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Using RaidOperation

bonzaiferroni edited this page Oct 11, 2017 · 5 revisions

RaidOperation is the primary tool for raiding.

Quick Start

  1. Check ahead of time to make sure you have all the catalyzed boosts: 1k XUH2O, 1k XLHO2, 1k XZHO2, 1k XGHO2
  2. Place a flag raid_myRaid in the room you want to spawn the creeps
  3. Place a flag myRaid_attack in the room you want to attack (should be within observer range and have a valid path that doesn't take you through other hostile rooms)
  4. Watch console for issues

Known issues:

  • Sometimes it does not correctly place the fallback flag, and so I just place it manually most of the time. myRaid_fallback should go outside the room you want to attack, ideally near the point you want your creeps to enter
  • The auto-config that happens after you place the attack flag will order up a raid with the following parameters:
    • number of attack squads: 1
    • squad type: brawler (attack parts)
    • boost level: 2 (this is the standard boost level)
  • If you want something other than this, you should adjust the parameters before you place the attack flag.
    • myRaid.setDefaultBoostLevel(number) Sets the boost level
      • 0 - Training mode (unboosted, small creeps)
      • 1 - Nonboosted (unboosted, 50-part creeps)
      • 2 - Boosted (boosted, 50-part, this is the minimum required for taking out most rooms)
      • 3 - SuperTough (boosted, 50-part, extra tough parts and distributed healing to survive clustered tower configurations
      • 4 - RCL7 (boosted, lower part cost so that they can be spawned by RCL7)
    • myRaid.setDefaultType(type) Sets the attack type
      • "brawler" - melee-attack creeps
      • "wreck" - work parts
      • "firefly" - ranged-attack parts
      • "shortbow" - shortbow attack style
    • myRaid.setMaxSquads(max) - Sets the number of squads that will be spawned

Changes from previous versions

  • Breach flags have been phased out, replaced by target flags.
  • Attack flags designate which room(s) you want to attack: opName_attack