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Paulina edited this page May 19, 2020 · 5 revisions

This is the Non-Local Tunneling (NLT) Model from Synopsis S-Device Matlab implementation.

This is a post-processing step that uses the Potentials, Conduction Band Energies and Fermi Energies from a simulation without no NLT inside. The model is defined as follows:

The simulation setup is in S-Device and uses the models of ballistic mobility developed by Prof. Andreas Schenk and me.


The only difference within the code inside of S-Device is that this one uses the EF in the contacts (source and drain) due to the deformation of Fermi Energies, due the inclusion of the ballistic mobility models in the self consistent simulations.

This deformation in the Fermi Energy, reduces the Generation Rate of the NLT model, because the majority of the tunneling paths of the model are inside the channel and the traditional model uses the EF at the beginning and in the end to local turning points of the Electronic Energy Barrier.

Left figure shows the deformation of the EF of due to the introduction of new ballistic mobiity models. Figure in the Rigth, shows how the sub-threshold current is reproduced due the modified NLT of this implementation

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