor DLL in memory of the process.
- Use the
python script to convert the DLL name into an array of chars. - Alternatively just use a typical string method since we are not creating a Beacon Object File (BOF) or shellcode.
└─$ python3 sLib mshtml.dll
CHAR sLib[] = {'m','s','h','t','m','l','.','d','l','l',0};
- Replace the
CHAR sLib[]
array inmain.c
with the newly generated one.
- Once you have made your changes, compile the EXE with Visual Studios
- If you are using the example provided, a calculator should popup when you press the green play button within Visual Studios.
- Stephan Borosh (rvrsh3ll|@424f424f) & Matt Kingstone for showing me the awesome UUID shellcode loading technique.
- ajpc500/
- Secure Hat - Shellcode Execution via EnumSystemLocalA
- Reenz0h from @SEKTOR7net
- Most of the C techniques I use are from Reenz0h's awesome Sektor7 courses & blogs
- Sektor7 HalosGate Blog
- @smelly__vx & @am0nsec ( Creators/Publishers of the Hells Gate technique )
Great Resource for learning Intel ASM - Vivek Ramachandran (@vivekramac)
- byt3bl33d3r/OffensiveNim
- Adepts of 0xCC - One thousand and one ways to copy your shellcode to memory (VBA Macros)