This is an example Bootique Kafka app with producer and consumer. Different Git branches contain example code for different versions of Bootique:
To build and run the project, make sure you have the following installed on your machine, and then follow the steps below:
- Docker
- Java 11 or newer
- Maven
git clone
cd bootique-kafka-examples
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
Run the following command to build the code and package the app:
mvn clean package
The following command prints a help message with supported options:
java -jar target/bootique-kafka-examples-3.0.jar
Specifies YAML config location, which can be a file path or a URL.
Starts a Kafka consumer for the specified topic
-h, --help
Prints this message.
-H, --help-config
Prints information about application modules and their configuration options.
-p, --producer
Starts an interactive Kafka producer for the specified topic
-t topic_name, --topic=topic_name
Kafka topic name
So first, let's run a producer that will write to bq-kafka-example
java -jar target/bootique-kafka-examples-3.0.jar --producer \
--config=config.yml \
This starts an interactive console app that allows you to type messages, one line at a time, that are sent to Kafka:
INFO main i.b.k.c.p.DefaultKafkaProducerBuilder: Creating producer. Cluster:
INFO main o.a.k.c.t.i.KafkaMetricsCollector: initializing Kafka metrics collector
INFO main o.a.k.c.u.AppInfoParser: Kafka version: 3.7.0
INFO main o.a.k.c.u.AppInfoParser: Kafka commitId: 2ae524ed625438c5
INFO main o.a.k.c.u.AppInfoParser: Kafka startTimeMs: 1715466159773
(producer) bq-kafka-example > Hi!
(producer) bq-kafka-example > Hi again!
You can read these messages from the bq-kafka-example
topic using Kafka standard console consumer, but let's start our
own consumer. Open a new terminal window, change to bootique-kafka-examples/
directory, and run the same Java app,
but with --consumer
java -jar target/bootique-kafka-examples-3.0.jar --consumer \
--config=config.yml \
Now, return to the running producer window, and type more messages. All of them should be mirrored in the consumer
command output. You can stop either producer or consumer with Ctrl-c