A curated list of awesome things related to Vue.js
- Official Resources
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- Vue.js資料まとめ(for japanese) by @hashrock
- Vue.js Newsletter - Weekly dose of handpicked Vue.js news
- Vue.js Tips - Tips to become a better Vue.js developer
- Vue.js Wikipedia
- Vue.js Jobs - VueJobs - A Vue.js job portal to hire or get hired for all your Vue.js jobs.
- Gitter Chat Room
- Official Forum
- vue-requests ★27 - Request a Vue.js module you wish existed or get ideas for modules
- VueJS Brasil - Telegram Group [Portuguese]
- VueJS Iran - Telegram Channel & group (group link available in channel bio)
- vueslack - 1300+ registered users worldwide
- Full Stack Radio #30 (11-23-2015)
- JavaScript Jabber #187 (11-25-2015)
- Changelog #184 (11-27-2015)
- Software Engineering Daily (12-29-2015)
- Javascript Air 016 (03-30-2016)
- Codecasts #2 - Falando Sobre Vuejs e Web Components (2016-08-19) [pt-BR]
- Full Stack Radio #50 (09-21-2016)
- 和 Vue.js 框架的作者聊聊前端框架开发背后的故事 [zh-CN]
- Vue.js screencasts on Laracasts
- What's New in Vue.js 1.0 on Sitepoint
- Build an App with Vue.js: From Authentication to Calling an API on Auth0 blog
- Create a GitHub File Explorer Using Vue.js on Scotch.io
- Vue.js Tutorial on Vegibit
- Vue.js build set-up from scratch with webpack, vue-loader and hot reload
- Vuex basics: Tutorial and explanation
- Vuex introduction video - James Browne from London Vue.js Meetup #1
- Vue.js 中文系列视频教程 on Laravist
- Vue.js: The Basics on Coligo.io
- VueJs: Components on Coligo.io
- Dynamic Components in Vue.js on Coligo.io
- Develop a Reactive Invoice App using Vue.js on craigmckenna.com
- Understanding Filters in Vue.js on Coligo.io
- Hybrid App Example with Laravel and Vue.js in portuguese by @vedovelli
- Creating a Markdown Editor with VueJs and GitHub's API on Coligo.io
- Building a Real-Time Web Analytics Dashboard with NodeJs, Socket.io, and VueJs on Coligo.io
- Vue.js Introduction Turkish Language on oguzhan.in
- Vue.js VideoTutoral Series in Spanish (3-8-2016) on YouTube by Juan Andrés Núñez
- Building a Bookmarking App with Electron, VueJs, and Firebase on Coligo.io
- Learn Vuex by Building a Notes App on Coligo.io
- Vue.js Screencast Series in Spanish on Styde.net
- 讲解Vue.js 官网 中文-含代码、百度云、youtube ★672 on bhnddowinf
- Exploring Real Time Apps with VueJS, ES2015 and Webpack on Pusher
- Vue.js in Bahasa Indonesia on sekolahkoding.com
- Building a Mobile App with Cordova and Vue.js on Coligo.io
- Vue.js from Scratch Series in Russian on YouTube by .dev
- Створення сервісу для зберігання файлів з Flask, RethinkDB та Vue.js, ч. 1 Ukraine
- VueJS 2 French tutorial Français par Grafikart
- Jayway Vue.js 2 workshop. Build an e-commerce site with vue-router, vuex and vue-resource
- How to Create Great VueJS Applications Using Wijmo Controls
- **讲解Vue.js 2 官网 中文-含代码、百度云、youtube ** on bhnddowinf
- Vue.js Cheatsheet: Server-side Applications, Router, Vuex Store, GraphQL and more by @xpepermint
- Medium like Image Loading with Vue.js
- How to Use Vuex in a Laravel Spark Project on Metric Loop
- How To Set Up Modules in Vuex on Metric Loop
- Learn Vue 2: Step By Step on Laracasts
- Vue.js 中文教程
- Up and Running with the Vue.js 2.0 Framework on SitePoint
- How to make API Calls with Vuex on Metric Loop
- How to Use Vuex to Build a Feature on Metric Loop
- Vue.js 2.0 Fundamentals on YouTube by DevMarketer
- Vuex For The Clueless — The Missing Primer On Vue’s Application Data Store
- Real-time Grid Component Laravel, Vue.js, Vuex & Socket.io
- VueJS 2 - The Complete Guide (incl. Vuex) - Udemy Tutorial
- Develop Web Apps with Vue.js on egghead.io
- Vue.js 2 - Getting Started
- Vue.js 2 & Vuex (Basics)
- Türkçe VueJS Eğitim Videoları on YouTube by Fatih Acet
- Building a JSON Tree View Component in Vue.js from Scratch in Six Steps on digimondo devblog by Arvid Kahl
- Bootstrapping your first Vue.js application using vue-cli by @afropolymath
- Bulid vue-hackernews-2.0 from Scratch by @ Detachment
- Vue.js screencasts on Laracasts 0.12
- Build an App with Vue.js on Scotch.io 0.12
- Getting Started with Vue.js on Sitepoint 0.12
- Vue.js video series in portuguese 0.12
- Vue.js video series in russian on Ausite 0.12
- A Quick Introduction to Vue.js by Matt Sparks 0.12
- Getting Started with Vue.js + vue-router by Michael Calkins 0.12
- Many JS Frameworks but Vue.js Is Different by Taha Shashtari 0.12
- Getting Started with Vue.js - AngularJS perspective by Dan Mindru 0.11
- The Majesty Of Vue.js good
- Learning Vue.js 2 good
vue-cli ★1,115 good
vue-loader ★643 good
vueify ★494 good
vue-devtools ★934 good
grunt-vueify ★2 no v2
vue-compiler ★2 good
vue-autocompile good
vue-dev-server ★5 good
brunch-vue ★9 good
vueify-extract-css ★23 doesn't state v2 support
vbuild ★204 good (although it should state that it supports v2)
vue-markdown-loader ★2 good (although readme should be better at explain what the project is about)
vue-cluster official website is down
vue-ts-loader good (although readme should be better at explain what the project is about)
express-vue good (although it should state its v2 support beyond just a GitHub tag)
vue-play ★53 good (although it should state its v2 support)
vue-webpack deprecated
vue-builder couldn't understand the purpose of it / should explain the rational behind it
express-vue-dev duplicate of the entry bellow
express-vue-builder readme should elaborte more on the rational
sprockets-vue ★8 can't easily tell if v2 is supported
nuxt.js ★1,012 good (should state v2 support though)
vue-component-generator doesn't state if v2 is supported
vue-eslint-parser doesn't state if v2 is supported
vuegister good (should state v2 support though)
App Framework good
DejaVue good
vue-build ★9 good (although it should states its v2 support)
Does all the tricky stuff for you to develop, test, build and deploy iOS and Android like web applications.
vue-easy-renderer readme doesn't provide of what the lib does
lint-sass-vue doens't explain how the fork is different
vue-svgicon good
vue-generator good (although it should state its v2 support)
- vue-node good (although it should state its v2 support)
- avoriaz good (although it should state its v2 support beyond just a GitHub tag)
- http-vue-loader readme doesn't say how it works
- Sublime Text ★244 good
- Atom good
- Atom (2) good
- Vim ★48 good
- Visual Studio Code good
- Brackets ★11 good
- IntelliJ IDEA / WebStorm ★66 good
- Emacs ★10 good
- Visual Studio 2015 ★7 good
- KDE/Katepart (Kate, KWrite, KDevelop) good
- vetur ★150 good
- vue-snippets good
- Vue.js Brazil Code Snippets doc is lacking
- Use multiple files in vue-router duplicate of above
- Vue Permission Directive duplicate of above
- Bootstrap status label (v-label) duplicate of above
- VueHelper description not in english
- vue-autocomplete good
- google-autocomplete ★9 is not a library
- vue-gmaps good
- vetur ★150 duplicate
- VueStrap no v2
- VueBoot no v2
- vue-mdl ★436 good
- Extra Vuestrap components no v2
- VueStrap Base Components duplicate
- VUX ★6316 good (no english doc but very popular)
- Vue Material Components no v2 (https://github.com/appcomponents/material-components/issues/44)
- Vue Upload Component no live demo
- vue-comps duplicate
- vue-materialize ★66 no v2
- vue-clusterize ★28 no v2
- vue-data-table ★7 no v2
- vue-side-nav ★9 good
- vue-parallax ★3 good
- vue-zoombox ★0 no v2
- vue-icons ★10 good
- Keen-UI ★1516 good
- material-ui-vue no v2
- vue-spectre no v2
- vue-desktop ★219 no v2
- vue-impression (previously smart) no english docs, demo is buggy on desktop (cursor is hidden)
- vue-admin ★397 good
- vue-kit ★3 is not a library
- vue-material-design ★11 no v2
- mint-ui ★1,533 good
- searchable-select-dropdown ★3 no v2
- Vuikit ★400 good
- vue-bulma duplicate
- vue-bulma-breadcrumb duplicate
- vue-bulma-collapse duplicate
- vue-bulma-chartjs duplicate
- vue-bulma-chartist duplicate
- vue-bulma-datepicker duplicate
- vue-bulma-message duplicate
- vue-bulma-modal duplicate
- vue-bulma-notification duplicate
- vue-bulma-progress-bar duplicate
- vue-bulma-progress-tracker duplicate
- vue-bulma-rating duplicate
- vue-bulma-slider duplicate
- vue-bulma-switch duplicate
- vue-bulma-tabs duplicate
- vue-bulma-tooltip duplicate
- vue-bulma-expanding duplicate
- vue-disqus good
- BootInput no v2
- vue-easy-slider good
- muse-ui (previously vue-carbon) english doc is messy (parts are not translated, english mistakes, dead links)
- quasar-framework ⭐1005 good
- N3-components no v2
- vue-core-image-upload good
- ElementUI ★7,500 good
- vue-beauty no english doc
- Radon UI no english doc
- vue-antd no english doc
- iView no english doc
- wovue duplicate
- vue-off-canvas no v2
- vue-dialog no v2
- vue-focus-trap no v2
- BootstrapVue good
- vue-codemirror ★ wrappers around JS libs are fine, but the added value of this wrapper is too little
- vue-video-player ★ from a lib KB size POV, it's not a good idea to bundle several wrappers in one lib
- vue-material ★1550 good
- vue-notifications ★0 good
- vue-fa-calendar no live demo
- vue-highcharts no v2
- muse-ui duplicate
- vonic ★275 not sure how this relates to Ionic CSS components and + missing english usage doc
- vue-scroller ★60 no license
- vue-prosemirror-2 this more a demo than a proper wrapper
- Vue2Leaflet good
- vue-impression duplicate
- vue-github-corners added value too small
- vue-clip good
- vue-numeric doc is lacking
- vue-morris good
- Framework7 Vue good
- vue-easy-toast good
- vue-simple-upload good
- vue-twentytwenty no docs, dependency on sass doesn't make sense
- Vue-Blu parts of the doc not translated + I'm confused as to why a starter kit would document the UI components of its dependency
- ♨️ Onsen UI for Vue 2 good
- vue-data-tables from a lib KB size POV, the dependency on
is quite a bad thing - vue-impress is not a library
- VueStrap + Bootstrap 3 SASS integration guide is a demo and not a library
- vue-chalkboard is more a demo than a library
- CoreUI couldn't find Vue documentation, the Vue part seems to be more of a boilerplate than a library
- ATUI doc not in english
- vue-collapse no live demo
- vue-treeflow no v2, no live demo
- v-dispicker should state v2 support
- vue-emoji readme not in english
- vue-router ★3,171 good
- Vue page ★15 unmaintained
- Vue Lanes ★21 no v2, unmaintained
- Vue route ★73 unmaintained
- voie ★130 unmaintained
- vue-script2 ★6 good
- vue-update readme doesn't explain enough
- vue-acl ★12 doesn't explain how the blocking of routes works
- vue-resource ★1,761 good
- vue-resource-case-converter added value too small
- vue-async-data ★240 no v2
- vue-async-computed ★23 good
- vue-model ★63 no v2
- vue-laravel-forms ★20 no v2
- vue-axios added value too small, doesn't state v2 support
- vue-jsonp ★10 good (although it should state its v2 support)
- @skyrpex/props-to-local doesn't state v2 support
- v-model ★5 good
- vue-reload-route-data readme is lacking
- vue-resource-mock doesn't state v2 support (otherwise good)
- vue-remote not sure what the added value is
- vue-instagram should say that it supports v2
- vue-wamp good (although it should state its v2 support)
- vue-apollo duplicate
vuex ★2,062 good
revue ★230 good (although it should state its v2 support)
vue-redux ★82 no stated support for v2
vue-freeze ★50 online demo doesn't work
vue-simple-store ★39 no stated support for v2
vue-stash ★115 no stated support for v2
vuex-actions ★2 readme difficult to understand
vuex-persistedstate ★2 good (although it should state its v2 support)
vue-sync good (although live demo would be nice)
vuex-plugin-jsdata good
vuex-action readme should elaborate more
vuex-basement ★4 good (although it should state its v2 support beyond just a GitHub tag)
vuex-shared-mutations good (although it should state its v2 support beyond just a GitHub tag)
vuex-redux-saga solves a problem that is already tackled by vuex
vuex-promise-middleware added value is too small
vuex-local good (although it should state its v2 support)
- vuemit npm dependencies don't make sense, populating window object, the library is/should be framework agnostic
- vue-event-handler good
- vue-validator ★1137 good
- Vue validator ★41 no v2
- vue-form ★147 no v2
- Vuex Validator ★2 no v2
- JS Validator ★4 doc is lacking, e.g. what is the string
about? Is it an array encoded in a string? Why not having['required, 'email']
then? - vue-verify doc is lacking, has typos and e.g.
Get more information from examples.
. - vee-validate good
- Vue-Laravel-Validator ★26 no v2
- vue-formly good
- vue-formly-bootstrap duplicate
- vue-formular duplicate
- Vuerify no english docs
- vue-data-validator readme not in english
- vue-form-2 why having both ui components and form validation into one lib? Why not a lib for each?
- laravel-like-vue-validator no v2
- Vue-Easy-Validator added value is too small
- vue-contextable good
- vuelidate ★43 good
- simple-vue-validator ★17 good
- vue-vform good (although package.json is missing jQuery dependency)
- vue-countup ★11 added value is too small
- Vue Crop no v2, jQuery dependency
- Vue Typeahead no v2
- Typed select component ★4 unmaintained
- vue-select ★59 no v2
- vue-html-editor ★97 no v2
- vue-datetime-picker ★92 no v2
- vue-country-select ★12 no v2
- Form generation from JSON Schema ★22 unmaintained
- vue-panel ★40 unmaintained
- vue-google-maps no v2
- vue2-google-maps good
- vue-transition ★39 unmaintained
- SVG icons unmaintained
- Vue YouTube Embed ★19 good
- Vue datepicker ★124 good
- vue-date-picker ★31 no v2
- vue-spinner ★240 no v2
- vue-image-loader ★23 unmaintained
- Vue-progressbar ★73 good
- vue-resource-progressbar-interceptor good
- Famous-Vue ★13 Famous is dead
- vue-waterfall ★296 good
- vue-charts ★35 good
- vue-select ★305 good
- Vue-slide ★60 unmaintained (issues and PRs ignored)
- Vue-quill ★10 no v2 (in dev but not on npm yet)
- vue-pagenav ★12 no v2
- Vue-calendar ★7 no demo
- vue-autocomplete ★35 no v2
- vue-loading-bar ★50 good
- vue-bootstrap-modal ★20 no v2
- vue-waves ★6 no demo
- [vue-table] (https://github.com/ratiw/vue-table) good
- [vue-tables] (https://github.com/matfish2/vue-tables) good
- [vue-smart-table ★100] (https://github.com/gurghet/vue-smart-table) no v2 yet
- [fire-select] (https://github.com/firework/fire-select) no v2
- vue-color ★125 good
- vue-avatar ★27 good
- vue-msui ★17 readme not in english
- vue-file-base64 ★5 more a demo than a lib
- vue-ripple ★11 no v2
- vue-scrollbar ★19 demo is buggy
- vue-tagsinput ★10 good
- vue-markdown ★57 good
- vue-awesome ★236 good
- vue-smoothscroll ★1 added value too small
- vue-breadcrumbs ★11 no v2
- vue-datepicker ★15 no demo
- vue-timeago ★59 good
- vue-calendar ★26 no v2
- vue-multiselect ★371 good
- vue-infinite-loading ★72 good
- vue-swipe ★100 no demo
- vue-loadmore ★63 no demo
- vue-tree-view ★7 no v2
- vue-swiper ★23 no v2
- vue-peity ★12 no demo (linking to the jQuery version is not a demo)
- vue-area ★5 readme not in english
- vue-stroll ★8 no v2
- Vue.Draggable ★201 good
- vue-chart ★10 readme doesn't explain what this lib is about, e.g. how it relates to chartjs
- vue-m-carousel ★1 readme not in english
- vue-l-carousel good
- Vue.Isotope ★7 good
- vue-cleave documentation is lacking, e.g. readme doesn't say if it supports all cleave.js's input formats
- vue-region-picker ★23 unmaintained
- vue-form no v2
- vue-social-shares no v2
- vue-fullcalendar good (Although having events in the live demo would have been nice)
- vue-grid-layout good
- vue-timepicker duplicate
- vue-timepicker duplicate
- vue2-timepicker good
- vue-full-calendar jQuery dependency
- vuejs-datepicker good
- vue-bootstrap-table no v2
- vue-image-clip no v2
- vue-html5-editor no v2
- vue-chartjs ★7 good
- vue-top-progress good
- vue-handsontable documentation is lacking, e.g. readme doesn't say if it supports all Handsontable's input formats
- vue-nprogress good (although readme could be better and demo missing)
- vue-headroom no demo, webpack requirement
- vue-resource-nprogress requires to install via global window object
- vue-datatable no v2, no ES5 version
- vue-tables-2 no live demo
- vue-radial-progress ★13 good
- Vue slider component good
- vue-awesome-swiper ★236 good (although readme not entirely in english)
- vue-touch-ripple ★46 good (although readme not entirely in english)
- vue-tree ★1 no v2
- vue-img-loader added value is too small (it doesn't implement lazy load)
- vue-typewriter not a library
- vue-charts good (
Work well with Laravel
-> not sure how it relates to Laravel) - vue-lory good (but doc could be better)
- vue-slick good
- vue-mugen-scroll ★90 good
- vue-touch-keyboard no v2
- vue-social-sharing good
- vue-shortkey good
- vue-pull-refresh-and-load-more not a library
- side-effect readme should elaborate more
- vue-button added value too small
- vue-viewports good
- vue-throttle-event good
- vue-input-tag good
- vue-cmap too specific
- vue-keyboard no live demo
- vue-flickity good
- vue-aplayer good
- vue-waypoint good
- vue-online added value too small / shouldn't be a ui component, no live demo
- vuetify ★951 good
- v-tooltip good
- vue-at no live demo
- vue-parallax good
- vue-quill-editor ★ good
- vue-drag-zone ★ good
- Vuep good
- vue-mobiledoc-editor ★ good
- vue-typer good (although too specific?)
- vue-instant good
- pinch-slider no live demo
- vue-event-calendar ★10 good
- vue-echarts-v3 readme not in english
- vue-countup-v2 added value too small
- vue-odometer added value too small, code could be cleaner
- vue-duoshuo added value too small, code populates global window object
- vue-places good (although added value is small)
- vue-password-strength-meter good
- vue-echarts ★194 good (although a link to the source code for each snippet in the live demo would be convenient)
- vue-audio ★9 too specific
- tinymce-vue-2 added value too small
- v-qrcode added value too small, should state that it's based on https://github.com/atwxp/v-qrcode
- thumbnail-slider live demo seems to be buggy
- vue-photonkit readme doesn't explain what the lib does
- vue-switches good
- vue-masked-input good
- vue-droppler added vaue too small
- vue-datasource good
- vue-flatpickr good
- vue-popper-component ★6 good
- vue-simplemde ★17 not sure what this lib does
- vue-masonry ★9 good (although readme could be more explicit about what properties are reproduced)
- ag-grid-vue good
- vue-add-to-calendar good
- vue-qriously good
- survey.js usage info for vue is missing (demo on Plunker is not enough)
- vue-progressive-image good (although it should state its v2 support)
- vue-baidu-map readme not entirely in English
- vue-carousel-3d good (although it should state its v2 support)
- vue-context-menu ★13 good
- vue-json-tree-view good (although it should state its v2 support)
- vue-fraction-grid good (although it should state its v2 support)
- vue-carousel ★54 good (although it should state its v2 support)
- vue-pull-refresh demo doesn't work
- vue-ip-input good
- vue-float-label good (although it should state its v2 support)
- vuejs-uib-pagination good (although it should state its v2 support beyond just a GitHub tag)
- vue-img-inputer readme not in english
- vue-laypage readme not entirely in english
- vue-highlight.js added value too small
- vue-vpaginator seems too much to include jQuery and boostrap for a pagination component
- vue-toasted good
- vue-checkbox-switch npm package missing
- vue trend good
- vuedals PR pending
- vue-dialog PR pending
- vue-longpress ★14 PR pending
- vue-visible PR pending
- vue-js-modal doesn't state if v2 is supported
- vue-js-toggle-button doesn't state if v2 is supported
- vue-i18n ★605 good
- vue-localize ★11 no v2
- vue-i18n ★36 no v2
- vue-i18n ★20 no v2
- vue-locale ★21 doesn't state v2 support
- vue-jade-editor ★1 doesn't state v2 support
- vue-video ★40 doesn't state v2 support
- vue-i18n no v2
- vue-translate ★11 good
- vuex-i18n ★1 good
- vue-gettext ★11 good
- vuejs-carousel not flexible enough to be a re-usable
- vue-progressbar-xeonpowder ★1 doesn't say how the fork is different
- vue-echarts ★194 duplicate
- VueLinkPopover no live demo
- vue-multilanguage doens't explain what the errors object is about
- vue-ua good
- vue-analytics good (although it should state its v2 support)
- vue-adsense added value too small
- vue-decorators ★1 good (although it should state its v2 support)
- Starter Application with JWT Auth + sample backend API in Laravel
- Node Webkit + Vue example ★37 by @brandonjpierce
- Vue Samples ★25 by @superlloyd
- HackerNews clone with vue.js + vue-router ★6 by @kazupon
- Electron + Vue example ★256 by @bradstewart
- Single page application example (Vue + Voie) by Boris Okunskiy
- Begin - Task Manager SPA written in Vue + Lumen ★24 by Raj Abishek
- Vue Mini Shop ★45 by BosNaufal
- Vue SoundCloud ★14 by mul14
- Feature Requests (Laravel + Vue Combo) by haydenbbickerton
- Vue Cookbook (Vue1.0 + express) ★65 by @yjj5855: A demo first screen rendering of a service
- Strong Together ★17 - A starter project to build single page Vue.js apps as stand-alone or for Laravel / Laravel Spark projects, based on Browserify and Semantic-ui) by WebSemantics
- vuetest: an ad admin web with user auth, bootstrap ui, uploader, WYSIWYG editor in iframe ★3
- vue-shopping ★142 by andylei18
- Vue-cnodejs ★1,060 by @shinygang
- vue-zhihu-daily ★407 by hilongjw
- jwt-example
by @petervmeijgaard
- VueChess ★12 -Multiplayer online chess game by gustaYo
- Ngexplorer-vuejs-client ★1 -Vue client for Ngexplorer by gustaYo
- Vue 2048 (Vue + Webpack) by @pengfu: Popular 2048-Game implemented using Vue,Webpack,Sass,ES6
- Vue Simple PWA by BosNaufal
- Tour of Heroes (Vue 2.0) ★1: A Vue 2.0 port of the Angular 2.0 Tour of Heroes demo app. Highlights: ES6/7, render functions, JSX, revue (redux bindings for Vue), vue-router, Airbnb eslint, webpack. by @aweber1
- vue-table-pagination A table with pagination by echovic
- Feathers and Vue 2.0 Blog Admin Demo Demo for using Feathers with Vue 2.0. It includes authentication, vue-router, vue-infinite-loading and roles by delay
- vue-zhihudaily-2.0 Zhihudaily demo built with Vue 2.0, vue-router & vuex, with server-side rendering. by cs1707
- vue-demo-todolist a simply vue2.0 demo built with Vue 2.0, vue-cli. by fishenal
- vue-AdminLte by liujians
- Vue(2.0) + Node.js: A blog content manage system (CMS) ★202 by @ycwalker
- ngexplorer-quasar ★1 -Implementation of Ngexplorer with quasar framework by gustaYo
- zhihu-daily-vue ★6 a zhihu daily base on vue2.0 by moonou
- loopback-vue ★32 loopback+vue+vue-resource,ionic-app,vue page分页功能,authenticate 权限控制,accesstoken机制,credentials,CI,docker qxl1231
- vue-s3-dropzone
A Vue.js drag-and-drop component uploads files to AWS S3 serverlessly
- easy-vue
a easy example using the vue to implement easy web with vue 2.0, vuex 2.0, vue-router 2.0, vue-infinite-scroll 2.0, vue-progressbar 2.0 by TIGERB
- Vuex Events Messaging Demo by Metric Loop
- vue-memo a simple demo build with Vue.js(>2.x.), vue-router(>2.x.), vuex(>2.x.), vuex-router-sync@next(>3.x.) and Firebase(>3.6.x) by akifo
- Resume Vue JSON based Resume based on Vue 2.0 by ChangJoo Park
- App example with JWT Authentication developed with Phoenix Framework, Vue and Vue Router (demo) by @Angarsk8
- Sample CRUD app with router in Vue 2.0 by @shershen08
- ASP.NET Core Vue.js server-side rendering sample by @mgyongyosi
- vuefire-quickstart -
- Documented Firebase integration w/ webpack and eslint, by @sejr.
- hello-vue-django Vue.js and Django integration starter project with hot code reload
- Real Time Social News App developed with Phoenix, Vue, Vue Router and Vuex (demo) by @Angarsk8
- vue-calculator ★5 a simply calculator built with Vue 2.0, vue-cli(webpack-simple). by CaiYiLiang
- Wikipedia-viewer A simple wikipedia-viewer page built with vue2.x ,vue-router,vue-cli(webpack-simple) and ajax(jsonp). by CaiYiLiang
- vue2.x-douban
A simple of douban movie build with vue2.x,vue-router and axios(豆瓣电影). by Superman
- vue-laravel-example
Vue - Laravel - Example is a simple example to set Vue with Laravel. by Jiajian Chan
- vue-foundation A demo app integrating VueJS with Zurb Foundation, built using the webpack vue-cli template
- aspnetcore-Vue-starter A VueJS 2 starter template as part of an asp.net MVC dotnetcore project. This template includes the VueJS client app and a backend API controller.
- vue-reddit-app
A Reddit SPA demo built with Vue 2.X , Vue Router 2 , Vuex and axios. Using Muse-UI and vue-cli webpack template by @yujiahaol68
- vue-reddit-app
- vue-music-qq
A qq-music project is based on vue-cli. The pages are simple and smooth
- vue-music-qq
- Boilerplate for Vue.js plugin ★26 good
- Boilerplate for single page applications ★16 readme is lacking, e.g. why using several build tools (Gulp, JSPM, AssetGraph)?
- PLATO ★137 readme not entirely in english
- electron-vue ★1000 good
- browserify-complete ★5 not maintained
- Modern Vue.js starter boilerplate ★101 is more an example than a boilerplate
- Boilerplate for Vue.js & LeanCloud ★5 readme not in english
- vue-typescript-template unmaintained
- Webpack template w/ Coffee unmaintained
- vue-stack-2.0 ★139 deprecated
- vuejs-firebase doesn't state v2 support
- vue-2.0-boilerplate why including jQuery? I don't see the point of including Font Awesome in a boilerplate. (Integrating Font Awesome is trivial.)
- vuets/webpack2-simple-vue1 no v2
- vuets/webpack2-simple-vue2 readme is lacking
- vue-rollup-boilerplate doesn't state v2 support
- Vue Starter readme is lacking (E.g. why using text extract webpack plugin?)
- vue-cluster duplicate
- vue-boilerplate readme is lacking
- bourgeon ★9 good
- vue-ssr-hmr-template ★42 demo is not in english
- Vuejs Starter Kit 2 ★12 doc is lacking
- vue-cli-template readme is lacking
- vue-adonis deprecated
- A simple template for Vue.js plugin readme is lacking
- vuejs-2.0-boilerplate readme is lacking
- yeoman for Vue.js and loopback.js ★32 readme not in english
- Single Page Application Starter Kit ★158 good
- Vue fullstack demo is not in english
- Vue SSR Boilerplate good (although it should state its v2 support)
- vue-boilerplate-v2 readme is lacking
- Vue all-in Typescript example is more an example than a boilerplate
- vue-mix ★5 readme is lacking
- Vue-Element-Starter good (although it should state its v2 support beyond just a GitHub tag)
- Stellar Admin Boilerplate Boilerplate Admin template created using Bootstrap-Vue.
- vue-cli ★1,115 good
- loopback-vue ★32 readme is lacking
- Vue generator ★77 deprecated
- VENM stack yeoman generator ★39 no v2
- Grail Yeoman Generator ★11 no v2
- VuePack ★210 good
- VueWebgulp ★56 readme is lacking, e.g. why use both webpack + gulp?
- Vuetober ★26 good (although it should state its v2 support)
- Brunch with Vue ★20 readme is lacking, name is confusing since brunch is a build tool
- vuex-horizon-scaffold ★12 horizon is dead
- vue-settler good
- vue-multiple-pages readme is lacking
- Vue for Meteor ★90 no v2
- ScalaJS bindings for Vue.js ★24 no v2, is more an example than a lib
- Socketize Backend ★6 no v2
- Vue-Meteor-Data ★17 no v2
- Vue-Typed ★7 good
- Vue as a Meteor UI layer ★60 good
- Vue-Typescript ★68 good
- Vue-Framework7 ★48 no v2
- Vue-Deepstream-Connector ★5 no v2
- vuets demo should show the source code instead of triggering download
- Vue-Feathers added value is too small
- vue-apollo good
- av-ts good
- Neutronium good
- vue-threejs good
- Framework7-Vue ★113 duplicate
- require-vuejs readme could elaborate more on why someone would want to dynamically load .vue components
- vue-element ★82 good (https://github.com/karol-f/vue-custom-element)
- vue-touch ★355 no v2
- vue-animated-list ★186 no v2
- Vue placeholder directives ★51 no v2
- Vue in viewport detection directive ★33 no v2
- Vue once directive ★10 no v2
- Vue Modified Directive ★10 no v2
- Maintain scroll position on page changes ★22 no v2
- vue-titlecase ★11 no v2
- vue-format ★11 no v2
- vue-clickaway ★51 good
- vue-focus ★37 good
- vue-transfer-dom ★30 no v2
- vue-lazyload ★355 good
- v-touch ★5 no v2
- vue-mixins ★16 no v2
- vue-filters ★3 no v2
- vue-round-filter ★0 no v2
- vue-paginate ★65 good
- vue-super ★7 no v2
- vue-deepstream ★9 no v2
- vue-plain ★1 no v2
- vue-calc-input ★3 no v2
- vue-move-dom ★1 no v2
- vue-animate ★39 no v2
- vue2-animate ★18 good
- vue-sortable ★76 no v2
- vue-loading ★35 no v2
- vue-gesture ★19 no v2
- vue-lazyload-img ★49 no v2
- vue-socket.io ★276 good
- vue-clipboard ★32 no v2
- vue-dragula ★35 good
- vue-infinite-scroll ★167 good
- vue-toast-mobile ★28 no demo
- vue-indicator ★9 no live demo, should state that it supports v2
- vue-msgbox ★46 no demo
- vue-scroll ★12 readme not in english
- vue-click-outside ★2 doesn't mention if it works with v2
- vue-medium-editor good
- vue-medium.js ★7 doesn't mention if it works with v2, npm package missing
- vue-electron ★46 added value too small, doesn't mention v2 support
- vue-router-transition ★16 deprecated
- vue-input-autosize ★1 no v2
- vue-sticky-scroll good (https://github.com/theomessin/vue-chat-scroll)
- vue-events ★40 good
- vue-truncate-filter added value too small
- vur-tag-list not sure what it does
- vue-cordova ★3 good
- vue-drag-and-drop-list no v2
- vue-popup-mixin readme not in english
- vue-localstorage good (although it should state its v2 support beyond just a GitHub tag)
- vue-lazy-component no v2
- v-media-query doesn't state support for v2
- v-text-mask good (although it should explicitly state that v2 is supported)
- v-pagination no v2
- vue-pagination-2 good
- vue-socketcluster no v2
- vue-lazyloadimg no english doc
- vue-dropload readme not in english
- vue-reactivestorage ★15 npm package missing (otherwise good)
- vue-froala ★1 good
- vue-echo doesn't mention v2 support
- vue-types ★2 good
- vue-ios-alertview doesn't explicitly state v2 support
- lazy-vue doesn't explain how it works, doesn't explicitly state v2 support
- vue-websocket good
- vue-dragging ★8 good
- vue-finger deprecated
- vue-momment-jalaali good
- vue2-filters ★2 good
- vue-collision doesn't explicitly state v2 support
- vue-scrollfire good
- **vue-lazy-background-images good
- @skyrpex/now added value too small
- vue-localstorage doesn't explicitly state v2 support
- @kashio/vue-tooltip no demo
- Vue.ImagesLoaded good
- Vue.resize good
- Content Builder not sure what this is about
- Turkish Deasciifier readme not in english
- scroll progress for vue.js doesn't state v2 support
- vue-dom-portal good
- vue-count not sure what this is about
- vuexer no v2
- vue-default-value doesn't state v2 support
- vue-scrollTo good
- vue-factory good
- vue-chat-scroll duplicate
- vue-responsive no npm package (otherwise good)
- awesome-mask ★24 should state that v2 is supported (otherwise good)
- storyblok-vue readme is lacking info
- vue-qart good
- Vue-Interval not sure what this is about
- Vuedeux good (although it should state that it supports v2)
- vue-uniq-ids should include a usae example where it is usefull to have an ID
- @kashio/vue-toast no live demo
- vue-ls good
- vue-bem-cn good
- vuec should elaborate more on why dependency injection should be used
- vue-l-lazyload good
- vue-konami-code not a library
- vue-styled-components should state v2 support
- vue-head ★97 good
- vue-helmet ★17 doc indicates that several meta tags are not supported
- vue-meta good
- vue-property-decorator ★11 good
- vue-typescript-component good
- vue-typescript-import-dts good
- vue-typescript-jest good
- vue-jest-utils good
- vue-typescript-component-example: is not a lib
- Testing Vuex with Typescript and WallabyJs no v2
- PageKit [Source] good
- p5.js editor [Source] deprecated, unmaintained project
- Python China readme on GitHub is lacking information
- npmcharts.com [Source] no description, inactive
- Todolist ★16 inactive, last commit in 2014 vue 0.10, website 404
- Dashboard framework ★54 inactive, last commit in 2015 vue 0.12
- a simple notepad ★47 inactive, last commit in 2015, no english
- FilterBlend ★151 inactive, last commit in 2015, website/app category?
- Koel [Source] good
- Selection Translator [Source] no english
- SwitchHosts [Source] no english
- RSS Reader ★193 good
- Gokotta ★182 nice but inactive
- Coffeebreak ★53 inactive, website/app category?
- BaiduHui: Push Notification - 百度惠:实时推送优惠[Source] no english
- CoPilot [Source] good
- Retrospectify[Source] good, seems inactive, website/app category?
- jade-press[Source] seems inactive, cms using vue 1.0
- astralapp[source] good
- liqi.newtab - 利器 · 灵感生成器 New Tab[Source] no english
- Dhammapada website ★2 closer to an example than a project, website can not be reached
- Vue + LeanCloud 单页博客 ★46 no english
- EME - Elegant Markdown Editor[Source] good
- Github-explorer good
- Hotel ★4106 good
- Surfbird ★32 good
- Approach0 good
- kov-blog 博客平台
no english
- Flox ★100+ good
- ابیات ناب پارسی [Source] no english
- JavaScript Guessing Game good, will add link to github
- vue-ghpages-blog good
- Vuedo
- vue-music163 seems good
- Tomato5
- Demo of Bureaufast workflow egine no description, website not loading, error
- Rubik Cube [Source] no description (app/website category?)
- Peek-a-tab, Tabs Manager for Google Chrome™[Source] good
- Web Learn [Source] good
- ExcelJSON [Source] good
- Materialize-blog good
- leetcode-viewer
no english
- VueCompomnentGenerator good
- SDR News [Source] good
- PJ Blog
- Lulumi-browser
- vue-wordpress-pwa
- Wijmo good
- FlexGrid for VueJS part of Wijmo
- FlexChart for VueJS part of Wijmo
- Input Controls for VueJS part of Wijmo
- Gauges for VueJS part of Wijmo
- Collate Notes good
- Wijmo good
- Laravel Spark good
- Vice Video good
- Formlets good
- Laracasts good
- Sainsbury's Entertainment onboarding platform (closed) closed?
- CUUSOO login page (should replace the link)
- esa.io good
- N1.ru home page almost empty (should replace the link)
- 稀土掘金 good (no english)
- Prague Airport good
- Expressionery infinite loading
- BUYIT error page
- Portfolio Site good
- Compare Prices by Currys & PCWorld 2014 android app with vue?
- Grammarly good
- Laravist good
- Atiiv good
- Statamic good
- Embalses! too simple
- TravelMap good
- movienote.org too simple
- Proper Cloth Shirt Builder good
- CheckIt ★0 good link to the website
- Reddit News ★34 good
- Powerpuff Yourself by Cartoon Networks good
- 小桃酱 good
- 金哲博客 no blog
- cloudradioo ★45+ good link to the website
- Zova too simple
- 风投侠 infinite loading
- COPA 2016 error
- vNotes good
- Subordination website not interesting (should go to opensource category)
- SPA Blog no blog
- WP ERP not link to wr erp website
- Open Function Computers hmm
- Dermail opensource webmail client written in Vue, no website
- octimine good
- Draxed good
- 蜜蜂聚财 redirect to http://app.beejc.com mobile/ not responsive
- Leapspotleap good
- Bayo error page
- X-SONGTAO★11 no blog
- Cinemateka good
- Jobinja good no english
- 滚蛋吧!莆田系 good no english
- Jobi : Recruiting Platform good
- Citymoods good idea but not enough content
- Approach0 not visually attractive
- The Spice House good
- 豆瓣 ★198 no english, no idea what it is
- Livestorm good
- Framework7-VueJS ★25 Personal account for customers VSCT SPA and app on Framework7 and Vue.js1.x (Use for auth: demo/demo) by @tyllo it is an example
- Metric Loop good
- Holden good
- Global-Exam good
- SlugSurvival open source project website
- LIHKG討論區 too simple
- FreePoll.Online good
- GitRelease opensource app
- 12BAY.VN seems good - no english
- Vue.js Cinema too simple
- Vue.js Calendar good
- The Void Radio good
- Shorten Urls with bitly API too simple
- Storyblok good
- WizzAir good
- Moving to HTTPS good
- Booknshelf good
- GroupWrite.io open source (content website empty for the moment)
- Coypu good
- wxsm's space no blog
- Top HN good
- Full Stack Weekly demo of an open source project
- 「ONE · 一个」
replication, original down
- Surmon.me link to github, no blog
- Euronews good
- AdhocDB too simple
- Roozame ر�زا�� seems good no english
- Jean-Pierre Morin | 1700 LAPOSTE good
- Facebook NewsFeed good
- YouTube AdBlitz 2016 good
- Blood, Sweat and Tools an error occurred
- Omnisense Experience good
- Being the Bear ssl error
- Heineken Star Experience not available anymore
- Louis Ansa Website (portfolio) good
- Djeco.com good
- Tolks.io good
- Meet Graham good
- NOIZE original good
- Jason Bourne : Remember Everything not available anymore
- listentothe.cloud - Ambient music player plus live talks from airports worldwide by Anders �berg TOREVIEW
- Alibaba
- Baidu
- Sina Weibo
- Xiaomi
- Ele.me
- Optimizely
- Expedia
- UCWeb
- Line
- Nintendo
- Celtra
- Sainsbury's
- octimine GmbH
- Hunliji
- GitLab
- Clemenger BBDO Melbourne
- ZenMate
- Codeship
- Tuniu mp link to a mobile page
- Livestorm already in websites
- The Majesty Of Vue.js good
- Learning Vue.js 2 good