These files has to purpose to run the iiwa arm robot by following:
- a Dynamical system
- a path
In src/send_pose you have one node for the dynamical system (Ds.cpp) , one node to follow the path (Follow_traj) and one node (Send_pos) to send the robot to the desired position (quat,pos) by ROSParam.
Prerequisite : You need to install the following:
- Docker
- aica-technology/docker-images :
Docker process: You need first to build the docker from the folder docker: bash
Then activate the container in a server mode. bash server
Here you can open different terminal with the line: bash connect
Simulation: To launch the simulation, you need to run in the docker terminal.
roslaunch iiwa_gazebo iiwa_gazebo.launch controller:=PositionController
Then to run the Ds node, open a new terminal in another docker terminal and write: rosrun send_pos Ds
To replace it at initialize pos you can then run : rosrun send_pos Send_pos